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How should people with Qi deficiency maintain their health in autumn?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

How should people with Qi deficiency maintain their health in autumn?
Now that the weather is cold, it will be cold. I just checked the weather forecast and said that there is a new cold wave coming to Xinjiang. Maybe in the next few days, northern China will be affected by it. So, when the weather gets colder, how should we keep healthy?

Now there are many articles about solar terms and health preservation, but I think that if all people reach a solar term, they all have a method of health preservation and a way of thinking, which may be problematic. Therefore, we will recently put people of various physiques, How to deal with the cold in autumn and winter, I will sort it out.

The first thing to talk about is how people with Qi deficiency should maintain their health in autumn.

Let us first take a look at what people with qi deficiency look like.

The qi mentioned in our Chinese medicine is the most basic substance of the human body. It is composed of the essence qi in the kidneys, the qi absorbed and transported by the spleen and stomach, and the clear qi inhaled by the lungs.

The so-called qi deficiency refers to the decline of qi's functions of promotion, warmth, defense, fixation and qi transformation.

People with qi deficiency have weak defensive qi and weak muscle surface, so they sweat easily. When they move a little, they sweat, and while sweating, they are afraid of wind and cold;
Deficiency of qi leads to the lack of nourishment of the muscles of the limbs, and the whole body is tired and weak. After a little exercise, one will feel exhausted;

Deficiency of qi means that the clear yang will not rise, the clear orifices will not be nourished, and the spirit will be weak, dizziness and tinnitus, which will be more serious after working;

Deficiency of qi means lack of qi in the middle, low voice, fatigue and weakness;

Deficiency of qi means that there is no power to promote blood circulation, the limbs are not warm, the complexion is pale (huǎng), and the pulse condition is weak or weak;

Deficiency of qi leads to imbalance of water-liquid metabolism, water-liquid inability to dissolve, obstruction of distribution, phlegm can be condensed into drink, and even water-dampness will overflow to cause edema;

Severe qi deficiency can also cause central qi to sink, lead to prolapse of viscera, and at the same time lead to dysfunction of viscera, thus showing a series of signs of weakness of viscera.

So, what does a tongue with qi deficiency look like? The tongue with Qi deficiency is often fat and big, with tooth marks on the edge of the tongue, and the tongue is often covered with coating (this is not inevitable). Among them, there are tooth marks on the edge of the tongue, which is one of the most important indications of qi deficiency.

Okay, now let's talk about how people with Qi deficiency should protect themselves when the weather is cold in autumn.

1. In autumn, people with qi deficiency should pay attention to abstinence and protect kidney essence and kidney qi.

In autumn, the weather drops, and there is a deadly atmosphere between the heaven and the earth. At this time, people have to face the cold outside, which is not available in summer. Therefore, at this time, the human body must use righteousness to defend against external cold. The healthy qi of the human body is all rooted in the kidney qi. Therefore, it is very important to have sufficient kidney essence and kidney qi at this time.

Therefore, in autumn, people's desires should not be too strong. This kind of desire includes one's own ambition and sexual desire. When people's ambitions move, thoughts of wanting to obtain come up, and excessive thinking will consume kidney essence and kidney qi. This is opposite to the general direction of autumn, when the human body's qi should be restrained to accumulate righteousness and defend against external cold. Therefore, " The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic says: "Autumn and March, this is peace. The weather is urgent, the earth's atmosphere is bright, and you lie down early and get up early, and you will be happy with the rooster, so that you will be peaceful, so that you can slow down the autumn punishment, restrain your spirit, and make the autumn atmosphere calm. , there is no external ambition to clear the lung qi, the response of autumn qi is the way to nourish it; if it is against it, it will hurt the lungs, and in winter it will be ventilated, and few people will serve it. " Among them, "make the aspirations peaceful", "no "Wai Qi Zhi" has this meaning.

