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How can you get a cold and cold in a hot and humid day?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

How can you get a cold and cold in a hot and humid day?
These days, there may be too much rain in other parts of the country. Many friends reported that the surrounding environment feels very uncomfortable.

As a result, many friends got sick, and the most common one was a cold. This cold is a disease that haunts us. Although it is a minor disease, it is uncomfortable and can also cause nephritis. and other serious diseases, so I always say that if we can understand this cold, it will be a great progress in human medicine, but unfortunately, we still don’t have many ways to deal with colds, and even modern medicine basically believes that seven days The disease will heal on its own, and you don't need to spend too much effort to intervene. I don't quite agree with this point, I think that if we can intervene in the initial stage, many of us will not enter the state of cold.

Today, I will talk to you about the usefulness of the Chinese patent medicine Huoxiangzhengqisan when you have a cold when the humidity is heavy.

Huoxiang Zhengqi San has many prescriptions with the same name in the past dynasties. The prescriptions we use now are recorded in "Taiping Huimin Heji Bureau Prescriptions". This book was compiled and published by the Emperor of the Song Dynasty. Fighting is not enough, but there is also an advantage, that is, they value human knowledge. They pay special attention to medicine. They once ordered the people of the whole country to donate medical books and prescriptions. Whoever donates more will not only be rewarded, but may also be given to officials. So At that time in the Song Dynasty, there were a lot of Fang Shu.

In this "Taiping Huimin Heji Bureau Prescription", there are some very famous prescriptions in the history of our Chinese medicine, such as Suhexiang Wan, Zhibaodan, Niuhuang Qingxin Wan, Zixuedan, Siwutang, Xiaoyaosan, etc. , Many of the famous prescriptions we use today come from there, and Huoxiangzhengqi San is no exception. These prescriptions are well-composed and can be said to be used correctly.

Once I was in Mount Lushan. Although the whole country was hot, Mount Lushan was really cool. It was more than 20 degrees. It was very cool. As a result, I slept very carelessly at night, and the windows were not closed properly. After a while, I would catch a cold when I wake up in the morning, with a heavy nose and sore body. I know that if this continues, I will soon have a sore throat and a cold.

At this time, I analyzed it, the humidity here is very heavy, it rains every day, and it is cold at the same time, so there is no doubt that I feel cold and damp, so I opened my luggage and took out the Huoxiangzhengqi pill (water pill), the instruction manual Let me take 8 capsules (equivalent to 3 grams of raw medicine). I took 18 capsules at a time. After taking it twice, the cold symptoms were relieved and did not continue to develop.

One person in the company had a cold and had a fever. He took Huoxiangzhengqi pills and Shuanghuanglian oral liquid, and he recovered quickly.

A friend had a cold and a fever. He called me and asked me what to do. I asked about the situation and found out that the cold was caused by dampness, so I told him to use Huoxiangzhengqi pills. The fever quickly subsided and the cold was cured.

In those few days, I answered a lot of calls, asking about colds. Sometimes, the place where I answered the phone was very interesting. For example, I was on the cliff by the mountain. Facing the deep valley in front of me, I replied: "Do you have a fever? Do you have yellow phlegm..." After consulting for a long time, the people next to me all looked at me, ha ha.

Many of these people use Huoxiang Zhengqi pills to solve their problems.

Then, everyone will ask, isn’t Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder to remove cold and dampness? And such a hot day, it should be summer humidity, is it hot? The cold and the heat are the opposite. How can using Huoxiang Zhengqi powder also work?

Indeed, judging from the drug composition of Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder, this prescription is mainly used to warm and dispel cold and dampness, and it is used to treat cold and dampness. However, it is very useful in hot weather.

This is why?

It turns out that it starts with people's habits on hot days.

From ancient times to the present, people's habits have been the same. When it comes to hot days, they all like to drink cold water. In ancient times, there was a habit of drinking cold well water. It is common to eat watermelon with well water. Spread a mat on the brick floor and sleep on it. In summer, when the weather is hot, people's interstitial skin is open, and the pores of the skin are opened. At this time, with so many cool environments affecting oneself, the cold and damp air is easier to enter the body than usual.

