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Diabetics need to remember the "eight precepts" after meals

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

Diabetics need to remember the "eight precepts" after meals
In daily life, there are many small details that everyone needs to pay attention to. For example, you should not be angry after a meal, and you should not eat fruit immediately after a meal. Otherwise, it will cause physical discomfort in mild cases and lead to diseases in severe cases.

Avoid being angry: The gastrointestinal tract will be full after meals and blood circulation will be accelerated. If anger damages the stomach, it is most likely to cause blood vessel damage or bleeding.

Second, quit smoking: Some people say that "a cigarette after a meal is better than a living god." In fact, smoking after a meal can cause endless harm. Because after eating, gastrointestinal peristalsis is strengthened and blood circulation is accelerated. At this time, the body's ability to absorb smoke enters the "optimal state", and the toxic substances in cigarettes are more likely to enter the human body, aggravating the damage to human health.

3. Avoid eating fruits after meals: Many people think that eating fruits immediately after meals can help digestion. In fact, eating fruits immediately after meals can cause bloating because fruits contain simple sugars. If they are blocked in the stomach, they will cause bloating. Formation of flatulence, leading to constipation. Therefore, it is best to eat fruit 2 to 3 hours after a meal, or 1 hour before a meal.

Four Precepts: Loosen your belt: Loosening your belt after meals will reduce intra-abdominal pressure and easily cause intestinal obstruction and gastroptosis.

Five precepts: drink tea immediately: tea can turn the protein in food into a solidified substance that is not easy to digest.

The six precepts are "walk a hundred steps": People often say "walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to be ninety-nine", but this is not true. After a full meal, in order to ensure the digestion and absorption of food, the abdominal blood vessels are dilated and congested. At this time, "hundred-step walking" increases limb movement and reduces the blood supply to the digestive tract, thus affecting the digestion and absorption of food. It is recommended to rest for half an hour after a meal before exercising.

Seven precepts: take a bath immediately: taking a bath after a meal will increase the blood flow on the body surface of the limbs and reduce the blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract accordingly, thus weakening the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bajie: Go to bed immediately: If you go to bed immediately after a meal, the meal will remain in the gastrointestinal tract and cannot be digested well.

Many young people will ignore these small details, but a healthy life means starting from small things and slowly developing good living habits.
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