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In the dog days, it is popular to bask in the back and keep healthy!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

In the dog days, it is popular to bask in the back and keep healthy! An important reminder from doctors of traditional Chinese medicine is coming
Dog days have arrived

Recently, there has been a wave of "sunning back" on the Internet.

Many netizens are online

I shared my recent experience of basking in the back,

For people who love health

Back drying has undoubtedly become their new favorite.

So, who is suitable for sunbathing?

What about this health care law?

And how to properly tan your back?

Today, our "Good Doctor Classroom"

just arrange our hospital

Zhao Li, the attending physician of the Department of Preventive Diseases, chats with you

The recent fire related to the "back drying".

As the temperature rises, basking in the back has become a very popular health care method for many people. There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: the abdomen is yin, the back is yang, and the back is the largest channel for the circulation of yang energy in the human body. There are two major meridians on the back of the human body, including the Governor Vessel and the Full-Taiwan Bladder Vessel. Appropriate sun exposure on the back can warm and stimulate the meridians and acupoints, help dredge the meridians, promote the circulation of Qi and blood in the human body, and then expel the cold in the body, resist the invasion of external cold evils, and achieve the purpose of replenishing Yang Qi and preventing the loss of Yang Qi in the body.

In addition, proper sun exposure can also help enhance the body's metabolism, make people feel comfortable, and relieve symptoms such as cold limbs, heavy limbs, and diarrhea caused by spleen and stomach deficiency. Therefore, sun exposure usually has the effect of replenishing yang.

Back basking is especially suitable for people with qi deficiency and yang deficiency, especially those who have clinical manifestations such as fear of wind, cold, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest tightness, low cardiopulmonary function, and weakened visceral function after COVID-19 infection. According to the theory of five movements and six qi, this year is the year of Kuimao, when the fire is not good enough, the symptoms of heart qi deficiency and heart qi being cold are more common. Yang qi is the driving force of life, which can improve the functional status of various organs of the body. Sunbathing can enhance the body's righteousness and invigorate yang qi.

In general, basking in the back can adjust the body's qi, blood and viscera functions, replenish yang qi in the body, improve viscera functions, enhance human immunity, improve the vertical circulation of the human body, and achieve the effect of prolonging life.

But although it is good to bask in the back, you must also choose the correct method of basking in the back:

1. Sunbathing must be directly exposed to sunlight, not through glass, so when doing sunbathing at home, you must open the window and open the glass window.

2. You can choose to bask in the morning or evening in summer, when the sun is not strong

It is very strong and does little damage to the skin. 20 minutes will do.

3. The best time to bask in the back is 9:00-11:00 in the morning and 11:00-13:00 at noon.

Afternoon: 13:00-15:00.

Finally, let me tell you some precautions about basking in the back:

1. When basking in the back, you should eat a small amount of food. The transportation of warm yang qi is also conducive to the digestion and absorption of spleen and stomach food, so as to help the growth and storage of yang qi.

2. The time for basking in the back should not be too long.

The Yang Qi in the body will be lost, and the human body needs to rest at noon, so you should lie on the bed and rest for a while at noon.

3. In summer when the sun is more intense, sunbathing should be done moderately to avoid sunburn. Autumn And Winter

Insulation measures should be taken to keep your back dry during the season to avoid getting cold. Otherwise, if the body is invaded by wind and cold, the yang energy in the body will be damaged, causing diseases such as wind-cold cold and arthralgia.

4. People who are allergic to ultraviolet light, high blood pressure, high blood fat, diabetes, coronary heart disease, people with deficiency of both qi and yin or yang, pregnant women, etc. should avoid sun exposure.

5. If you sweat a lot, it is best to drink a glass of warm water to prevent dehydration. After sweating, you need to pay attention to avoid being exposed to the wind. If you experience dizziness, dry throat, and dizziness during the back drying process, stop in time to prevent heatstroke.

During the dog days, this is also the best time to bask in your back. Appropriate exposure to the sun can accelerate the removal of moisture and cold from the body to a certain extent, which can help relieve symptoms such as joint pain and limb fatigue.

But remember to pay attention to the proper method of back tanning, and control the time and intensity of back tanning to avoid skin burns or other adverse reactions caused by excessive sun exposure. If there is cold in the body, you should see a doctor in time, and don't treat it blindly by yourself.
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