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Chinese patent medicine for headache

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

Chinese patent medicine for headache
Music and medicine come from the same source, listen to this music, I wish you all a good mood
"Shanshui China Series" - Every landscape has spirituality
"Only the breeze on the river, and the bright moon in the mountains, the sound of the ears, the color of the eyes
There is no limit to taking, and inexhaustible use, which is the endless storage of the Creator.”

Warm reminder: Medication should be carried out under the guidance of a professional doctor. After the four diagnosis and participation, the medicine should be dialectically based on the constitution. Do not take medicine at will! Pay attention to drug safety~

4. Headache

It is a common disease characterized by conscious head pain.

1. Wind-cold headache-Jingfang granule

2. Wind-heat headache-Yinqiao Jiedu Tablets/Sangju Ganmao Tablets (pills, oral liquid)

3. Rheumatic Headache-Jingfang Granules

4. Blood Deficiency Headache-Siwu Pills/Guipi Pills/Bazhen Pills

5. Qi Deficiency Headache Yi Bu Zhong Yi Qi Pill

6. Phlegm Turbidity and Headache - Liujunzi Pills/Erchen Pills (mixture)

7. Blood stasis headache - Xuefu Zhuyu Pills

8. Kidney deficiency, headache, partial yin deficiency - Zuogui pills, partial yang deficiency - Yougui pills

Jingfang Granules

Composition: Nepeta, Fangfeng, Qianghuo, Duhuo, Chuanxiong, Poria, Bupleurum, Peucedanum, Citrus aurantium, Campanulaceae, Licorice.

Function: Sweating to relieve the surface, dispelling wind and dampness.

Indications: wind-cold (damp) cold, cold-damp arthralgia

Symptoms include headache and body pain, aversion to cold without sweating, nasal congestion with clear runny nose, cough with white phlegm, head and body drowsiness, white and greasy tongue coating. Or joint pain, aggravated in case of rainy days.

Clinically used for the treatment of acute bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, etc. belong to the Shanghai certificate.

Yinqiao Detoxification Tablets (Yinqiao Powder)
Composition: honeysuckle, forsythia, mint, nepeta, light tempeh, burdock seed, bellflower, light bamboo leaves, licorice.

Function: Dispelling wind and relieving exterior, clearing away heat and detoxification.

Cure mainly: Fengreganmao.

Symptoms include fever, mild aversion to wind and cold, headache, cough, dry mouth, sore throat, and red tongue.

Sangju cold tablet (pill, mixture, granule)
Composition: Mulberry leaf, bitter almond, reed root, forsythia, chrysanthemum, mint, bellflower, licorice.
Function: dispelling wind and clearing heat, dispersing lung and relieving cough.
Cure mainly: Fengreganmao.

Symptoms include mild fever, slight aversion to cold, cough, yellowish sputum, sore throat, headache, runny nose, slightly thirsty mouth, red tip of tongue, etc.

Siwu Wan
Composition: rehmannia glutinosa, angelica, white peony root (stir-fried with bran), chuanxiong.

Function: Enrich blood and activate blood.

Indications: blood deficiency and blood stagnation syndrome.

Symptoms include dizziness, palpitations, dull complexion, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, metrorrhagia, etc. In modern times, it is often used for dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endometriosis, menstrual disorders, angioneurotic headache, urticaria, unexplained pruritus, and skin pruritus in the elderly.

Bazhen Wan
Composition: Angelica, Rehmannia glutinosa, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Rhizoma Chuanxiong/Dangshen, Atractylodes macrocephala (stir-fried), Poria, Radix Glycyrrhizae.

Function: regulating and tonifying qi and blood. 【Sijunzi Decoction + Siwu Decoction—Treat Qi and Blood Deficiency】

Cure mainly: deficiency syndrome of both qi and blood. Symptoms include pale or chlorosis, loss of appetite, weakness of limbs, low voice, dizziness and palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness, irregular menstruation, pale tongue, thready and weak pulse, etc. In modern times, it is mostly used for anemia, chronic wasting disease, excessive blood loss in women after childbirth, gastrointestinal neurosis, insomnia, etc.

Buzhong Yiqi Pill
Composition: Sunburned Astragalus, Codonopsis, Radix Glycyrrhiza, Atractylodes Rhizoma, Angelica, Cimicifuga, Bupleurum, Tangerine Peel.

Function: invigorate the middle and replenish qi, raise the yang and lift the sink.

Indications: Weakness of the spleen and stomach, syndrome of depression of middle-qi.

Symptoms include fatigue, lack of food, abdominal distension, dizziness, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, and uterine prolapse. In modern times, it is mostly used for visceral and tissue sagging, myasthenia gravis, muscle atrophy, and dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Liujunzi Pills (Chen Xia Liujunzi Pills)

Composition: Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala (stir-fried with bran), Poria cocos, roasted licorice/French pinellia, tangerine peel. 【Four Gentlemen Pills + Tangerine Peel + Pinellia】

Function: invigorating the spleen and replenishing qi, drying dampness and resolving phlegm.

Indications: spleen deficiency and phlegm-damp syndrome. 【Suitable for spleen deficiency and phlegm】

Xuefu Zhuyu Pills

Composition: angelica, red peony root, peach kernel, safflower, Chuanxiong, rehmannia glutinosa, achyranthes aurantium, orange terrier (stir-fried with bran), bellflower, bupleurum, licorice.

Function: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, promoting qi and relieving pain.

Indications: blood stasis syndrome in the chest, can also be applied in abduction.

Symptoms include chest pain, headache, unhealed with time, pain in fixed places like needle pricks, or internal heat and distress, or palpitations, insomnia and dreaminess, irritability, hot flashes at dusk, dark lips or dark eyes, tongue quality Dark red, or tongue with ecchymosis, petechiae, astringent or stringy pulse.

Symptoms include chest pain, headache, unhealed with time, pain in fixed places like needle pricks, or internal heat and distress, or palpitations, insomnia and dreaminess, irritability, hot flashes at dusk, dark lips or dark eyes, tongue quality Dark red, or tongue with ecchymosis, petechiae, astringent or stringy pulse.

Composition: Rehmannia glutinosa, yam (stir-fried), dogwood, dodder, medlar, antler gum, tortoise shell gum, achyranthes bidentata (stir-fried).

Function: Tonify kidney and nourish yin, add lean and marrow.

Indications: deficiency of true yin and kidney essence.

Symptoms include night sweats, dizziness, deafness and insomnia, dry mouth and tongue, sore waist and legs, spermatorrhea, forgetfulness, red tongue with little coating, thready pulse. In modern times, it is often used for high blood pressure, anemia, auditory vertigo, lumbar muscle strain, sexual dysfunction, infertility, menopausal syndrome and neurosis, etc.

Composition: aconite, cinnamon, rehmannia glutinosa, yam, dogwood, dodder, wolfberry, antler gum, eucommia, angelica.

Function: warming and tonifying kidney yang, replenishing essence and arresting nocturnal emission.

Indications: Insufficiency of True Yang and Kidney Essence.

Symptoms include soreness and coldness in the waist and knees, lack of energy, shyness and aversion to cold, impotence and nocturnal emission, loose stools, and frequent and clear urination.
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