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Indian yoga is as effective as drug therapy in treating early-stage diabetes

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Indian yoga is as effective as drug therapy in treating early-stage diabetes
According to data released by the International Diabetes Federation in December last year, there are 246 million people with diabetes in the world, among which Indians rank first, and Chinese are second. It ranks among the best in the world. Therefore, Indian experts have recently experimented with yoga to treat patients with type 2 diabetes in the early stage, and the effect is comparable to drug treatment. It is worth referring to.
Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult diabetes, is characterized by the pancreas not producing enough insulin to control blood sugar levels, or the cells not responding to insulin. When the cells do not respond, it is also known as "insulin resistance". Almost 90% to 95% of diabetics are type 2 patients, most of whom are obese, usually around the age of 40, but in recent years there are also younger people, accompanied by high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and other diseases at the time of onset .
The latest issue of the "Indian Society of Internal Medicine" magazine published an article by Chennai M. V. A research report on the treatment of diabetes with yoga performed jointly by Dr. Vijay Viswanathan, the co-director of the Diabetes Department of the hospital, and Dr. P.T. Chacko, the chief physician of Chenai Health Care Center.
According to the report, ten patients with early-stage type 2 diabetes whose blood sugar levels were close to normal were divided into two groups. One group was only treated with diabetes drugs such as Methormin, while the other group only practiced yoga poses.
In addition, the two groups also adopted regular life routines, including diet control and exercise other than yoga, etc., and the observation period lasted for six months.
Viswanathan said in the report that after six months, the blood sugar concentration and body weight of the patients in the drug group were reduced, but the blood sugar concentration and body weight of the patients in the yoga group were also reduced, but more importantly, the patients in the yoga group had lower blood sugar levels and body weight. "Insulin sensitivity (insulin resistance)" has also been improved.
During the six-month observation period, the research team used the "homeostasis model assessment" to calculate the insulin resistance index of the two groups of patients.
One of the volunteer patients in the yoga group, Vimulugang, said that his blood sugar concentration dropped from 9.3 percent in September last year to 5.9 percent in February this year, and he also lost 5 kilograms in weight .
However, Viswanathan also emphasized that this is only a preliminary study, and the number of observations is only ten, which can only be said to be a proof of concept study. He said that it is still too early to say whether the lower blood sugar and body weight of the patients in the yoga group is entirely due to diligent practice of yoga, or to the improvement of daily routine, and more people are still needed to participate in the experiment.
But Viswanathan pointed out that this preliminary study aims to compare the therapeutic effects of yoga and commonly used diabetes drugs, and the results show that yoga is as effective as drugs, which proves that the treatment of diabetes does not need to rely on drugs, as long as you practice some yoga frequently Asanas can achieve the same curative effect as drugs, and it also proves that yoga is no longer an adjuvant therapy for diabetes, but can replace drugs. (The last paragraph of this report is the key point. Chinese Kung Fu can also achieve this stage, and Western medicine is used to control blood sugar, but the more you use it, the more sick you will be. When you die, even your feet are amputated.)
Type 2 diabetes is caused by incorrect eating and living habits. People only need to exercise more, eat more organic food, and avoid eating artificial additives or modified food. People who are overweight should lose weight and not be lazy. When these are done, blood sugar will naturally drop.
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