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How to maintain health after falling into ambush?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

How to maintain health after falling into ambush?
I often see articles like this, telling everyone what to do when a solar term arrives. For example, in the past two days, I saw something written like this: Falling into ambush, this is a good opportunity to replenish yang, eat warm food as much as possible, don't be greedy for cold, protect yang, don't miss it!

I think it seems right to say this, but it is also specious. why?

Because of different physiques, in each time period, when the external environment changes, the way of adjustment is different, so you can't use one size fits all, and you can't use the same method to maintain your health in any season.

So, what should we do after entering the ambush?

Of course, there are various solar terms after falling into ambush, which are also different, but I am just here to talk about how people with different physiques should deal with it when the weather becomes hot!

🔸 People with yin deficiency are more sad in this season.

The so-called deficiency of yin means that there is not enough substances in the body that govern tranquility and nourishment, such as blood, body fluid, etc., which are all yin substances. When these moisturizing substances in the body are insufficient, the body will be dry and hot, just like a car engine without lubricating oil If there is no cooling water, the engine will be so hot that it will smoke.

We can also make an analogy, like a tree that is about to grow, but there is no water to nourish it. This is the feeling.

For people with yin deficiency, autumn and winter are easy to pass, but spring and summer are difficult to endure.

In autumn and winter, it is cold outside, so people with deficiency heat can still adapt, but in the hot season, if the Yin fluid is not enough, the body will not be able to bear it.

Therefore, elderly people with yin deficiency often develop many physical problems in spring and summer, such as increased blood pressure, irritable temper, and hyperactivity of liver yang.

Yesterday, a netizen asked me why on days like this, I start to get angry as soon as I sit in the sun? I will have "mouth ulcers, dry throat, eye pain, and swollen gums". The consumption of injuries makes Yin deficiency more obvious.

The ancients believed that: fire overcomes metal, and the lungs belong to metal. Therefore, in the hot summer season, excessive fire energy will cause physical problems for people with insufficient lung yin, such as tuberculosis patients with yin deficiency syndrome, such as those who suffer from yin deficiency on weekdays. People who have a cough will get worse at this time and so on.

Therefore, in the hot season, it is not just a day to protect yang energy as some articles say. For people with yin deficiency, it is necessary to nourish yin at this time to make the body adapt to the external environment.

At this time, the popular iron maple bucket on the market can come in handy. This Tiepi Fengdou is a variety of Dendrobium nourishing yin traditional Chinese medicine. Now it is hyped as a fairy herb in the market, but in fact it is nourishing yin, and it is not good for people with yang deficiency. But for people with Yin deficiency, it can be used at this time.

In such a season, you can use six grams of dendrobium, six grams of Polygonatum odoratum, six grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, and three grams of American ginseng. Soaking water instead of tea can nourish yin and moisten dryness. For people with yin deficiency, when they feel dry mouth and body heat in summer, they can use it every now and then to improve their physical fitness.

In fact, I just wrote a prescription here for everyone. This kind of medicine for nourishing yin includes: Shengdi, Adenophora, Ophiopogon japonicus, Dendrobium, Polygonatum odoratum, Ligustrum lucidum, Eclipta, cornus, etc., meat Inside, pork, duck, etc. are nourishing. Everyone can choose according to the situation.

🔸 People with Yang deficiency should seize the opportunity in the hot season.

People with yang deficiency are more sad in autumn and winter, because the weather is cold at that time, people with yang deficiency are shivering from the cold, and often have to wear more clothes than others. Even so, they still have physical problems.

However, in spring and summer, after the hot weather, people with yang deficiency feel comfortable. This is "spring and summer are easy to pass, but autumn and winter are hard to endure". On days when yang energy is the easiest, don’t think that there is no problem just because your body is comfortable, and you will miss such a rare opportunity to adjust.

For example, a patient with asthma caused by insufficient yang qi was rescued in winter, but in summer, he felt that there was no problem, his breathing was smooth, and his body recovered. At this time, he felt that there was no problem. This is wrong. , in autumn and winter, the problem will reappear. Therefore, in summer, it is the right way to quickly warm and replenish the yang energy and allow the body to fully recover.

So, what should people with insufficient yang energy do at this time?

At this time, you should take yang-tonifying foods to warm and replenish yang energy.

