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First time using cinnamon stick soup

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

First time using cinnamon stick soup
The child is 14 years old this year. When the child was only 60 days old, he fell ill and was hospitalized for 9 days, costing more than 7,000! With the income at that time, the cost was quite high! At that time, my physical condition was not very good, and I had the motivation to learn: if I could not get sick, or get sick less, and have minor illnesses, it would save money! So I started to study. By chance, I got to know Luo Bo, so I have been learning it all the time. When the child started to go to kindergarten, he was sick for a long time, and he would go to the doctor to see him when he was sick. Many times, the results were not satisfactory, so he wondered if he could use the prescription in Luobo's book? With the idea of trying it, and comparing the symptoms of the child, I copied a prescription from Luo Bo, and it works surprisingly well!

Later, in the Himalayas, I listened to "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" lectured by Professor Hao Wanshan and others, and gained a little understanding of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". Since the child went to primary school, the child's cold problem has been almost handled by himself.

Half a month ago, the child called and said that he started to have a headache in the afternoon, and it was already very severe at night. I asked about the situation. I had a severe headache, runny nose, stuffy nose, normal body temperature, and slight sweating. I seriously suspected that the child had caught a cold because of the blowing of the fan or excessive air conditioning. There are Chinese patent medicines Jingfang and Jiuwei Qianghuo Granules at home, let him take one pack each. The child said that after taking it, he felt relieved for a while, but it was still the same as before. I ate it once later and fell asleep without asking about the result. The next morning, I asked about the child's condition, but it still didn't improve, so I went home immediately to deal with it. When I got home at about 10:00 am, the child had a headache, sweating slightly, lack of energy, floating and slow pulse, thin white coating, and tooth marks on the edge of the tongue. Yesterday, there was a little runny nose at the beginning, and then it disappeared. It looks a bit like Guizhi Decoction, so try it.

Guizhi, white peony root, ginger, jujube each 15g, Zhigancao 9g, Chuanxiong 9g, Jiaosanxian 9g, Codonopsis 15g, fried before lunch, after taking the medicine, drank 2 bowls of white porridge (not allowed to eat), the child's body There was a little sweat, and he relaxed a little. I told him to go to bed and rest, and then he got up after the sweat subsided. I got up after 3 o'clock in the afternoon and said it was still a little pain. I asked about other conditions, and my mouth was a little bitter. I added a pack of Xiaobuihu with the leftover decoction at noon, and a bowl of porridge. I didn't sweat much this time, but it still hurt a little. I decocted the medicine again before dinner, took the medicine first, and then drank the porridge. Halfway through the meal, I was told that my head didn't hurt at all, and everything was fine.

During the whole process of taking the medicine, the child was still a little worried, thinking that the scriptures that Luo Bo had taught before were only three, and the result was good. I told the child before that the fan or air conditioner should not be blown immediately after sweating, but should be exhausted. I guess I didn't pay attention, which led to this result. Jiajiao Sanxian was used to estimate that the child's spleen and stomach were damaged, and Dangshen was suspected to be a little qi deficiency. The colds I dealt with before were almost all yellow and white phlegm with a little fever, but this time it was completely different.

Thanks ancestors! Thanks to Luo Bo and the scholars who inherited traditional Chinese medicine! Thanks!

Medical Case Review by Yuanli

It is said that Chinese medicine is a treasure house, but few people really believe it, except the author. Not only that, the author can also choose the one that suits his own situation from a wide range of prescriptions, which is even more commendable. In fact, it can also be seen that the author puts his heart into his study, not superficial, and can apply the knowledge he has learned in his life, which is also very remarkable. I hope the author will work harder in the future, because Chinese medicine still has a lot to learn from.

Ok, let's go back to the article. Everyone knows that Guizhi soup is powerful, but many people don't know how powerful Guizhi soup is. Guizhi Decoction can be described as the best prescription in the world. Its composition: Guizhi (peeled), peony, ginger, jujube (cut) each 9g, roasted licorice 6g. The five medicines in the prescription are indispensable, and they are all the protagonists. Ke Yunbo in the Qing Dynasty said: "This prescription is the crown of Zhongjing Group's prescriptions. It is the first prescription for nourishing yin and yang, relieving muscles and sweating, and harmonizing camp and defense. For stroke, typhoid fever, and miscellaneous diseases, the pulse is floating and weak, and sweating comes out spontaneously. If you don’t understand it, you should take care of it. Others just see one or two symptoms, so you don’t need to know about them.” Wu Jutong, a master of febrile disease in Qing Dynasty, listed Guizhi Decoction as the first prescription in his book "Tiaodian of Febrile Diseases" , it is not difficult to understand.

You can see that the author in the article uses Guizhi Decoction to treat colds, so what should we pay attention to when using it?

The first thing everyone needs to know is that under normal circumstances, Guizhi Decoction is aimed at the initial stage of exogenous wind and cold. Then, pay attention to sweating. The exogenous pathogenic factor that Guizhi Decoction targets is the type of lack of righteousness. In short, it is the cold caused by the attack of external evils, lack of righteousness in the body, and wanting to resist, but lack of strength. Therefore, sweating or sweating is the key for us to judge whether to use Guizhi Decoction. Such people, in fact, not only sweat when suffering from exogenous pathogenic factors, but also often sweat spontaneously even in normal times. This kind of constitution is called qi deficiency. Such people always have a pale complexion, weakness in limbs, fatigue, and weak spleen and stomach.

Therefore, the conditions targeted by Guizhi Decoction must be people who are usually weak in spleen and stomach, lack of righteousness, and then infected with external evils.

Then, the symptoms we should pay attention to are aversion to cold and aversion to wind. This is the symptom of being afraid of cold and wind after we suffer from wind-cold, which is a common feature of exogenous wind-cold. Also, what should the tongue look like at this time? Because of Qi deficiency, such people tend to have tooth marks, the tongue tends to be fat and big, the tongue coating is white, and tends to be full. The color of the tongue must be pale, not bright red. The pulse at this time should be a floating number, and the pressure is weak.

To sum up, if it is the initial stage of wind-cold cold, headache, sweating, lack of righteousness, aversion to cold and aversion to wind, you can use Guizhi Decoction. The Chinese patent medicine is called Guizhi Granules. You can also look for it. When taking it, everyone remembers to drink a bowl of hot porridge. This is because porridge can supplement the Wei Qi, so that the Ying Wei Qi can be motivated to activate. This is more important. If you don’t drink porridge, the strength will be reduced a lot. Also, if you sweat a little while drinking, it means that the camp is in harmony, the meridians are unblocked, and the external pathogens are relieved, but be careful not to sweat profusely, as it will hurt the body and make the condition worse, so you must pay attention .

In addition, some people who are afraid of the wind can also use Guizhi soup. For example, when the wind blows, you have a headache, catch a cold, cough, or feel uncomfortable when the wind blows, you can try Guizhi Decoction; in addition, you can also use Guizhi Decoction if you are afraid of cold, for example, some people suffer from cold in their neck, head and shoulders , It is very good to use cinnamon stick soup. There are also many people who have rheumatism or rheumatoid, the main symptom is cold pain, Guizhi Decoction can also be used; cold urticaria and eczema, you can also try Guizhi Decoction.
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