Sexual desire control is a more direct way to maintain kidney essence and kidney qi. At this time, people with qi deficiency have insufficient righteousness and defense forces. As a result, sexual labor damages kidney essence and kidney qi, and the righteousness becomes more and more insufficient. , Many people get sick because of this, so we must quit.

People with qi deficiency, specifically manifested as kidney qi deficiency, in addition to the symptoms of qi deficiency, often have such symptoms: mental fatigue, daytime sleepiness, always wanting to sleep, dizziness and forgetfulness, weakness of the waist and knees, frequent and clear urination, Nocturia, loss of libido, male impotence, female leucorrhea, pale tongue, weak pulse. If the kidneys do not receive qi, the breathing will be shallow and short, with more exhalation and less inhalation.

If you have these symptoms, in addition to restraining desires in autumn, you need to adjust and replenish kidney qi in time. For example, take a little Jinkui Shenqi Pill, Wuzi Yanzong Pill, etc.

2. In autumn, people with Qi deficiency should adjust their clothes.

People with Qi deficiency, in autumn, the most embarrassing thing is not knowing how to wear clothes, why is this?

It turns out that people with qi deficiency are most likely to sweat spontaneously, and they will sweat when they move a little. At the same time, they are also afraid of wind and cold. This is the characteristic of people with qi deficiency.

However, the weather in autumn seems to be specially for people with Qi deficiency. In the morning and evening in autumn, it is very cold, even a little cold, so you must wear more clothes at this time, especially people with Qi deficiency. , so the cold wind is very harmful to them. Therefore, people with Qi deficiency must wear thick clothes sooner or later.

But at noon, the autumn sun is plentiful, and the temperature will be very high. People with qi deficiency will feel sad, because the weather is hot, so they will sweat immediately, so they have to take off their clothes, but once they take off their clothes, the autumn wind outside is very cold. Cool, the wind at this time is absolutely different from the warm wind in summer, especially on the shaded side where there is no sunshine. At this time, people with qi deficiency who are sweating profusely will immediately feel blown by the cold wind.

You see, neither covering nor taking off. Therefore, the usual saying of "spring covering autumn freezing" is simply meaningless for people with qi deficiency. No matter what, if you don't pay attention a little bit, people with Qi deficiency will catch a cold immediately. Therefore, in autumn, the "sweating" and "fear of wind" of people with qi deficiency make them feel very out of control and in a dilemma.

Therefore, at this time, the first thing to do is to adjust the clothes at any time, wear more in the morning and evening, wear less at noon, wear more in the shade, and wear less in the sun, adjust frequently to protect yourself.

Then a friend said that changing clothes back and forth like this is not a solution? Yes, the most fundamental thing at this time is to replenish the qi of the spleen and lungs.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the lung governs qi, regulates breathing, regulates water channels, and externally combines fur, which plays a role in protecting the body. If the lung qi is deficient, its functions of promoting and descending, controlling respiration, regulating water metabolism, and resisting external pathogens will be weakened, and shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, low voice, coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, easy to catch a cold, even edema, and difficulty in urinating will appear. disease. Therefore, people with weak lung qi must invigorate the lung at this time. The spleen belongs to earth, the lungs belong to metal, and earth produces metal. Therefore, whether the function of the spleen and stomach is strong or not directly determines the strength of the lung qi. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine often nourishes the spleen and stomach together.

Therefore, at this time, the conditioning method for people with qi deficiency is to often eat some Chinese yam, such as Chinese yam powder, or Chinese yam tablet boiled water to drink.

As for Chinese patent medicines, you can choose Buzhong Yiqi pills, etc., and adjust them for a better effect.

In addition, ginseng is also a more suitable medicinal material in this season. Now the northerners know how to eat ginseng less, while the south know how to nourish it. This is mainly because people think that taking ginseng will get angry. In fact, people with qi deficiency can take some ginseng Yes, this is the symptom. Or take a prescription with ginseng, such as Shengmaiyin. Also, you can learn from the Koreans and try to make ginseng chicken soup. These are all good ideas for invigorating lung qi.

