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How should chronic kidney disease be managed?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

How should chronic kidney disease be managed?
Previously, I talked to you about the ins and outs of chronic kidney disease, that is, chronic glomerulonephritis (all links to previous articles are at the end of the article). Moreover, according to medical statistics, this kind of kidney disease affects one in every ten Chinese people. This is a huge number. Therefore, how to treat it and how to protect yourself is an issue that everyone must be concerned about.

I always say, in fact, if a doctor can understand the treatment of colds, it is good. Many of us underestimate colds, but colds can cause many problems, including kidney disease.

Therefore, some doctors suggest that strictly speaking, a routine urine test should be done after every cold to determine whether the kidneys have been damaged. I think generally when you have a cold, the kidneys are often susceptible to transient damage, so if the cold has just ended, the damage may not have recovered, but after a week or so, if it was transient damage, it has recovered. If there is really damage and there is no recovery, you can check it out at this time.

In the examination of chronic nephritis, the urine test of Western medicine is very accurate, and our Chinese medicine must also learn from it.

So, how to prevent and treat chronic nephritis?

01Don’t have kidney deficiency

Insufficient kidney qi is the root cause of illness. For such people, external evils are more likely to invade. Therefore, we must protect ourselves, try not to deplete kidney qi, and avoid excessive indulgence. This is the premise of preventing kidney problems. In addition to protecting the kidney qi, the protection of the body's righteous qi is also very important. Insufficient spleen and lungs, etc., also need to be paid attention to.

02 Try to prevent colds

Colds are unavoidable, but now that air pollution is serious, there are indeed many colds, so we should try our best to keep the air pure, protect ourselves, and avoid colds. Otherwise, it is very easy to cause external evils to invade the kidney meridian due to a cold.

03Keep your mood optimistic

This is an issue that has not received much attention. In fact, emotions have a great influence on the occurrence and development of the disease. I have observed that many patients with chronic nephritis are a little emotionally unstable. In other words, the personality has its own characteristics, such as sentimentality, overthinking, and sensitivity to emotional issues. It might not always be the case, but it does have an impact.

04Stay away from decoration pollution

This is what I observed. I once investigated patients with chronic nephritis and found that many of them had just renovated their homes. Although there are no more clinical epidemiological studies, I later checked the information and found that nephritis is also an immune disease. From a certain perspective, it is also a blood disease and is related to leukemia.

05Control blood uric acid

A lot of nephritis is caused by gout, which is called gouty nephropathy. This is a problem that many people ignore, and now there are more and more such patients.

Suffering from chronic nephritis how to do?

A friend asked, what should I do if I suffer from chronic nephritis?

What I studied was the thoughts of the late famous professor Zhao Shaoqin of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Mr. Zhao had a lot of original ideas on kidney disease, so I would like to share them with you. Mr. Zhao Shaoqin's father, Mr. Zhao Wenkui, was the last director of the Imperial Palace Hospital in the Qing Dynasty. He once treated Cixi and Puyi. Professor Zhao Shaoqin is a contemporary expert on febrile diseases in our country. I have benefited a lot from learning his thoughts.

First of all, Mr. Zhao put forward the theory that kidney disease is not empty.

He believes that chronic nephritis is a problem with the kidney essence, which is not the same thing as the traditional kidney deficiency. Chronic nephritis is mostly caused by dampness and heat, which blocks the meridians, so it is not possible to replenish the kidneys according to kidney deficiency. Therefore, Mr. Zhao specially emphasized that patients with chronic nephritis should not take supplements indiscriminately. Ginseng and velvet antler are very easy to cause problems.

This is something that deserves great attention. Many patients think that they need to take a lot of supplements, but often supplements cause problems. For example, I have seen patients who took ginseng for a long time and quickly developed from nephritis to kidney failure.

However, yam, which nourishes the spleen and stomach, can be eaten instead, and it is good for the treatment of kidney disease.

For particularly weak patients, it is also necessary to adjust and supplement while treating.

