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Fasting blood sugar 20mmol/L, 3 sugar control tips to share with you

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Fasting blood sugar 20mmol/L, 3 sugar control tips to share with you
Fasting 20 mmol/L, postprandial 34.6 mmol/L, glycation 16.4%, these simple numbers are like my birthday, deeply engraved in my mind and will never be forgotten.

Maybe I'm still young, maybe it's not serious at first, maybe... there are too many possibilities. After two weeks of intensive insulin treatment and one month of management adjustments, my blood sugar basically reached the standard. Three years have passed, and now Blood sugar is more stable.

Correct diabetes knowledge is a powerful weapon for sugar control

Do I feel lucky? To sum up, I think there are the following things to be thankful for.

The first blessing: meeting a good doctor
During my hospitalization, I met a good doctor who constantly taught me about diabetes. He suggested that I go to relevant diabetes websites and forums when I have time to understand the status of diabetes in today's society. Of course, good results may not be achieved even if a good doctor does not have the cooperation of a good patient. Therefore, you must be a "careful" diabetes patient.

The second blessing: receiving intensive insulin treatment in time
I was fortunate enough to use intensive insulin pump treatment, which is something I am thankful for even now. If I had not had intensive insulin treatment at that time, I probably would not have achieved such good results now. So I advise everyone, don’t be afraid if you just get diabetes. Take insulin, it can really do you good.

I have learned a lot in the past two years, and I will briefly explain it here: You should relax your mind.

Don't always think about negative thoughts such as complications. Otherwise, if there are no complications, you will be scared to death in advance. What a pity. Control all indicators well and relax your mentality. As for those negative news, they are basically what everyone else says, and may have already distorted the facts by the time they reach your ears. Live every day in a happy mood, and sugar people can live longer.

Controlling blood sugar is an easy thing for me to do for the time being, so I summarized the following experience for everyone, for reference only.

1. Have regular physical examinations and monitor blood sugar every day

I check my body 3-4 times a year to familiarize myself with my body’s needs and blood sugar changes. I think it is necessary to check my blood sugar more often. My blood sugar tends to be high, especially after meals. It is especially easy to find the cause when the data is complete. If you only randomly test it once a day and show it to the doctor, you will not be able to find out the reason.

2. Observe and analyze more when it comes to diet and exercise, and find a method that suits you based on your own reality.

Living habits, dietary arrangements and the amount of medication taken can directly affect the high or low of blood sugar. I have adjusted my diet many times. At first, I still felt that it was okay to stick to my old eating habits. However, as time went by, the problem emerged - overeating. The consequence was that I had to exercise a lot after each meal to burn off excess food calories, especially tired.

There are also cases of hypoglycemia due to excessive exercise, although the frequency is not high and the blood sugar is 3.6mmol/l. But this also shows a problem. The combination of diet and exercise is unreasonable. Now I have reduced my diet at lunch and dinner. I am 70-80% full after eating. I take a walk after a meal to help digestion. I don’t go for a brisk walk. Or jogging, the blood sugar is also stable, because you haven't eaten enough, so you can take appropriate supplements between meals to prevent hypoglycemia before the next meal.

This is similar to the meal-sharing method, except that the proportion of the amount eaten has been adjusted. My requirement for myself is that my blood sugar does not exceed 6.5mmol/l after a supplementary meal, and I ensure that my blood sugar does not exceed the normal range before the next meal.

As for exercise, I jog on an empty stomach in the morning. This is not suitable for most sugary people, but it suits me. There is no way. If I run on an empty stomach in the morning, I will not have hypoglycemia. If I run after a meal, I will easily get hypoglycemia. So I can only choose to run on an empty stomach. I think it is appropriate to exercise once a day. Sugar people should not let their bodies get too tired. If they are too tired, their physical condition will become worse and they will be more susceptible to the invasion of diseases.

It’s not enough to just do aerobic exercise. I also need to do appropriate strength exercises, such as push-ups, crunches, lunges, squats, etc., which can make my body strong. Strong muscles can absorb blood sugar well. I don’t need very developed muscles, just strong ones, so these exercises should be done in moderation and never excessive.

3. Submit the medication plan to the doctor and do not change the type of medication without authorization

In terms of medication, leave it to the doctor to decide what medicine to use. You cannot change the type of medicine without authorization. This is a safety issue. Some people cannot take certain medicines. Only doctors know this. The dosage of medicine is generally according to the doctor's plan and should not be changed as much as possible. If blood sugar fluctuates severely, it is best to consult a doctor to adjust the plan.

Sugar people have many bad living habits. They are all bad habits inherited from the past. Get rid of them if you can, such as playing mahjong all night, skipping breakfast, skipping staple food and only eating vegetables, and liking to eat fatty meat and pickled foods. Waiting for a long time will make blood sugar unstable, high or low. Even if you take the right medicine or break your legs, it will be useless.

Routine physical examinations to see whether the physical indicators have improved or deteriorated. The physical examination report should be analyzed by the doctor and answered in detail. Listen carefully to understand the reasons. Knowing yourself and the enemy will always be victorious. Although blood sugar controls part of our lives, it cannot control the overall situation. As long as we have appropriate methods to control it, our lives will still be wonderful!
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