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How to deal with the unspeakable secret of constipation?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

How to deal with the unspeakable secret of constipation?
In our life, this sentence is true, that is, "health is no small matter". I often meet many friends who ask me about small problems, but these problems make them feel that their lives are full of unhappiness. For example, this constipation.

What we are talking about today is functional constipation, which is a common intestinal dysfunction disease, also known as habitual constipation or simple constipation.

The clinical manifestations of this type of constipation are reduced frequency of defecation, difficulty in defecation or feeling of incomplete defecation, prolonged defecation time, dry and hard stool, etc., but no organic lesions were found through barium or colonoscopy.

Now, constipation has become a ubiquitous unspeakable secret, and the prevalence rate is increasing year by year, seriously affecting the quality of life of patients.

When I was young, I especially liked watching the movie "Sparkling Red Star". The characters Pan Dongzi and Hu Hansan in it were my favorite characters. Later, when I went to work in Beijing, I often met various celebrities on the TV station. I am very happy that the actors of these two roles are on the same stage, but when the old artist Liu Jiang who played Hu Hansan saw me, he asked, "Dr. Luo, how can I treat my senile constipation?" I just thought, it seems that this disease is equal to everyone, and it turns out that the terrifying "Hu Hansan" is troubled by it!

Moreover, the hazards of constipation are relatively large. Long-term constipation can also lead to other perianal diseases and colon diseases. In addition, constipation is also closely related to diseases such as myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accident. Therefore, we must pay enough attention to this unspeakable secret!

So, how does Chinese medicine treat constipation?

In the past, the classification of constipation in traditional Chinese medicine was relatively complicated. In the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Jingyue, a famous doctor, thought that these classification methods were "too troublesome to establish a name, and there was no basis for it. It was useless, and it only caused confusion." Therefore, he simply divided it into There are two kinds of yang knot and yin knot, which are actually syndromes of excess and syndrome of deficiency. Then, the various types are separated below.

Let's analyze these two kinds of truth and reality for you:

a real secret

1. hot secret

That is, gastrointestinal heat accumulation type. In the past, this was called Yangming Syndrome, and many patients were caused by exogenous pathogenic factors. Now, if the patient has various excessive heat in the body, such as frequent fat and sweet taste, stagnant heat, etc., it is also more common. This kind of constipation is manifested as dry stool, fullness in the abdomen, pain and refusal to press, naked face and hot body, dry mouth and bad breath, upset and thirsty, thirst for cold drinks, short red urine, dry and red tongue, yellow and dry fur, rapid pulse .

For this kind of constipation, it is necessary to use the method of purging heat and guiding stagnation, moistening the intestines and laxative. In clinical practice, prescriptions like "Chengqi Decoction" can be selected according to the severity of the disease and syndrome differentiation. For example, some patients with cerebral apoplexy will show symptoms of excessive heat, and they will not be able to defecate for several days. If the heat can be cleared at this time, the condition will immediately take a good turn for the better.

If such constipation occurs in life, we can also take some Chinese patent medicines such as Niuhuangjiedu pills to clear fire and relieve heat.

In this case, if dandelion can be used, about ten grams each time, soaked in water instead of tea, can also clear away heat and relieve fire, play a laxative effect, and not hurt the righteousness.
But what needs to be reminded is: this kind of constipation that is really hot, must be physically strong, and only those who do have symptoms of excess heat can be treated with the way of bitter cold and purging fire. Now many people have misunderstandings about constipation. When I feel constipated, I feel that there is fire, so I soak water with medicines such as rhubarb, or use cold medicines such as Niuhuangjiedu pills, and some friends even take them for a long time. This is very bad. In fact, this kind of constipation due to excess heat is not as much as imagined, but the medicine of bitter cold is used too much, and the righteousness is injured, and the constipation will become more and more serious in the future!

2. Air secret
That is, Qi stagnation type. This kind of situation is also relatively common, that is, the stagnation of Qi caused by emotions, and constipation occurs as a result. Especially female friends, this situation is more common. The clinical manifestations are dry and hard stools, or not very dry and hard stools, inability to defecate when you want to, or uncomfortable stools, abdominal distension and pain, borborygmus and gas, frequent belching, decreased appetite, fullness and pain in the chest and hypochondrium, or breast distension during menstruation, Or vomiting upside down, greasy tongue coating, stringy and tight pulse.

In this case, Chinese patent medicines such as Chaihu Shugan Pills and Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills can be used for conditioning.

If the qi stagnation is serious, you can also use Chinese patent medicines such as muxiang betel nut pills.

For this type of patients, emotional regulation is actually very important. Emotions have a direct impact on the intestinal tract. If you can divert your attention and relax your mind, it will have a particularly good effect on the recovery of the body.