The diseases caused by watermelons in Liangshui town and sleeping on brick floors that I mentioned above have been recorded in medical records in ancient times.

It is even worse in modern times. For example, refrigerators provide us with a lot of convenience, sweating profusely, and then drinking iced drinks in one gulp, the cold and dampness directly enters the spleen and stomach.

Among them, the biggest problem is the air conditioner. Almost none of the cold patients I have encountered recently was not caused by the air conditioner.

The humidity outside is already heavy, and with the addition of the air conditioner at this time, it is cold and damp. It was originally a hot and humid day, but we directly changed it to cold and damp.

I often say that all colds are caused by the temperature difference caused by temperature changes. At this time, we go directly from the hot and humid outdoor environment to the cold air-conditioned room. Expelled through sweat, as a result, after entering the room, the cold air of the air conditioner closes the pores, and the interstitial skin is condensed. In this way, the moisture is blocked in the body, so a cold-damp pattern is formed.

Therefore, Huoxiang Zhengqi powder is used to treat diseases caused by cold and dampness, and it is also the time when people are most likely to feel cold and dampness in hot weather. In the past, many doctors did not think about it. , In fact, it is wrong, it is cold and damp.

Many friends asked: Can we live without air conditioners in summer? Seeing that you are so opposed to air conditioning, what should we do?

The answer is: If the local area is really hot and the air conditioner must be used, then please remember that when you enter the air-conditioned room, you must first adapt to it, dissipate the sweat on your body, and stay in a transitional environment first. Think about it, everyone, in winter, when we walk from a warm room to a cold outside, will we go out sweating? No, you will definitely catch a cold. We will disperse the sweat first, let our sweat evaporate, and then go out. This is the same as this time.

So, where is it easy for cold and damp to make trouble?

They can cause confusion in the upper, middle, and lower triple energizers. Injury to the upper energizer can cause upset, dizziness, and headache; Loose stool or diarrhea.

Under the current climatic conditions, the most likely cause is a cold and fever. In the past, people thought that Huoxiangzhengqi Powder only treated gastrointestinal colds, that is, the cold caused by vomiting and diarrhea at the same time. In fact, this is a bit rigid. In fact, many colds have a fever and do not have vomiting and diarrhea. However, it is caused by cold and dampness. We use this side, the same can solve the problem.

Many friends ask: how to dialectical?

It is generally believed that Huoxiangzhengqi Powder has the effects of relieving the exterior and removing dampness, regulating qi and harmonizing the middle, and can treat cold and damp cold, headache and weight, vomiting and nausea, diarrhea and bowel sounds, glutinous glutinous rice, sticky mouth, fullness in the chest and diaphragm, Symptoms such as epigastric distension and pain.

Then, in addition to the above symptoms, my method is: look at the climate and environment at this time, if the sky is full of fog, there is no sunlight for several days in a row, the humidity is heavy, and people are in the midst of qi exchange, how can they not be sick? If you catch a cold at this time, you must take the climate factor into account. In such a climate, I usually tell patients to use Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder while the general treatment for colds is done. Many people use Huoxiangzhengqisan to deal with it even if they don’t use other methods.

The composition of Huoxiangzhengqi San: Dabupi, Angelica dahurica, Basil, Poria (peeled) one or two each, Pinellia Qu, Atractylodes macrocephala, Chenpi (whitened), Magnolia officinalis (rough skin removed, ginger juice broiled) Two and a half of bitter stems, two and a half of Huoxiang (removed soil), two and a half of licorice (burned). The top is fine.

Two qian per serving, one cup of water, three slices of ginger, one jujube, fried to 70% and served hot.

If you want to sweat, cover it with clothes and quilts, then decoct and take it.