But most nephritis patients suffer from damp heat.

Secondly, Mr. Zhao put forward the theory of exercise for patients with kidney disease.

In the past, kidney disease required bed rest. Mr. Zhao advocated exercising every day, preferably walking. It is best to walk for more than an hour every day, step by step, and a combination of fast and slow. This is what Mr. Zhao finally realized when he was practicing boxing and walking in circles when he was young. It turns out that walking back and forth with his legs speeds up the flow of qi and blood, which can drive the qi and blood in the waist.

Now the smog is very heavy. I suggest that patients with kidney disease turn on the air purifier at home and walk in the room.

Finally, Mr. Zhao suggested that patients with kidney disease should avoid protein.

In the past, patients with nephritis generally advocated supplementation because they lost protein in their urine, so they needed to supplement more from food. This was the point of view of Western medicine back then. Mr. Zhao believed that this would increase the burden on the kidneys. He found that those high-ranking cadre patients who ate well died soon, while ordinary people who ate simple meals lived well, so he found that eating fat, sweet and nutritious food Because the taste will increase the burden on the kidneys, it was proposed to avoid eating protein. This idea was many years earlier than Western medicine. Now Western medicine has also discovered this problem and begun to change it.

When Mr. Zhao sees a doctor, he will make the patients vegetarian, especially not to eat beef, not at all.

Soy products should also be controlled, such as tofu.

In terms of treatment, Mr. Zhao advocates cooling blood and promoting blood circulation, dispelling wind and clearing heat. He usually uses this formula for conditioning:

Six grams of Fangfeng, six grams of Schizonepeta charcoal, 10 grams of fried Sophora japonica, 10 grams of Sanguiyu bark, 10 grams of Salvia miltiorrhiza, 10 grams of madder, 10 grams of reed root, 10 grams of Imperata root, 10 grams each of Jiao Sanxian, and 10 grams of water safflower seeds. .

This is a basic prescription. In the prescription, Fangfeng and Nepeta charcoal are used to dispel wind and dispel evil spirits. Sometimes Mr. Zhao will add Angelica dahurica and Duhuo. When there is external infection, Patchouli and Peilan will be added. They are all used to dispel wind and disperse evil spirits. Then, fried Sophora japonica, raw Diyu, reed root, and grass root are all used to cool the blood, while Salvia miltiorrhiza and madder are used to activate blood circulation, and Jiao Sanxian is established to protect stomach qi.

When the waist is sore, Mr. Zhao will add 10 grams of mulberry branches and 10 grams of loofah.

When the patient suffers from frequent dreams, six grams of Bupleurum, six grams of Scutellaria baicalensis, and six grams of Sophora indica will be added to the prescription.

For people with Qi deficiency, 30 grams of raw astragalus will be added to the prescription.

When I use this recipe, I usually add 15 grams of Laotou grass (this medicine is also called edelweiss) and 30 grams of Chinese yam.

The effect of this prescription is very good. Under normal circumstances, if you keep using it, your body will gradually recover. I suggest that when taking medicine, you don’t need to check your urine frequently. Just check your urine once a month.

If patients with kidney disease want to know more, they can buy Mr. Zhao Shaoqin's book online and search for "Zhao Shaoqin" on

In the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall at the entrance of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (I don’t know if it is still called this name), there are many teachers there who are disciples of Mr. Zhao Shaoqin. You can go and find out about it.

Many friends ask whether high creatinine can be treated. In fact, if creatinine is high, it means that more than half of the kidney function has been lost. At this time, you need to be more cautious and eat a small amount of protein every day. Others are the same as chronic nephritis. If treated according to this idea of traditional Chinese medicine, the body will recover, or the entry into the uremia stage will be delayed.

Dear friends, today, I have introduced the knowledge about kidney disease. This is the experience of senior Chinese medicine practitioners. I spread it to everyone. I hope you can protect your kidneys and be a healthy "good person"!
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