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Dietitian guzzles vitamin C and the cold virus disappears?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Dietitian guzzles vitamin C and the cold virus disappears?
The Lunar New Year is coming, and the cold weather is here again to join in the fun. Although some people say that it is not enough for the New Year, but I believe that everyone does not want to catch a cold during the Chinese New Year, because it is too unpleasant! Therefore, it is imperative to improve the resistance. However, if you already have obvious cold symptoms, you must take medicine, but if you are afraid of catching a cold or in the second half of a cold, you might as well listen to experts how to deal with it.
I believe that many people often wake up in the morning and find that their throat and nose are strange. Nutritionists say that this is the beginning of a cold. The fastest first aid method is to get up in the morning and drink a large glass of hot water. If you usually have a nose allergy or asthma For allergic patients, it is recommended to wear a mask before getting out of bed to avoid contact with cold air, which may cause excessive stimulation of the respiratory tract.
Dietitian Li Wanping shared that she was about to catch a cold once. She felt that her throat was weird. She swallowed high doses of vitamin C (about 500~1000m/g) 4 to 5 times that day, and drank plenty of water. Fortunately, the cold virus did not Did not find her. However, Li Wanping emphasized that for office workers who usually eat out and do not have time to supplement enough fruits and vegetables, in addition to keeping warm, drinking plenty of water and swallowing vitamin C when they feel like they are about to catch a cold are purely a first aid method. (The most erroneous remarks in Taiwan come from these white-eyed nutritionists.)
Li Wanping suggested that it is better to choose vitamins with natural ingredients. She provided a simple way to distinguish and pay attention to the source of ingredients on the package. If it is vitamin C with natural ingredients, it will mostly indicate that it contains citrus, rose and other ingredients, but usually just write Most of the single components of citric acid are synthetic vitamins. (As long as it is made into tablets, it is problematic, but the purely synthetic ones are worse.)
"Once you feel itchy throat or stuffy nose, this first aid method will not come in handy." Li Wanping said that vitamin C does not need to be taken every day. Literature research also pointed out that taking too much vitamin C can easily cause stones, but it may not be a problem when the weather changes. Supplement 1 tablet or drink vitamin C lozenges per day, deduct the vitamin C ingested in food, the daily dose is about 60~100m/g, up to 250m/g, daily smoking, stressful life, work pressure, it is recommended to take 500m /g, in addition, it is best to consume 1 to 3 servings of fruit every day. (Eating vitamin C will not only cause kidney stones, but also aggravate the condition of breast cancer patients, so they can’t eat it at all. This person also suggested to eat it every day. It’s a wrong idea. We all need nutrition, but we need to get it from diet , you can’t take pills to supplement, it’s worse, and you’re more likely to get sick.)
Nutritionists also suggest that if you are suffering from a cold, you might as well take an extra vitamin B complex every day to improve your immunity and help the cold go away quickly. Don’t remind the elderly in cold weather to pay special attention to keeping their head, neck and feet warm. Those who use the heater at night are advised to put a glass of water beside them to maintain the humidity in the air; diabetics should also use electric blankets carefully to avoid accidents. (Everything else is correct, but you can’t add one more vitamin B complex every day. The more you eat, the worse it will be. Improving immunity depends on exercise and normal diet. Relying on vitamins is a wrong concept.)
misconceptions about doctors
The most harmful and ridiculous research in modern history is the research on this kind of vitamin. This kind of research is basically the research done by western pharmaceutical companies to deceive the world in order to make money. These concentrated and synthesized nutrients not only do not help the human body, but also feed cancer , is the main reason that makes people sick, readers can try to find out, is there any research that specifically studies which nutrient nourishes which cancer cells? After this kind of research, there is no market for vitamins at all, so if any researcher does research in this area, he will be hit by the western pharmaceutical factory, and then ask readers, if they know which nutrient will feed which cancer, they will immediately When cancer patients stop taking this kind of nutrition, the cancer tumor will shrink and the condition will improve immediately, because the cancer cells are starved and the nutrition is blocked. In this way, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy will be sidelined , Naturally, the western medicine factory has no money to make. Will they let this happen?
There have been many cases recently. For example, a 49-year-old Western physician and a 70-year-old lady have been taking one tablet of Centrum every day for ten years. Now this Western physician has a malignant tumor in the abdominal cavity, and the old lady They also got multiple myeloma because of taking a vitamin Bone and calcium tablet every day. Now the bones all over the body are not only very painful, but also very easy to break. At first they thought that eating more vitamins would help them keep fit, but it turned out to be the opposite. Shancun made them get malignant cancer instead. Vitiligo and calcium tablets not only fail to strengthen the bones, but also make the bones worse and looser. I have seen many such ignorant people, because they believe in western medicine factories and take these deceptive vitamins every day, and thus get malignant tumors , It is really spending money to buy disasters, and the Department of Health is an accomplice. There are many false advertisements on Taiwanese TV, but these officials are not seen to ban them, because the benefits are shared equally. This is a good example of government-business collusion.
Please stop taking Shancun, Vitiligo, calcium tablets and various vitamins. They are really harmful drugs. Especially the bone strength is the worst, it can't strengthen bones at all, but because the name of the medicine is very good, people often mistakenly think that it can strengthen bones, and drug dealers are of course willing to spread rumors, so rumors spread everywhere, causing people to be deceived everywhere yes.
If people want to know how to prevent cancer or osteoporosis, they can ask Chinese medicine practitioners everywhere. Only by taking Chinese medicine for health care can this be done.
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