In addition, astragalus is also a traditional Chinese medicine for invigorating lung qi. If you have time, you can learn about it. For people with qi deficiency, if you can add a little astragalus to the soup, it will be very beneficial to your body.

3. People with qi deficiency should pay attention to preventing spleen and stomach from catching cold in autumn.

In autumn, the weather is getting cooler. At this time, people's eating habits are often still in the summer mode. Therefore, many people will be injured because of this.

For example, we eat watermelon in summer, but in autumn, some people still eat watermelon, which is not suitable. The ancients were very particular about this, and even when taking medicines, they would consider solar terms. Qian Yi, a famous doctor in the Song Dynasty, would take into account the different changes before and after autumn when using prescriptions. In summer, there are more medicines for clearing away heat. One point, and in autumn, the proportion of heat-clearing medicines will be reduced, and the proportion of warming yang and nourishing the spleen will be increased. This is where people consider it carefully.

These days, after the cold weather, the number of people with abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even gastrointestinal colds has increased significantly. This is because the spleen and stomach are already weak and the spleen is weak. The spleen and stomach were injured. A few days ago, singer Xue Zhiqian broke the news that he was vomiting and diarrhea, had a high fever, and was hospitalized. Everyone complained about why he put a urinal on the bed? Is it acting again? I actually think that this is the wall and everyone pushes it. In fact, this urinal is probably used for vomiting. This is obviously a gastrointestinal cold, which is related to the cold of the spleen and stomach.

Therefore, in this season, people with qi deficiency, especially those with weak temper, must definitely pay attention to their diet, not to eat raw or cold food, and not to drink cold water. This is a very important rule to protect themselves.

For such friends, I suggest that you can do some moxibustion at this time, such as some acupoints on the spleen meridian, which will be of great benefit.

In addition, if you can drink some ginger tea to warm your spleen and stomach, it is also a very good choice.
4. People with qi deficiency should adjust their emotions in autumn.

People with qi deficiency lack vitality, so they are easy to fall into a state of fatigue and powerlessness on weekdays. In autumn, when the world is dying, the body is easily affected by the external environment and becomes negative and sad. Therefore, when it comes to sad autumn, people with qi deficiency and yang deficiency will be more serious.

Therefore, people with Qi deficiency in autumn are better not to live alone, but to participate in group activities to adjust their emotions, and participate in various cultural and sports activities to increase their happy emotions.

Now, as long as people who are a little bit older, such as people in their 40s and 50s, come to me for consultation on health problems, as long as I judge that they have a little liver qi and mood, I will recommend them (them) to dance in the square. I have always felt that square dancing is not a simple physical exercise, but a kind of psychological adjustment. There are so many people together, doing the same movements under the same rhythm, this is a process of building a spiritual community, in this process, each individual will feel that he has integrated into this powerful community, and in this way, his own strength will be increased. Mental energy is used to fight against negative emotions. Therefore, people who dance in the square are in a very good mood, which is the reason.

In addition, you can also join the singing team. A few years ago, I wrote two articles, telling that singing is fitness, and you can regulate the lung meridian and increase lung qi through breathing. I encourage everyone to go to mass-market ktv to sing in the afternoon, because the prices there are very cheap at this time. These two articles have been widely disseminated, and many old people have read them.

As a result, I heard a few days ago that the afternoon shows of ktv, which are sold in large quantities, have been reserved by grandpas and aunts. Old people in many parts of the country go to sing in the afternoon, and some old people even sing happily. Such an important task as the grandson has been forgotten!

In fact, this makes me very happy. For the elderly, this kind of entertainment is as good as possible! Especially in autumn, for people with deficiency of vital energy, if they can often sing loudly and promote vitality, it will be of great benefit to emotional regulation.

Okay, people with Qi deficiency, I have talked so much with you about the precautions in autumn. In the future, I will tell you how each physique should deal with autumn one by one. Please pay attention.
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