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How can a weak-hearted person survive the winter?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

How can a weak-hearted person survive the winter?
Today I will tell you how people with one type of constitution should adjust in winter. So which type of constitution are we talking about? Let me tell you a story first.

I have a very good friend who came to me a few days ago and told me that I must help him. What's going on? He said that these days he feels that his energy is not enough and he feels very tired and hard. Sometimes I lose my energy while talking, as if speaking is a bit laborious. So what's going on? Is something going to go wrong? I will help him analyze it.

Let me tell you, this represents a type of person. Many friends feel very tight in their chests after the winter, feel very lethargic, have no energy to speak, and feel very tired during the day. So why is this so? This will happen to people with weak qi, especially those with insufficient heart qi. So, today we will talk about how this weak-minded person should spend the winter.

This qi fills the whole body. The movement of qi and blood in our internal organs is mainly driven by qi. So each organ and each organ has its own qi. We say that qi is distributed to different organs. For example, lung qi, heart qi, kidney qi, spleen, etc. all have their own qi. Strictly according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, each organ has qi, blood, yin and yang. If the blood is deficient, it will not work, and if the qi is deficient, it will not work.

So this heart energy is very important in our lives. What is it related to? It is related to our Zong Qi and Zhong Qi, and it is related to both of them. It is also related to our lung qi. We often talk about the heart and lung qi together. Because the heart and lungs are very closely related, they are located together, and at the same time they cooperate, and there is circulation of qi and blood between the heart and lungs. Let’s talk about anatomy now. The oxygen in the air you breathe in is exchanged between the lungs and the blood. The carbon dioxide is expelled. The oxygen enters the blood, then enters the heart, and is then transported to the whole body. You can see that the heart and lungs are connected together.

So if you are deficient in qi, especially those with insufficient heart qi, you will feel particularly sad in winter. why? It's like this. First, because the weather is cold in winter, your body needs to consume more energy to resist the cold outside, so the body's energy consumption at this time is much more than in summer. Heart Qi is very important at this time, because the five elements of the heart belong to fire. If the heart Qi is insufficient and the power to promote blood circulation is insufficient, our whole body's ability to resist cold evil will decrease.

Therefore, when a person is low-spirited, he will feel that when it is cold in winter, he will feel, "Oh, my heart is very weak, especially a sense of powerlessness." So, many friends have told me, why do I feel so tired easily when winter comes? I was so tired at night that I went to bed early. Why? On the one hand, Yang Qi is hidden, and on the other hand, your body does consume more energy than in summer. Because it has to resist cold evil, many people will be particularly tired in winter. This is the first thing to resist evil.

Second, the burden on the body is indeed heavier than in summer. We have to wear a lot more clothes in winter, so these clothes themselves are your burden. At the same time, the friction between these clothes will create resistance, so it will take a lot more effort than usual because the weight you carry has indeed increased. Therefore, at this time, people with insufficient heart energy will feel particularly tired and feel tight in their chests. This kind of tightness is not caused by blockage inside, but because there is no strength inside. Then, I have no energy to talk, I don’t want to talk, I feel sleepy all day long, and it’s hard to think about problems. This situation is a sign of insufficient heart energy.

Then insufficient heart qi will also affect insufficient lung qi, so it is called insufficient heart and lung qi. What will happen to people who don’t have enough heart and lung energy in winter? You may feel out of breath easily, and you will get out of breath after doing a little exercise or walking a few steps. It’s not like this in summer, so why does it become like this in winter? It's because your heart and lung energy is insufficient. The cold outside consumes your righteousness, and your heart and lung energy becomes even more insufficient.

So friends like this should learn to take care of themselves in winter. If you don't do it right, the depletion of heart and lung Qi will affect the entire operation of your body. Especially people with heart disease will have more problems at this time. For example, more people have heart palpitations in winter. Why? It's because of the loss of Qi and blood. Then if you work a little bit at this time, your heart will have problems, palpitations, various irregular heartbeats, and even your heart will hurt when you catch a cold, causing chest pain.

This situation is related to insufficient heart yang. Yang and qi are connected together. If qi deficiency lasts for a long time, it will affect yang deficiency. The two are interrelated. So, if you are obviously feeling lethargic, suffocated, out of breath, and always seem to be out of breath whenever you walk in winter, your body should adjust as soon as possible. To replenish the spirit.

So how to make up for it?

There are two aspects. The first aspect is saving. What is saving? Just try not to have too many desires in winter. Many of our units, in the winter, still have to complete some tasks at the end of the year and sprint. I don't really agree with this approach. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, it is violated. Winter is about alleviating desires and the burdens of our work. At this time, all things must be collected and hidden. At this time, we must learn to hide Yang Qi and not consume it too much.

