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I get angry as soon as I take tonic, what is wrong with my body?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

I get angry as soon as I take tonic, what is wrong with my body?
Now everyone’s life is relatively tiring, many friends feel that their bodies are deficient, so many friends start to take some tonics by themselves, but the problem comes right away, after taking tonics, some people have a sore throat immediately , some had a toothache, some had bumps on their faces, and everyone was very confused: why did I get angry when I took the tonic?

Therefore, many friends asked me this question. I think that more friends who don’t know me will have this doubt, so I wrote it down, hoping that more friends will read it.

So, why do some people get angry when taking tonic? There are roughly so many reasons, let me analyze them for you a little bit:

01 Your body is not weak at all!

Everyone will laugh when they see it: Is this also the reason? Don't laugh, there are really many people like this. Nowadays, many people are actually not physically weak. For example, if they are tired occasionally, they can just take a rest. Some people are more stressed at work, often lack of sleep, and feel uncomfortable. In fact, what the body lacks at this time is sleep. In this situation, friends, sleep is a great tonic! However, there are many white-collar workers who, on the one hand, continue to work overtime and reduce their sleep, and on the other hand rely on tonics to "refresh themselves". I think this is a wrong direction.

I have also seen that the body is not weak. In fact, as long as you relax and take part in sports, you will be fine. However, these friends firmly believe that your body is weak, so they want to prescribe ointment to nourish. As a result, the various parameters in the ointment The velvet cordyceps is supplemented, and it makes up all kinds of meat and vegetables, and I feel dizzy all day long. This is the wrong direction.

02 You reversed the direction!

There are many problems caused by this reason. Because many of my friends take supplements, they are not introduced by doctors, nor do they learn Chinese medicine knowledge and analyze it themselves, but "listen to others". If others say what is good recently, I will eat it too! In this way, the direction will be reversed. For example, the constitution of yang deficiency, the lack of vital fire, and the body is afraid of cold. I heard that the iron maple bucket is very popular recently, and everyone in the office is eating it, so I also eat it. This Tiepi Fengdou is Dendrobium, which nourishes yin and moistens dryness, and is a cool medicine. The more you eat, the colder you become. Qi", especially some fashionable friends, bought a lot of Korean ginseng after returning from a trip to Korea, so they started to eat it. As a result, they got angry as soon as they ate it. Why? Because ginseng is a warm medicine, and you have yin deficiency and heat, this is adding fuel to the fire!

However, comparing the two, the former one is more frightening, because its consequences are not easy to be exposed, not easy to be noticed, and it is easy to make mistakes for a long time, and it is not even discovered all the time. The worse it is, I also nourish it every day? Tie Pi Fengdou has insisted on nourishing for two years, why can't he still make up?

And there is no harm in the latter, once you get angry, you will be aware of it immediately, so sometimes getting angry is also an alarm signal for your body!

03 The liver qi is uncomfortable, and the qi stagnation is not good, but blindly tonic.

There are many female friends who will get angry when they eat some blood-enriching prescriptions, and they will get pimples on their faces, or they will have toothaches and sore throats. Why is this so? When you see their tongues, you will find that they are all qi stagnation constitutions with uncomfortable liver qi.

Because women's emotions are more sensitive, emotions have a great impact on women. In women's physical conditioning, we must pay special attention to the factors of liver qi discomfort.

When liver qi is not comfortable, stagnation of qi cannot pass, and the meridians are blocked. At this time, if it is not nourished properly, it will lead to stagnation, and it will get angry.

Let me give you an example. It’s like a river whose middle section is blocked by silt, and the water cannot flow through. But you want to release water upstream. The stagnant river course will definitely flood.

Therefore, when I meet such women, even if they should nourish blood and nourish blood, I will let them soak their feet with my prescription for soothing liver qi at the same time, or use this prescription to soak their feet for a few days first, soothe the liver and promote qi. Only the "nutrients" that come in can be well absorbed, so as not to cause trouble.

04 There is phlegm dampness blocked inside.

There are a lot of people with dampness nowadays, and eating fat, sweet and thick flavors will lead to stagnation of phlegm and dampness. These are wastes that block the passages of meridians, and they are obstacles. Such people have thick and greasy tongue coating, and Qi will also Stagnant, so, at this time, tonic and nourish yang qi may also be beneficial to the recovery of the body, but it also needs to increase the medicine for resolving phlegm, eliminating dampness and promoting qi, and when yang qi is sufficient, phlegm dampness will be removed. If the yin and blood are replenished at this time, obvious symptoms of getting angry will appear.

Therefore, some female friends have reported that they will obviously get angry when they eat blood-nourishing tonics like donkey-hide gelatin. When I looked at her tongue, the tongue coating was thick and greasy, which was a manifestation of heavy phlegm and dampness. With such a constitution, taking supplements like donkey-hide gelatin, of course, you will get angry. This principle is similar to the previous situation of qi depression.

05 There is blood stasis, and Qi and blood are also stagnant.

This is a problem that everyone is not easy to pay attention to, that is, the existence of blood stasis. Many friends never know how their sublingual veins are, whether they are dark and thick. As a result, they hardly know that there is blood stasis in their body.

When there is blood stasis in the body, the meridians are naturally blocked. At this time, tonic, no matter how tonify yin and yang, will cause problems. Chinese medicine calls this method "dead tonic". Therefore, while tonic, it should be dredged , In this way, the dredging effect will be better, because there are tonics to help, and this kind of nourishment can nourish it.

What I wrote above are some of the more common reasons for getting angry during the nourishing process. The last three of them are all caused by obstacles blocking the body and not being able to nourish normally. Of course, the human body is very wonderful, and there are other reasons, which need to be analyzed in detail according to the specific situation. Generally, when Chinese medicine regulates the body, if it is necessary to use tonic methods, it will basically take these situations into consideration, so there are often dredging drugs in the prescriptions. However, sometimes common people are prone to make these mistakes when they supplement themselves. I write this to remind everyone.

However, there is another thing that I need to mention, that is, sometimes, the thinking is normal, but when tonic, I still get angry. This kind of situation is often a normal adjustment reaction of the body , Some people call this situation "disease elimination reaction". For example, there are some evil spirits hidden in the body. Once nourished, the righteousness comes back, and the body begins to resist, hoping to drive out the evil spirits. As a result, there is a reaction . For example, a person who has not caught a cold for a long time starts to catch a cold and has a sore throat after replenishing the righteous energy. In fact, this is often a good thing. Taking this opportunity, the external evils are completely eliminated, and the body can be normal.

In this case, if you can’t judge by yourself, you can ask Chinese medicine to analyze it. In the absence of the problems I mentioned earlier, there is no problem with your thinking. Then, if you still get angry, you can persist and let your body recover completely. . During the few days when you get angry, you can stop for a while, and then continue to take it. This kind of rhythmic conditioning will make your body better and better.

It is a blessing to be able to live in good health and enjoy our life and work. In order to maintain this blessing, friends, let's work hard and learn!
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