For female friends, I suggest using 3 grams of roses, 3 grams of rose flowers, and 3 grams of tangerine peel, soaked in water instead of tea, and drinking it often can play a role in soothing the liver and regulating qi.

two virtual

1. Deficiency of qi and secret

This kind of situation is constipation caused by lack of righteousness. The clinical manifestation is that the stool is very difficult, but after the stool comes out, the stool is not dry and hard. This is the law summed up by Zhang Jingyue. Or although there is a desire to defecate, but struggling to go to the toilet, sweating and shortness of breath, fatigue after defecation, pale face, tired limbs, lazy speech, low voice, pale and tender tongue, thin white fur, and tooth marks on the edge of the tongue. The pulse is thin and weak.

In this case, everyone must remember, don’t rush to have a bowel movement, but replenish the qi slowly, replenish the righteous qi, and you can have a bowel movement instead.

The prescription used at this time can be the Chinese patent medicine Buzhong Yiqi Wan. If you feel bad stools for a while, you can take Buzhong Yiqi Pills with almond milk. Almonds can open the lung qi, open the large intestine, and play a laxative effect.

2. Blood deficiency secret

This really needs to be said more, because there are two groups of people, most of the constipation is actually caused by blood deficiency.

The first group of people is the elderly. Zhang Jingyue said: "Old people have constipation, most of which are due to dryness of blood." Because the old people lack righteous energy and blood deficiency, this kind of situation is very easy to occur. At this time, if you blindly clear away heat and purify fire, it will cause harm to the old man's body .

This blood-deficiency constipation manifests as dry stools, dull complexion, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, insomnia and forgetfulness, pale lips and tongue, pale nails, pale tongue with white fur, and thready pulse.

As for conditioning, I think the best way is to take Yuling ointment. Wang Mengying in the Qing Dynasty founded this prescription. You can search for the articles I wrote before. I use this prescription in my daily life and find that its nourishing effect is amazing.

In addition to taking Yuling ointment, Xu Shuwei, a famous doctor in the Song Dynasty, has a method for the constipation of the elderly, that is, use hemp seed and perilla seed in half, grind it into powder, put it in rice to cook porridge, and drink it. This method is relatively peaceful and can temporarily relieve constipation. suffering. I think you can use three grams each time, and cook porridge with rice. You can try it for the elderly. The hemp seeds in it are also very good for the heart.

Another large group of people suffering from blood deficiency and constipation are women. I think women's constipation, in addition to blood deficiency, is the discomfort of liver qi, basically these two types.

Many women experience constipation after giving birth, which is very painful. In fact, most of this is related to excessive blood loss. After taking Yuling Ointment after giving birth, many women report that their constipation has unexpectedly improved. This is the reason.

The ancients called this conditioning method "increasing fluid and rowing a boat", which means that the intestines are like rivers, and only when there is water in the river can the boat move. Water, how can the boat go?

Therefore, I have seen an old Chinese doctor in the past. Every time he treated this type of constipation, he added 30 grams of angelica to the prescription, and the effect was very good. This is actually the effect of angelica nourishing blood. , all have an item of moistening the intestines.

In the past, there were many methods to treat constipation, all of which used oil-rich foods, such as pine nuts, hemp seeds, etc. This is also a method of increasing fluid and boating, but this method is only a temporary solution, and it is only temporarily moisturizing. Nourishing blood is the root cause.

3. Yin deficiency secret

This kind of constipation is caused by yin deficiency and lack of fluid in the body. The clinical manifestations are dry stool, like sheep feces, dry mouth and throat, thirsty to drink, dizziness and tinnitus, red cheeks, hot hands, feet and heart, restlessness and sleeplessness, hot flashes and night sweats, emaciated body, sore waist and knees, red tongue Less fur, or no fur, thready pulse.

From my observation now, I feel that this type is more common in children.

In this case, there are many prescriptions in traditional Chinese medicine. The simplest one is Liuwei Dihuang Wan, which can treat this syndrome. Here, Zhang Jingyue has a unique way of taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills by boiling water with about 6 to 9 grams of Cistanche.

4. Secret of yang deficiency

This is what we need to pay attention to. Many people think that constipation is fire. We have seen it before. In fact, there are not many cases of constipation with real heat, but there are many false symptoms. Among deficiency syndromes, there are many yang deficiencies. Don’t mention constipation, which means purging fire. If you try it quickly, the yang deficiency will become more serious and the symptoms will aggravate in the future.

Constipation caused by yang deficiency is characterized by dry or non-dry stools, difficulty passing out, pale complexion, cold pain in the abdomen, cold limbs, or soreness and coldness in the waist and knees, clear and long urine, pale tongue with white fur, and deep and slow pulse.

This kind of constipation due to yang deficiency, in fact, according to the symptoms, Fuzi Lizhong Pills can be taken for emergencies, and Jinkuishenqi Pills can be taken for long-term illnesses. This is the method for treating the root cause.

For such patients, it will be more effective if moxibustion and other methods can be used for conditioning.

There are many people who ask about constipation. At first I just wanted to write briefly to remind everyone. However, I wrote more than 3,000 words in one go. But looking back, I feel that the writing is relatively brief. Okay, Dig a big hole for myself today, and I will write more about this disease in detail later when I have time.

I hope that patients suffering from this disease can find a method that suits their physique, and in the end, it will be quick!
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