In this prescription, Huoxiang is the main medicine for relieving summer heat, aromatizing dampness, regulating qi and harmonizing the middle. Perilla leaves and Angelica dahurica are used as adjuvant medicines to relieve the exterior and dispel cold, and harmonize the middle to remove dampness. Magnolia officinalis and Dabupi dry dampness and eliminate fullness, promote qi and broaden the middle; tangerine peel and Pinellia regulate qi and harmonize the stomach, reduce adverse flow and stop vomiting; Ginger and jujube can not only reconcile the nutrition and health, but also reconcile the spleen and stomach; licorice invigorates the spleen and harmonizes the middle, and reconcile the properties of the medicine. The combined use of various medicines plays the role of expelling heat from the exterior, dispelling dampness and harmonizing the middle.

Here are the caveats for this recipe:


(1) People with serious chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, arrhythmia, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, pregnant women or patients receiving other treatments should take it under the guidance of a physician.

(2) It should be taken strictly according to the usage and dosage. Infants, young children and elderly patients with physical weakness should take it under the guidance of a doctor. This is a point that must be paid attention to. Facing their elders in their 80s and 90s, many friends dare to copy the prescription and give it to the elderly. This is risking the health of the elderly. If you have no medical training, how can you talk about dialectics? Woolen cloth? Infants, young children and the elderly and infirm must be analyzed and dealt with by doctors. This is a responsible approach to their families.

(3) After taking the medicine for three days, if the symptoms are not relieved, or other serious symptoms appear, the medicine should be stopped and go to the hospital for treatment.

(4) Continuous use should consult a physician.

(5) Do not exceed the recommended dose unless directed by a physician.

(6) The drug should be kept out of the reach of children.

(7) People with allergies should use it with caution.

(8) It is not advisable to take nourishing Chinese patent medicines at the same time, and the diet should be light.

In addition, what needs to be introduced to you is that there are several dosage forms of this drug, which you need to know.

Huoxiangzhengqi water is a liquid dosage form, which is made by boiling water and soaking in wine. I usually recommend taking Huoxiangzhengqi water if the symptoms of Shangjiao are obvious, such as vomiting and headache, because the effect of the water preparation is mainly on the Shangjiao. When taking it, you can pour the liquid medicine into the cup first, then pour about 30 ml of hot water into it while it is hot, and drink 1 cup of hot water after 10 minutes. After taking it, you should take shelter from the wind, and it is best when your body is slightly sweaty. When taking the medicine, avoid raw, cold, meaty, greasy, hot and sour food, and those who are allergic to alcohol or unable to drink alcohol should use it with caution or use other dosage forms instead.

Huoxiangzhengqi pill is the most commonly used dosage form, which is the deformation of powder, especially the water pill, which has better effect. It can be used in general situations. If the diarrhea is obvious, I recommend using this dosage form, because the pills will melt slowly, and generally have a better effect on the middle and lower burnt.

Huoxiang Zhengqi Soft Capsule is a new dosage form of traditional Chinese medicine, which is easy to take and has a good taste. I also often recommend soft capsules. For those with obvious symptoms of spleen and stomach, I will mainly use this soft capsule.

Under normal circumstances, I think Huoxiangzhengqi pills (small water pills, not big honey pills) are enough. These days, I have been recommending this dosage form for people with colds.

The ancient classic prescriptions are all honed by the founders, so as long as they are verified, the effect is very good. These days, I always receive calls back, telling me that I am really grateful, and the cold situation immediately improved, and my heart is also I am very happy to see that the wisdom of our ancients is still playing a role in protecting the health of the people today, and I admire our ancestors from the bottom of my heart.

Of course, this is a cold caused by cold and dampness, you can use Huoxiangzhengqi pills, and you can use other prescriptions such as Sanren Decoction for summer dampness. Moreover, every time you catch a cold, you still need to dialectical. I can’t write Huoxiangzhengqi Pills, everyone uses this. Different regions have different causes of infection, and the condition will be different. Chinese medicine pays attention to dialectics, so if you encounter problems, you can ask the nearby doctors to help analyze them.
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