As for modern people, they don't understand the concept of correspondence between man and nature, so they have to sprint every year at the end of the year. I think this goes against the rhythm of nature, so at this time we individually adjust ourselves and do the most important things, and stop consuming other annoying things. For example, your workplace is already busy with sprints. After get off work in the evening, your friends meet up for drinks and there is a class reunion. Your class reunion is a kind of consumption. If you drink until 12 o'clock in the evening and go home, you will have less sleep time, eat too much, and not sleep well, and your Yang Qi will not be hidden, which is not good for your health. So in winter, you have to reduce it and remember to do the subtraction. This is the first, very important thing, don’t deplete your own righteousness.

Second, you can take supplements at this time. Why did ancient people talk about tonic in winter? This is very important. Winter is a good time to accumulate energy. At this time, ancient people would eat some ointments, and they would feel particularly good in the coming spring. Therefore, many elderly people insist on taking the ointment. In spring, their health is very, very good, that is, their yang energy is growing and they have enough strength. Therefore, I suggest that you take appropriate supplements in winter if possible. As long as you do not have a phlegm-damp constitution and do not have particularly strong liver fire, then if your constitution is insufficient, you can find a Chinese medicine practitioner to help you supplement.

So, what do I suggest to such a frustrated person? I suggest you take some ginseng. This ginseng is a specialty of our Northeast, but not many people in the Northeast know how to eat ginseng. So where in China do you eat ginseng? It’s Guangdong. Cantonese people know how to take supplements, so Guangdong is the province with the most ginseng sales.

Why don’t people dare to eat ginseng? It is said that eating ginseng will cause internal heat. I think this is because I don’t understand the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. We Chinese medicine talks about physical constitution, right? So who will get angry after eating ginseng? People with liver fire will get angry if they eat it. If your body is particularly phlegm-damp and phlegm-heat, eating ginseng will not help. It will only add fuel to the fire. So for people with Qi deficiency, eating ginseng can actually save lives. Therefore, I think this is the essence of traditional Chinese medicine to use traditional Chinese medicine according to different physical constitutions. Apart from this, it is all nonsense to say that a medicine is good or bad, because you deviate from the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. For example, Emperor Qianlong ate ginseng every day. He ate it from the age of 40 until his death at the age of 89. This was a long life. He ranked second among emperors in the world. There was only one Pharaoh who was one year older than him, ranking first among Chinese emperors. Sir Run Run Shaw ate wild ginseng from Northeastern China every day, and he lived to be 107 years old, so he knew how to nourish his qi.

So for those who have liver fire, you should first soothe the liver to release the liver fire, and then check whether you have qi deficiency. If you have qi deficiency, you need to supplement it. What about those who are full of energy? You don't need to make up for it. But in modern society, how many people are really so full of energy? I see a lot of people with teeth marks on their tongues, which means they have Qi deficiency. There are too many people in the city who are exhausted every day and can't stand upright when they speak. So for this kind of people, I suggest that you take ginseng appropriately, especially in this winter, it is especially suitable.

So how to take this ginseng? The recommended way to take it is to wash the fresh ginseng, cut it into thin slices, soak it in honey, make ginseng honey tablets and take it. Hold it in your mouth every time, then chew it and eat it. Generally, one tablet a day is enough.

But please remember, try to take ginseng in the morning and not before going to bed at night. Replenishing Qi before going to bed at night may affect sleep. It's especially good to hold it in the morning. When the yang energy is growing, you can replenish it, which will be particularly beneficial to your body.

There are many friends like this around me, and I look very tired, so I recommend them to take ginseng tablets and let them hold them in their mouths. I feel that they do seem to have more energy recently, which is the benefit of ginseng.

So you ask me what kind of reference is better? White ginseng? Raw sun-dried ginseng? Or red ginseng? I think both are fine. The raw sun-dried ginseng has a strong effect in replenishing qi, while the red ginseng has a slight effect of replenishing both qi and blood. I think under normal circumstances, everyone can just take this raw sun-dried ginseng.

So what specific ginseng should be taken? I think you don’t have to look for the expensive wild ginseng. We ordinary people can just eat ordinary ginseng. We call this kind of ginseng garden ginseng. The ginseng grown in the garden is artificially grown, but it also has sufficient medicinal properties. Everyone uses this kind of cut ginseng slices, and then takes one squirt of it every day. If your heart energy is not enough, you feel like you are always suffocated in the winter and can’t lift it up, you have no energy to speak, etc., I think this method can really help. to yours.

I am from the Northeast, and I know that Northeastern ginseng is good, so I recommend it to everyone. People with insufficient heart qi can also take some Buzhong Yiqi Pills. If they have obvious qi deficiency and depression, they can also take some Zhang Xichun's Shengxian Decoction.

In short, winter is here, everyone should pay attention to conditioning, and never let your body move forward at a loss, okay?
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