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In Futianli, there are not only patches, but also moxibustion in Sanfu!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

In Futianli, there are not only patches, but also moxibustion in Sanfu!
It is the hottest time of the year. At this time, everyone likes to stay indoors and go out less to escape the heat. However, during these days of summer, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is full of people, with people coming in and out. There are medicines applied on the front and back of the neck. It turns out that this is the time of the annual "Three Days of Application", and everyone goes to the hospital to apply medicine. Some people with chronic diseases can apply medicine at this time to prevent winter diseases. of recurrence. However, in the dog days, in addition to going to the hospital to apply it, moxibustion can also be used to nourish Yang Qi and prevent diseases at this time.

As we all know, autumn and winter are the periods of high incidence of chronic respiratory diseases such as coughs and asthma. The outside temperature is low and the cold is irritating. On the one hand, the human body's yang energy rises and falls in accordance with the law of yin and yang in the four seasons. , Yang Qi will converge and hide inside. In addition, long-term illness can easily damage Yang Qi. In autumn and winter, the body's already abundant Yang Qi is weakened by the influence of nature. Yin and Yang are obviously imbalanced during this season, so diseases are easily aggravated or induced in winter.

According to the view of "correspondence between man and nature", the dog days of summer are the period when the human body's qi and blood are at their strongest. If moxibustion is used to strengthen the prevention and treatment of yang qi in summer when yang qi is strong, the body can adapt to the influence of the natural yang qi in summer, maximizing Make the best use of the time when the natural world and the body are relatively full of yang energy in summer, and treat it according to the trend. Through the treatment of strengthening the body and eliminating evil, it can not only strengthen the body, but also play a preventive role.

During the dog days of moxibustion, you can choose the acupoints for moxibustion according to your own needs.

Selection of acupuncture points
The weather is hot in summer, and cold drinks and iced watermelon are many people's companions to cool down. However, if you are greedy for cold food and damage the yang energy of the spleen, it is easy for cold evil to invade deep inside the body and plant the root of the disease. It may not appear when you are young, but some diseases will appear later.

The summer is hot and the temperature is too high, which makes the human body perspire a lot and damage the body fluid. Due to the sweltering heat, the human body is easy to consume vitality, and those with Qi and Yin deficiency are more likely to be attacked by summer sleepiness. Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the kidney is the root of the innate, and the spleen is the foundation of the acquired." At this time, focus on moxibustion on the acupoints of Fuyang, Kidney Qi, and Spleen and Stomach, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Pishu, Zhongwan, Guanyuan, Zusanli and Shenque points are often selected for moxibustion.

In summer, due to the high temperature, the body's muscles are loose, qi and blood are smooth, and metabolism is strong. At this time, moxibustion is performed on the Dazhui point and the bilateral Feishu points, so that the warm stimulation can easily reach the lungs, so it can effectively improve the lungs. Function, prevent respiratory diseases. Dazhui, Feishu, Tanzhong, Gaohuang, Zusanli and other points are often selected.

*Acupuncture point pictures come from "Illustrated Huangdi Neijing" produced by Zitu Books

Gentle moxibustion with moxa sticks, 5-10 minutes per point, once every 3 days.

I want to remind everyone that moxibustion in the dog days needs to pay attention to the following points:

"Summer is easy to damage qi", so the moxibustion time should be short rather than long. If the moxibustion time is too long and you sweat too much, it will damage body fluids and consume qi, causing dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations and thirst;

Pay attention to shelter from the wind during moxibustion, close the doors and windows before moxibustion, and open the ventilation after moxibustion;

It is not advisable to moxibustion immediately after eating, and to rest for about 1 hour before moxibustion;

Do not be too hungry or full during moxibustion to avoid adverse reactions;

Keep calm and don't fluctuate too much;

When you are thirsty during moxibustion, you can drink warm water instead of cold water, so as not to affect the effect of moxibustion;

It is easy to sweat in summer. After moxibustion, you cannot take a shower immediately. It is advisable to rest for about 2 hours before taking a shower, because the sweat pores of the human body are open during moxibustion. If you take a shower at this time, you will easily feel cold;

You should rest appropriately after moxibustion.

Moxibustion is used during the solar terms. The medicinal heat generated by burning moxa is used to fumigate and warm acupuncture points on the human body to stimulate the energy in the meridians. Warming the qi and blood is the main stimulation method of "solar terms moxibustion". Seasonal solar terms are the time conditions for "solar-term moxibustion" and the key to reflecting the theory of "correspondence between man and nature" in traditional Chinese medicine. In specific seasonal solar terms, moxibustion is performed on acupuncture points with strong effects to warm and strengthen the yang, stimulate menstrual energy, mobilize the body's potential, improve the body's disease resistance, and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Let me introduce an experience, moxibustion in the dog days to prevent the attack of asthma.

The treatment time is from June to September every year. Bilateral Dingchuan points, Feishu, Shenshu and Zusanli are selected. Moxa sticks are lit and mild moxibustion is performed. Each point is smoked and roasted for 5 to 10 minutes. Once every three days, 1 One month is one course of treatment. Serum IgE levels and endothelin levels were measured before and after the course of treatment. The number, frequency and degree of bronchial asthma attacks were counted within 1 year before and 1 year after treatment.

After treatment, the incidence rate is significantly lower than before treatment, and the annual incidence and disease severity frequency are significantly reduced.

Dingchuan point is the experience point of the ancients. Feishu is the place where lung qi is infused. It can smoothly unblock lung qi, clear away phlegm, calm asthma and relieve cough. Studies have shown that Feishu can improve lung function; Shenshu nourishes the innate foundation. Zusanli regulates the balance of yin and yang, and acupuncture can reduce oxygen free radicals, inhibit the release of inflammatory mediators, relieve bronchospasm and achieve the effect of treating asthma. The compatibility of various acupoints has the functions of resolving phlegm and relieving asthma, strengthening the body and strengthening the foundation.

*From "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine" in July 2014, Zhang Han, Zhao Yuxia.

* "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine" is an academic journal of traditional Chinese medicine published publicly at home and abroad. It has long adhered to the mission of "combining theory with clinical practice, paying equal attention to improvement and popularization, focusing on the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, focusing on clinical practice, and highlighting practicality". It has "rich content, Novel, practical, and informative.”
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