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A wonderful soup for nourishing the spleen and stomach

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

A wonderful soup for nourishing the spleen and stomach
We are now in the last solar term of autumn, the frost, which is the transition season between autumn and winter. At this time, the gloomy atmosphere is even worse than before.

The frost solar term belongs to the earth among the five elements. Traditional Chinese medicine has the view of "spring is rising and tonic, summer is clear and tonic, long summer is light tonic, autumn is flat and winter is warm and tonic". This season and long summer belong to the same earth, so it should also be light tonic and pay attention to Nourish the spleen and stomach and replenish qi and blood. Of course, don’t forget that in conjunction with the climate characteristics of late autumn, it can regulate the lungs and moisturize dryness, “less pungent and increased acidity”, nourishing yin and nourishing the liver.

Today, we will help you select appropriate ingredients from the perspective of the Five Elements of Frost and the Earth, striving to nourish the spleen and stomach while also replenishing qi and blood. At the same time, the tonic can eliminate evil and be light but not heavy.

Here we introduce to you this delicious and fragrant soup - lotus root and mung bean stewed with pork belly.


One pork belly, one lotus root,

40 grams of mung beans, 3 slices of ginger,

Appropriate amounts of cornstarch and salt.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" says: "Pork tripe is an important ingredient for replenishing the spleen and stomach. If the spleen and stomach are replenished, the qi will be beneficial and self-control."

"Rihuazi" says that pig tripe: "It is mainly used to replenish deficiency and damage. Su Song is used to treat bone steaming, fatigue and heat, and weak blood vessels. Take it to nourish the spleen and stomach, then the essence and blood will generate by themselves, the fatigue will heal by itself, and the five internal organs will be safe after the foundation is solid." "

Therefore, "if the spleen and stomach are tonic, the qi will be beneficial." Pork belly is sweet and warm, and returns to the spleen and stomach meridian, specializing in strengthening the spleen and stomach and replenishing deficiency.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" says: "Lotus root is sweet and cold when raw. It can cool blood and stop bleeding, remove heat and clear the stomach. Therefore, it is mainly used to dissipate blood stasis, vomiting blood, bleeding from the mouth and nose, postpartum blood congestion, sores and wounds, and to relieve heat and thirst. Cholera, depression, hangover, etc. When cooked, it is sweet and warm, can invigorate the spleen and appetite, replenish blood and heart, so it mainly nourishes the five internal organs, replenishes the lower scorch, digests food, stops diarrhea, promotes muscle growth, and long-term use can make people happy and relieve anger. "

Therefore, cooked lotus root is sweet and warm, enters the spleen and stomach heart meridian, strengthens the spleen, stimulates the appetite and benefits blood, can reduce the absorption of lipids, and is tonic but not greasy.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" says: "Mung beans are sweet and cold, which can remove heat, lower qi and detoxify. When Yangming is exposed to heat, rubella will appear. The stomach governs the muscles. Extreme heat causes wind. If Yangming's heat is relieved, rubella will be eliminated. Fullness and distention When dampness and heat invade the spleen and stomach, and when heat qi rushes to the kidneys, dampness and heat attack the kidney meridian, removing dampness will cause swelling to disappear, suppressing heat will cause qi to lower, and it will benefit the spleen and stomach, and the kidney evil will be calmed down."

"Compendium of Materia Medica Qiuzhen" says: "Mung beans are sweet in taste and cold in nature. According to books, mung beans are extremely good. It is said that they can thicken the intestines and stomach, moisturize the skin, harmonize the five internal organs, and benefit the spleen and stomach. According to this, although ginseng, qi, gui, and shu are used, it is not an exaggeration." According to the book, those who can thicken, moisten, harmonize, and nourish are caused by poisonous evils. All the organs, meridians, skin, spleen and stomach are all unaffected by poisons. Taking this medicine is good at detoxifying, so all carbuncles and other diseases can be avoided. Everything works this way.”

Therefore, mung beans are sweet and cool, enter the heart and stomach meridian, are good at clearing fire and clearing phlegm, detoxifying and diluting water, and are "thick, moisturizing, harmonious, and nourishing".

Now that we have experienced the wonders of the ingredients, let’s cook a fragrant and delicious dish together in the video.

Soup story

The three are combined into a soup, which can eliminate greasiness due to lotus root, relieve heat due to mung bean, and be fragrant due to pig belly power. It can strengthen the spleen and stomach qi and blood, and is clear and fragrant. It is a light tonic.

Most of the methods of making soup are simple and easy to see, but they also contain a lot of delicate thoughts. In the summary of the methods, Ziqing tells you all the secretly hidden details. With this relationship, it seems that people can feel the various flavors of the world. Thousands of flavors bloom in the hands of different people, and they reveal the secret of different tastes.

Summary of practice

step one

Soak the mung beans for half a day or a day in advance. Mung beans are rich in nutrients, and vitamins among them are easily destroyed if cooked for a long time. Therefore, soak them in advance and do not rush to cook them until the mung beans are cooked.

Step 2

Remove the fat from the pork belly, rub the inside and outside thoroughly with fat and cornstarch for five minutes, rinse, then rinse again until the mucus is fully removed. Put the rinsed pork belly into a pot of cold water, add ginger slices and cooking wine, cook the pork belly until it shrinks and swells, take it out, wash and cut into slices. (In the video, Ziqing also used rice vinegar and cornstarch to wash the inside and outside. Vinegar is helpful to remove the fishy smell and can easily discolor the pork belly. Although the discoloration does not affect the food, it will affect the appearance of the color. Everyone Just use oil and cornstarch).

Step 3

Peel the lotus root and cut into pieces, then clean the inside.

Step 4

Add lotus root and ginger slices to the soup pot, add about 6 bowls of water, and bring to a boil over high heat.

Step 5

After the water boils, add the pork belly, then turn to low heat, cover and simmer for 1 hour.

Step 6

In order not to destroy the nutrients in the mung beans, we fully soak them in advance, add the soup to the pot after simmering for an hour, and continue to simmer for about 20 minutes.

Step 7

Finally, season with salt and serve.

The ingredients are willing to sink into the square inch of a pot, and making the best use of them is what the heart desires. The beauty of the soup is sometimes neither spicy nor sweet, but moist in the clear and fragrant in the light. It warms the body and stomach but is secretly satisfying. It is full of energy, giving the spleen and stomach a ritual "feast" for taste buds and nourishment from the inside out.

At night, every family has someone who is waiting for them, looking forward to them. When she walks in, she can smell the fragrance of soup all over the house, and you can look at them with peace of mind, as they return with the feeling of autumn and embrace the years.

That’s it for this issue. In the next issue, we will arrive at the beginning of winter together. In this way, winter is ushered in in the ordinary but happy days. It’s time to take supplements again. In the next issue, we will let Zi Qingdai makes a delicious chicken soup to welcome winter with a sense of ceremony. See you next time, bye.
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