In food, venison, beef, mutton, sea shrimp, leek, ginger, cinnamon, pepper, etc. are warming and tonifying yang.

I’m just writing out part of it here so you can choose when eating. This season, pay attention to:

First, don’t eat cold food, such as frozen drinks, because it will further damage the yang energy;

Second, when eating food, you can try to choose food with warm medicinal properties instead of cold medicinal properties. This has little to do with temperature. For example, watermelon. Many watermelons are eaten chilled, so the temperature is low. At the same time, even at room temperature, watermelon’s medicinal properties are still cold. People with sufficient yang energy will be fine if they eat it, but people with yang deficiency will be fine if they eat too much. Cold stomach pain and diarrhea.

As for prescriptions, you need to consult a doctor at this time to see what kind of prescriptions you can take to warm the yang, such as Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction, Jinkuishenqi Pills, Fuzi Lizhong Pills, etc., but let the doctor adjust according to your own situation. Dosage, appropriate warming and tonic.

In this season, moxibustion and acupoint application are very beneficial to increasing Yang Qi.

Now that we understand the two major directions of yin deficiency and yang deficiency, I will also briefly talk about how to regulate other physical constitutions in such a season.

🔸 For people with blood stasis, this is the time to remove the blood stasis.

Blood is a liquid, which flows smoothly when it is warm, and stagnates when it is cold. Therefore, catching cold is an important cause of blood stasis.

In summer, the blood vessels are opened and the blood circulation is accelerated. At this time, it is most conducive to promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, so as to completely remove the blood stasis in the body.

For example, at this time, you can take it every day:

1 gram of notoginseng powder, 1 gram of American ginseng powder, and 1 gram of salvia miltiorrhiza powder. Take with warm water, twice a day.

My mother calls it the "Three Treasures of the Elderly". Some people say that it is "three ginseng powder", which can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. In this season, it is even more helpful for blood stasis.

🔸 People with heavy water dampness, this season should pay attention to dispelling dampness and invigorating the spleen.

Some people may wonder, in summer, the weather is hot, we sweat a lot, isn't it conducive to the discharge of water? In fact, every result in this world is composed of many reasons. For example, in summer, although yang qi grows and qi and blood flow smoothly, we are prone to sweating, which is conducive to the discharge of water. However, in summer, because of the hot weather, we are more likely to drink a lot of water, especially some people drink a lot of cold drinks. It is very easy to exceed the burden of our body. I have seen many people eat watermelon and have a big stomach, full of water, and then sleep in bed.

Therefore, in summer, people with heavy water humidity should pay more attention to invigorating the spleen and eliminating dampness. For example, they often drink soup made of wax gourd, barley, and red bean to remove dampness. They often eat Chinese yam, lotus seed meat, and Gorgon fruit. Porridge can strengthen the spleen and so on.

🔸 People with qi deficiency should pay special attention to replenishing qi during this season.

Why should people with qi deficiency pay more attention to it in the hot summer?

Because of excessive sweating in summer, there is a theory in traditional Chinese medicine called "Qi falls with sweat", which means: when sweating too much, Qi will also escape, which will also lead to Qi deficiency. The basis of this theory is: "sweat is the fluid of the heart", "blood and sweat come from the same source", and blood is the carrier of qi. If you lose too much blood or sweat too much, it will lead to the loss of qi.

After sweating profusely in summer, we will feel weak and limp, which is the case. Therefore, people with qi deficiency need to replenish qi in summer. However, at this time, if you simply replenish qi, there will be dryness and heat. Therefore, in summer, it is often a combination of qi and yin.

Li Dongyuan, a famous doctor in the Jin Dynasty, suggested that in this season, use some of his prescriptions: Shengmaiyin. This prescription is composed of ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus, and Schisandra. Now there are Chinese patent medicines in pharmacies. In summer, people with Qi deficiency can buy them and take them.

The above are just a few of the physiques that will have special changes in summer, and how to spend the summer. Some friends will ask: How do I know what my physique is? I suggest that if you want to understand this issue, you can buy the two books "Deciphering the Nine Physiques of Chinese People" written by Wang Qi and "Illustrated Tongue Diagnosis" written by me. beneficial.

If your body is in a peaceful state and there is no bias of yin deficiency and yang deficiency, then congratulations! In this season, pay attention to preventing heatstroke and just be happy!
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