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Is your bed safe for eight hours a day?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Is your bed safe for eight hours a day?
In our life, some things are very important. A person who cares about his body may even mind. For example, you wear shoes for more than ten hours a day, and you wear shoes for 24 hours a day. Underwear, another example, is the bed you lie in for eight hours a day.

I have mentioned the bed before. It is crucial to my health. Many inexplicable physical problems are actually caused by sleeping on an unsuitable bed.

This matter first attracted my attention because when I was young, in my early twenties, I was working in other places. At that time, my thinking was relatively simple. I wanted to work hard, work overtime every night, and just sleep in the office. I slept on the sofa in the office for a long time, and I felt energetic at first, but later, my physical strength gradually became weaker and weaker, and finally I fell ill once. I had a very serious external infection, and I was lying on the sofa with a fever and fainted. Brothers When I came to see me, I wondered why I was so sick. I finally woke up, so I went out to rent a house, slept on a normal bed, and finally got rid of the weak state.

Later, there was another time when I just arrived in Beijing and I rented a house. The bed was rather old. I slept for a long time, but I felt chest pain. When I saw other people’s illnesses, before the class, we felt each other’s pulse. I checked his pulse, but during the whole class, I saw him rubbing his chest. After class, he hesitated and asked me: “Will you Do you feel pain in your chest?" I sighed in admiration, so I took the medicine myself, but it could only relieve it. I was very surprised. After researching and researching, I found that the bed I lived in was tilted, and the quality of the bed board was problematic. After aging, it appeared Tilting, as a result, I feel that every night when I go to bed, I have to try to maintain my balance, and I lie there with all my strength.

In this way, the force exerted on my back will be concentrated and transmitted to the sternum, causing chest problems. This situation also occurs with some people who have incorrect driving posture.

Therefore, I think the quality of the bed is very critical.

First, it’s the quality of the bed frame

The problems with the bed frame mostly appear in the dilapidated beds. Some beds have been in disrepair for a long time. As a result, the structure of the bed frame has changed, and some places of the bed board have collapsed, which will cause loss of balance. Therefore, I think that if you are not sleeping well, you should check the condition of your own bed frame. Sometimes, we never lift the mattress, and we don’t know that the wooden boards below have been deformed and dented, which results in delaying ourselves.

Another kind is caused by the structure of the bed. There is a kind of bed that has a keel-like structure, but this keel is not hard, but somewhat soft, and bulges upward in a certain arc. This kind of bed looks very fashionable and has a little elasticity. However, after a period of time, you will find that because the keel is soft, it will be uneven and collapse in many places. The design of this kind of bed is really problematic.

I used to buy beds at a place where I saw a customer. When she was buying a bed, she said that the beds in her community were all like this, and they were given by the developer. Now everyone is buying beds by themselves because they are too uncomfortable. . I think this is the result of this developer not understanding and doing bad things with good intentions.

Secondly, there’s the mattress.

This mattress is very important. I think the most problematic thing is that the quality of the mattress is not good. After a long time, some springs will not work. Sleeping on it always feels uneven.

My experience is that this kind of old mattress is commonly seen in rental houses. In order to save money, most homeowners in rental houses will use old mattresses. Therefore, I think if you are out of town, If you are working hard, if you are renting a house, you should check the quality of the mattress. If there is a dent, you need to remind the landlord. If the landlord does not replace it, you can replace it yourself. This will be good for you.

Another situation is the mattress for the elderly. Generally, the elderly are very frugal and tend to use the same mattress for many years. Even if something goes wrong, they don’t want to replace it. Children should be aware of this.

Regarding the choice of mattresses, I think both domestic and foreign mattresses are acceptable. Most of the foreign famous brand mattresses cost more than a few thousand yuan. These famous brands have more springs in the mattresses and generally have enough elasticity, and because they are large in quantity , each spring can bear a limited weight, so it is relatively durable.

These foreign mattresses are available in both soft and hard styles. I think you can feel it for yourself, but most of them are slightly harder. They are not like the kind we imagine that people sink into as soon as they lie down. At least I have experienced so many mattresses and have never seen them before.

Because I attach great importance to mattresses, I will have a special experience with mattresses when I go to the furniture store.

What needs to be noted is that it must be a genuine international brand. Don’t buy a fake foreign brand, otherwise I won’t know the quality.

Domestically, I suggest you consider Palm Mattress.

The price of a real palm mattress is generally relatively high. It is usually estimated to be around 5,000 yuan or even higher. This is a real palm mattress. It is hard enough and has a little elasticity. It is very comfortable. I think sleeping on a palm mattress , is a real enjoyment, I will fall asleep quickly when lying on such a mattress.

Most of the so-called palm mattresses sold on the market for about a thousand yuan or even less are actually made of shredded coconut. The quality of such mattresses is also very good, and they are also hard enough and very comfortable to lie on. If you are worried about real palm mattresses, The mattresses are too expensive. This type of coconut mattress is called palm mattress in the market, but you can actually buy it. I have slept on it and it is very comfortable.

As for domestic spring mattresses, I don't have much experience.

So, why do sleeping on a poor-quality, tilted bed cause physical problems?

Because our bodies relax when we sleep at night, we will sleep more easily on a flat bed. However, if the mattress is tilted and dented, the body will always be "alert" and ready to respond to possible rolls, so you will not sleep well. Moreover, if we lie at an inclined angle, we will try to maintain balance, so that the body will maintain exertion. This exertion will cause backache and backache when we get up in the morning, because we have been maintaining "exertion" all night. state.

What's more serious is that when lying at an inclined angle, our bodies will twist, especially the spine. We know that our internal organs are "hanging" on the spine, and there are extremely complex nerve connections during this period, so the spine is distorted. , can cause visceral dysfunction and even some visceral diseases.

The reason why I thought of writing this article is because I have recently gone through this process again. I temporarily rented a house in Hainan, but the bed frame was of average quality. These days, I feel more and more sore and sore in my back after getting up. After checking, I found out that the problem was with the bed, so I bought a new mattress and bed frame. I felt that sleep is a major event in life, and it is worthwhile to treat yourself better.

From this, I thought of more people who rent houses. Maybe I need to tell everyone about this issue.

In fact, most of the people who rent houses outside are still in the hard-working stage of their lives, with limited income and a lot of hard work. At this stage of life, you must know that your body is your capital, and you must not wrong yourself when it comes to sleep!

When you invest in your body, you invest in your future.
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