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It's time to exercise in spring, don't let knee arthritis trap you

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

It's time to exercise in spring, don't let knee arthritis trap you
In spring, the weather gradually warms up, everything in nature begins to recover, and people have to adapt to the changes in nature. Beginning in spring, we should properly carry out outdoor activities and mobilize our bodies. But for people with knee joint pain, it is inconvenient to move around at any time. After all, the knee joint pain is unbearable, and most outdoor activities are not suitable. The weather in early spring is still a bit cold. We know that there are such words as "cold in the spring" and the wind blows through the bones, so we should not take it lightly at this time. We must pay special attention to avoiding cold in the knee joints, so as not to aggravate the pain. In this regard, in addition to doing a good job of keeping warm, You can also moxibustion the points around the knee to help relieve pain.

Today, I will introduce to you another condition of knee pain-knee arthritis. Knee osteoarthritis, also known as proliferative or degenerative osteoarthritis, is a common and frequently-occurring disease in clinical practice. It is especially common in middle-aged and elderly patients over 40 years old. The main clinical manifestations are chronic joint pain, stiffness, swelling, limited mobility, and severe joint dysfunction. The pain of knee arthritis is progressive and aggravated. In severe cases, it will affect walking, and most of them will be accompanied by knee joint deformation. Therefore, this disease should be treated as soon as possible. There can be no delay.

Knee osteoarthritis is due to long-term weight-bearing of the knee, or joint trauma, deformity and other factors, which cause the articular surface cartilage of the knee joint to become soft and rough, and protective new bone hyperplasia occurs at the edge, joint capsule and ligament attachment. Formation of bone spurs. Knee osteoarthritis belongs to the category of "arthritis" in traditional Chinese medicine. It is believed to be caused by chronic strain, cold, minor trauma, old age and infirmity, liver and kidney deficiency, and insufficient qi and blood.

Moxibustion can warm the meridians and dispel cold, promote qi and dredge collaterals, and accelerate the circulation of qi and blood. Zhu Danxi believes that blood flows when it is hot, and congeals when it is cold. Therefore, all diseases with condensed qi and blood can be treated with warm moxibustion. Knee arthritis can be treated with moxibustion on the following points:

Shenque point

Located in the middle of the navel, it belongs to the acupoint of the Ren meridian. It has the functions of invigorating the middle qi and regulating immunity, and is a permanent cure.

inner knee eye

Bend the knee, the depression on both sides of the patellar ligament, and the inner knee eye is called the inner knee eye. It is mainly used for knee pain, severe leg pain, beriberi, inflammation of the knee joint and its surrounding soft tissue, and paralysis of the lower limbs. You can massage with your thumb for 3 to 5 minutes daily for long-term massage to relieve knee pain and gastrocnemius muscle spasm.

Dubi point

It is the eye of the outer knee, the knee is bent, in the depression on the outside of the knee, the patella and the patellar ligament. It is often used to relieve knee pain, lower limb paralysis, and poor flexion and extension.

Xuehai Cave

On the inner thigh, 2 cun above the medial end of the bottom of the patella, at the bulge of the medial head of the quadriceps. It is the acupuncture point of the Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin. In addition to being used for gynecological diseases such as anemia, it can also treat medial femoral pain and knee joint pain.

Liangqiu point

Bend the knee, in front of the thigh, on the line connecting the anterior superior iliac spine and the lateral end of the patella, 2 cun above the patella. Commonly used in the treatment of stomach cramps, knee lesions and so on. Combined with Zhongwan, Neiguan and Zusanli to treat acute stomach pain.

*Acupoint pictures are from "Illustrated Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine" produced by Zitu Books
Operation method:

Take the supine position, place the lower limb of the affected side naturally, place the moxibustion box on the knee joint, aim at the 4 acupoints, put a 4 cm long ignited moxa segment into the box vertically, the ignited end is close to the skin, and place another moxibustion box Put the box on Shenque acupoint, put 4 cm long moxa segment vertically, after about 30~40 minutes, the moxa segment will burn out, and the treatment will end. 3 times a week, continuous treatment for 3 weeks as a course of treatment.

The stomach meridian of foot yangming and the spleen meridian of foot taiyin are mainly used. The Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming is the meridian of rich qi and blood, and the spleen meridian of Foot-Taiyin is the exterior and interior of each other. The spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow. They are responsible for biochemical qi and blood, transporting and transforming water and dampness. Moxibustion at Xuehai and Liangqiu points can effectively increase the blood supply of the quadriceps femoris, and it can prevent muscle atrophy with exercise of the quadriceps femoris, especially for knee osteoarthritis, which has a significant effect on improving leg weakness and difficulty in flexion and extension; moxibustion The inner knee eyes and calf nose can increase the blood supply in the joints and prevent pain caused by friction. Moxibustion at Shenque acupoint has the effect of invigorating qi in the middle and regulating immunity, which is a permanent cure.

In addition, we can also use moxibustion combined with massage to treat knee arthritis. The operation method is as follows:

Experience introduction

With the patient lying supine, use the 㨰 method to manipulate the quadriceps muscle of the thigh from top to bottom to the patella and both sides of the patella, focusing on the upper part of the knee and patella, for about 5 minutes. Alternately act on the knee-patella ligament, medial and lateral collateral ligaments with massage and plucking. Lift the patella and gently massage the patella. According to the patient's obvious pain site, selectively press and knead the inner and outer knee eyes, Xuehai, Liangqiu, Yanglingquan, Yinlingquan, Zusanli, Weizhong, Chengshan and other acupoints for about 1 minute each. With the patient in prone position, use the 㨰 method to operate on the back of the thigh, the popliteal fossa and the back of the calf for about 5 minutes, focusing on the acupuncture point of the popliteal fossa. Return to the supine position and do the knee-bending rocking method, and cooperate with the extension and flexion of the knee joint, internal rotation, and external rotation passively. End with hugging and kneading the knee joints, with the degree of diathermy. Cooperate with moxibustion, use the moxibustion box to moxibustion the knee joint for 30 to 40 minutes. 1 time a day, 10 times a course of treatment.

The massage technique is operated on the meridian points around the knee, which can stimulate the local meridians and stimulate the body's own yang energy, so as to achieve the purpose of reconciling qi and blood, warming the meridians and dredging collaterals, dispelling cold and dehumidification, expelling wind and relieving pain. The knee is the residence of tendons, and Yanglingquan is the acupoint for tendons, so Yanglingquan is good at treating various diseases of the knee. Zusanli is the co-acupoint of the Foot Yangming Meridian. The Yangming Meridian is the main meridian of qi and blood, moistening the tendons. The tendons govern the bones, and smooth the joints. Yinling Spring is the main water of the whole body, and it is the joint point of the spleen meridian, so it can strengthen the spleen and replenish qi, generate blood and remove dampness. Combined with moxa stick fire moxibustion on the knee joint, the medicinal properties of wormwood can penetrate into the joint better with the heat of fire moxibustion, promote local blood circulation, improve metabolism around the knee joint, promote smooth flow of qi and blood, dredge meridians, and play a good role. therapeutic effect.

*From "Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine" in May 2012, Zhou Yunfeng, Lei Yang.

*"Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine" aims to discuss TCM academics, report clinical experience, publish scientific research results, and promote academic exchanges. It has attracted a large number of readers with its distinctive features, and is unique in the forest of traditional Chinese medicine periodicals. It is an authoritative publication of traditional Chinese medicine in Henan Province.
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