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A letter to Dr. Luo | Fan feedback

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

A letter to Dr. Luo | Fan feedback
Dear Dr. Luo:


In December 2017, I came into contact with the audio album "Da Lun Parenting Talk" you talked about in a mother WeChat group. At that time, I just listened to it with the mentality of listening to it anyway. It turns out that the Chinese medicine knowledge you taught is so practical and so good that through online shopping, I also bought all the books you wrote.

basic situation

I am a mother of two children, my son is over 5 years old and my daughter is over 1 year old. I have also been in contact with Chinese medicine for 3 years. I usually read some books on Chinese medicine in my spare time. Before treating my son with colds, coughs, food accumulation and other diseases, I went to the pharmacy to grab Chinese medicine and boiled it for him. can drink. Ever since I had a daughter, feeding her medicine is the most painful thing for me when she gets sick. She likes sweets, and she doesn’t even like plain water. She only drinks a few sips when she puts some sugar, let alone bitter Chinese medicine. Even if it is forced into her mouth, she will vomit it out. My daughter's physical condition is also not very good and she easily catches colds and coughs. In October last year, my daughter suffered from acute pharyngitis. She had repeated high fever for 3 days. In the end, I had to be sent to the hospital for rashes. The doctor gave her cefazolin sodium for 4 days in a row and sprayed her with dexamethasone. After she was discharged from the hospital, I found that the lymph nodes behind her ears had become enlarged, and I was still worried. On the 14th day after being discharged from the hospital, my daughter coughed and had a runny nose again. She went to the hospital for treatment and the doctor said it was bronchitis.

Example 1

In January 2018, the weather in Guangxi was relatively cold, and it was also when the flu was prevalent. My daughter had a runny nose and sneezing the first day at the beginning of January. Due to her busy work at the end of the year, her mother-in-law took care of her during the day. She straightened Wenyang, and when she was having lunch at home at noon the next day, the mother-in-law said that her daughter’s forehead was a little hot. She immediately took the child’s temperature and it showed 38.5 degrees. The snot outside the nostrils is clear, and the snot inside the nostrils is a little yellow. The mother-in-law said that her daughter’s snot was yellow when she woke up in the morning. The child’s mental state is not good, and he doesn’t want to eat or play anymore. At that time, my first reaction was the second stage of the cold you mentioned in "Dalun Parenting Theory" - the stage of external cold and internal heat. I went to the pharmacy and bought the Xiaoer Chaigui Antipyretic Granules you mentioned. I gave the child the medicine according to the instructions that day. At the same time, I wondered if the cold was caused by not drinking enough water, in addition to the cold. Considering that the child does not like to drink boiled water, I used peeled and sliced apples to boil water for her to drink. The boiled apple water was a bit sweet and sour, and the child loved it very much. To the black plum and white sugar soup you mentioned). On the night of taking the medicine, the child did not have a fever and maintained a body temperature of more than 38 degrees. The next day, I continued to use Xiaoer Chai Gui antipyretic granules and continued to give the child more boiled apple water. In the afternoon, the child's body temperature remained at more than 37 degrees. During the illness, the child didn't like to eat, so I only fed her some white porridge occasionally. The child's temperature returned to normal on the morning of the third day. In the next few days, according to what you said, I straightened the child. I cooked Chinese yam and fried chicken inner gold water (because the child likes to drink a little sweet water, I added some white sugar on my own initiative) for the child to drink, and then the child Gradually love to eat, and began to love to play and move again. Thank you, so grateful...

Example 2

In early February, my daughter had a runny nose, coughing, and occasional sneezing the day before, but she didn't have a fever. Because I have to go to work, I don't stay with her around the clock during the day, so I just thought of what you said, the child should intervene in the first and second stages of a cold and cough in time. The next day, I observed my daughter, she had a runny nose, a cough, and phlegm in her throat, but she would not spit it out. She occasionally sneezed, and some yellow phlegm came out when she sneezed. I just used the Xiaoer Xuanfei Zhike Granules you mentioned. After a few days of medication, the child gradually had less phlegm, no cough, and his mental state improved. So far, my daughter has not coughed again. Occasionally, the lymph nodes behind her ears became smaller than before. I'm so grateful. Thank you very much for your love.

Feelings and gains

Since I came into contact with the audio of your speech and followed your WeChat official account, I will listen to the audio of your speech when I am taking care of my children and working, and I have learned a lot of knowledge. First, I learned that children have four stages of cold and cough ( Before that, I always thought that a cold can only be divided into cold or hot, and the medicine is either cold or hot), how to deal with each stage, such as the first stage of a cold (external cold, cold on the surface) You can give your child Huai Yam paste to warm up the child's body; the second is to realize that there are many Chinese patent medicines, and which Chinese patent medicines are used at what time for any disease, such as Shuanghuanglian oral liquid, Pudilan oral liquid, children's Chaigui antipyretic granules, Xiaoer Xuanfei Zhike Granules, Huoxiang Zhengqi Water/Pills, Xiaoer Xiaoji Zhike Oral Liquid, Angong Niuhuang Pills, Aifu Nuangong Pills, etc. During this period, I also used Xiaoer Xiaoji Zhike Oral Liquid to cure my son Indigestion cough. Although some Chinese patent medicines have not been used, I have written them down one by one. I will listen to some audios again and again. I look forward to your more knowledge about Chinese patent medicines. "Talk about the "Tao Te Ching" every day" Learn to be more considerate of others and be altruistic. The way of heaven is there. Whether you follow it or not, life will be smooth if you follow the way of heaven. There is also the key to choosing a career: one is to benefit all beings (the public), the other is to be interested in and good at, and the third is to be able to persist in doing it for more than 10 years. As a mother, when my children grow up, I will guide them to choose a career based on these three points. Thank you so much.

Now, I have changed the previous mentality of getting up at the right time, and then rushing to work in a hurry. Now I get up early every day to exercise, and I jog in the morning while listening to your "Tao Te Ching". Happy thing. Thank you very much, thank you for your love.
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