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Food is not tired of "salty" health crisis

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Food is not tired of "salty" health crisis
"Ye Daohong (President and Consultant Physician of C.T.L., Los Angeles, USA) According to several studies, regular consumption of high-salt foods may lead to gastric cancer and high blood pressure, so doctors often advise patients with heart disease and kidney disease to eat less salt, and the American Institute of Medicine Calling on the American people to significantly reduce their daily salt intake. (Readers please remember, this refers to refined salt and healthy low-sodium salt, not real sea salt. Everyone needs to eat more sea salt to be healthy and disease-free. If the salt you eat is refined, you can’t eat it at all, the more you eat, the more you will get sick.)"
"According to Dr. Simon's report in the American Journal of Hypertension, lifelong consumption of a high-salt diet can accelerate arteriosclerosis. The amount of salt intake is closely related to the level of blood pressure. If you eat too much salt, your blood pressure will increase, and vice versa, your blood pressure will decrease. People with normal blood pressure are less likely to suffer from heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. (If readers only eat sea salt, not only can they eat more, but it is also very good for the kidneys, and it can diuretic and speed up urination.)"
"Dr. Simon also pointed out in the report that a large amount of salt may cause long-term adverse consequences on cardiovascular function and structure in two ways. One is that it increases both new output and regional blood flow, resulting in vasodilation. The second is to increase the density of sodium contained in plasma, which may be detrimental to the health of blood vessels. (This person did not explain clearly what the salt is, and he is actually a Ph.D., which is really rough and deadly research.)"
"In addition, the report pointed out that a large amount of salt can cause atrophic gastritis, which will lead to the destruction of gastric parietal cells. Over time, it will increase the incidence of gastric cancer. (Eating refined salt and healthy low-sodium salt are the culprits that will cause these problems, In fact, there are more than these, such as kidney disease, diabetes, pancreas cancer, foot edema, etc. are all related to these artificial salts,)"
"Most people eat about two or three tablespoons of salt a day, which is two or three times more than what nutrition experts recommend, and most people like to eat salt to satisfy their appetites, not based on physiological needs. If you can gradually reduce The amount of salt, the taste can be lightened in two or three weeks. Reducing the salt in food is the most effective way to prevent high blood pressure. Obese or elderly people should eat less salt. (The most untrustworthy nutrition experts in the world, They have never cured one disease, but on the contrary they have created many diseases. They are a symbiosis of interests that echoes Western medicine. If readers have high blood pressure and diabetes, please eat more sea salt, the more the better, so you can Healed without medicine.)"
"In short, it is best for everyone to reduce the amount of salt they eat, which can also reduce the chances of suffering from stomach cancer and high blood pressure. (This sentence is very wrong, readers should do it in reverse, eat more sea salt, not refined salt , so I guarantee that you will not get stomach cancer and high blood pressure, I am the doctor who really cured this disease, so what I say counts, these people have never cured stomach cancer and high blood pressure, so what they say does not count. It is wise to listen to the doctor who heals the disease, isn't it?)"
"This report is the worst research I have ever seen. It is full of nonsense. Readers should never listen to the words of these so-called nutrition experts. Once you listen to it, I guarantee that you will have problems. They are simply creating problems. They create diseases, and after they are produced, Western medicine immediately starts to do business, and people’s wallets lose a lot of blood and their bodies become weak. This is the source of business for Western medicine, so Western medicine knows to defend these harmful nutritionists. I have not yet done so. I have seen a nutritionist who is really helpful to the common people."
"The conclusion is: Alas, it is extremely ignorant, so harmful, what does he get? The regulations of the virtual private health department on the Internet are that only doctors who have really cured diseases can write papers, because only in this way will they not mislead the masses and cause people to suffer. If you are sick, the Taiwan Salt Industry Company should return to produce sea salt and sell it internationally. I will definitely help sell it, so that Taiwan can make a lot of health money, which is not good. It has saved many people and made money, too. Okay, but it seems that Taiwan Salt no longer produces sea salt, and seems to be in the cosmetics business, which is neither fish nor fowl. As far as I know, the so-called sea salt on the market in Taiwan may be industrial salt. When readers want to buy it, please be careful not to buy it wrong."
Less "calcium" 28 bowls of big bone soup is worth 1 cup of milk [United News Network reporter Xu Junbin / Taipei report]
"Chen Huijun, a nutritionist at National Taiwan University Hospital, found that the calcium content in bone broth is insufficient to effectively supplement calcium. Drinking 28 bowls of bone soup can only have the calcium equivalent to drinking a glass of milk. (Readers don't believe what she said, Her research report was paid off by a dairyman.)"
Chen Huijun said that bone broth has long been recommended by nutritionists as one of the sources of calcium supplementation in the diet, so she analyzed the bone broth cooked in snack bars and at home to understand its calcium content and evaluate the use of bone broth as a diet Availability of calcium sources. (One thing to note here is one. Not all.)
"Chen Huijun processed the various big bone broth samples properly, and then measured the calcium, magnesium and phosphorus concentrations in the big bone broth with an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer. Bone broth is not high in calcium. (This is just one of the ways we get calcium. She said it as if it was all, trying to confuse things.)"
Chen Huijun's research found that as the cooking time prolongs, the calcium concentration of the bone broth increases significantly. The calcium concentration of the pork rib bone soup and the pig's foot big bone soup are 1.3 micrograms per milliliter respectively when they are boiled for three hours. and 1.5 micrograms, if the cooking time was extended to 11 hours, the calcium concentration increased to 4.3 micrograms and 4.7 micrograms per milliliter respectively.
"Chen Huijun further compared the calcium concentration of big bone soup without vinegar with that of big bone soup with vinegar, and found that the calcium concentration of big bone soup with vinegar increased by 25 times, reaching 38.3 micrograms per milliliter. The soup bowl is about 240 ml. It is estimated that a bowl of big bone soup can supply an average of 9.2 mg of calcium, but it is only equivalent to one percent of the daily recommended intake of calcium. (The full text refers to only this paragraph That's right, people can do the same.)"
"If a glass of 240ml of milk contains about 250 to 280 mg of calcium, if you drink a large bone broth made with vinegar, you will have to drink about 28 bowls to equal a glass of milk .(This is her real purpose. She is benefited by the milk merchants, so she tries her best to persuade the people to drink more milk.)"
"Chen Huijun pointed out that although the bone broth can significantly increase the calcium concentration with the extension of cooking time and the addition of vinegar, but judging from the total calcium content in the bone broth, it is not an effective source of calcium supplementation (In the previous paragraph, she herself explained that the big bone broth is only one of them. Now she says it is all. This is playing tricks. Our calcium intake is not only from the big bone broth, but also small dried fish, soy milk, etc., a lot of daily The diet contains natural calcium, no need to drink milk.)"
"All of us don't drink milk, let her drink more, because what she said, now American medicine admits that drinking more milk will increase the chances of women getting uterine cancer, and many children have grown like cows because of excessive drinking Similarly, short and strong growth grows horizontally, too much nutrition will only increase the risk of cancer, and it will not help your health at all, but if you live in the cold and hypoxic environment of the Qingkang-Tibet Plateau, you are You need to drink more milk, because the living environment is different, so it is possible, but why do you live there if you have nothing to do, there are too many beautiful places to live, it is okay to go there, but it is difficult to live there "
"The conclusion is: readers should not listen to the words of physicians or nutritionists. Only the wise men should listen to the words of physicians who can cure diseases."
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