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[Chinese Medicine] learning experience (72) Sini Decoction

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

[Chinese Medicine] learning experience (72) Sini Decoction
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.

(72) Sini Soup
[Source] "Treatise on Febrile Diseases"

【Category】Healing Yang Rescue Potion

[Composition] Two liang of roasted licorice (6g), one and a half of dried ginger (6g), raw aconite, peeled, broken into eight pieces, one piece (15g)

[Usage] Shangsanwei, take three liters of water, boil one liter and two together, remove the water, divide the temperature and then serve. A strong man can have one big aconite, three liang of dried ginger (modern usage: decoction in water).

[Function] Restore yang and save the adversity.

[Indications] Syndrome of heart and kidney yang deficiency and cold excess. Limbs rebellious, aversion to cold, curled up, neurasthenia, wanting to sleep, pale complexion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting without thirst, white and slippery tongue coating, thready pulse;

Lizhao is in the sky, myriad orifices are flowing, the haze is all removed, and the vitality is revived. Aconite penetrates up and down, penetrates the inside and outside, cleanses the yin and evil of the twelve meridians, and is invincible in attacking and invincible, just like Han Xin in the early Han Dynasty. Dried ginger warms and nourishes the five viscera, is full of righteousness, secures Xianyang, aids Guangwu, enriches grain and grass, and stabilizes the morale of the army, just like Xiao Heye in the early Han Dynasty. Licorice sits in the middle palace, reconciles yin and yang, supervises Jiangfu, and relieves emergencies and detoxification. It has the strategy of chasing Qin and breaking Chu, and the strategy of comforting Han and Fu Peng. In strategizing, decisively winning thousands of miles away, like Zhang Liang in the early Han Dynasty. The three heroes are all ready, how can there be any reason to be invincible? —— cat cat

Sini Decoction sweeps away the three yin, and treats all diseases of yang deficiency. It is an ancient divine prescription. "Prescriptions" said that it is mainly used for treating Shaoyin disease, but it is really overkill and useless.

When using this prescription clinically, add ginseng and Atractylodes macrocephala to patients with qi deficiency; add Poria cocos and Atractylodes macrocephala to patients with flooding; If you are brave, you can add Pinellia (Panxia anti-Aconite); if you are cold and condensate your meridians, add Guizhi and Yuanhu; Sang Jisheng, Eucommia; for those with edema of the lower limbs and less urination, add Poria and Alisma; for those with Yin and cold, increase the dose of aconite. It can be said that the sword walks at will, without restraint.

The advantages of Sini Decoction are well known everywhere, so I won’t repeat them here. The following will focus on the shortcomings of this prescription and the common misuse in clinical practice.

Although this prescription is good, it should not be abused. Now there are a group of doctors who, after reading a few medical records of the Vulcan school, think that they have realized the true meaning of Chinese medicine. Insufficient, as the saying goes, "There is a red sun in the sky, and people have one yuan of true yang." They think that the cold syndrome is inherently due to the lack of yang, and the heat syndrome must be true cold and false heat. Deficiency syndrome must be replenished, but excess syndrome must be caused by yang deficiency. Ever since, the prescriptions were all based on Sini decoction, and then combined with Wuyu, cinnamon, cassia twig, Morinda officinalis and other medicines. Aconite can range from 50 grams to as many as 100 grams. It is intended to subdue all diseases and diseases with the "Nine Yang Magic", and the euphemistic name is: "When Yang Qi is sufficient, all diseases will disappear."

Where is Fuyang thinking? This is clearly the idea of "early death and early rebirth". The Vulcan school often says: "For those with yang energy, if the sky and the sun lose their place, their lifespan will be shortened." However, the "Neijing" also said: "Yang gives righteousness, and yin is the master." Zhang Jingyue also said: "The five viscera are the ones that store the essence, and they should not be injured. If they are injured, they will lose their defenses and become yin deficient. If yin is deficient, they will have no qi, and if they lose qi, they will die."

Traditional Chinese medicine treats diseases with side effects, and everything goes too far. It is true that all diseases may be caused by yang deficiency, but it cannot be said that all diseases are caused by yang deficiency. Let me ask, if all diseases can nourish yang, when will the medicine for nourishing yin be available? When is the heat-clearing medicine available? Furthermore, you can support Yang, but you must have a basis for supporting Yang, and you must be able to prove that the patient has a Yin syndrome, and the patient needs to support Yang.

Since the Patriarch of the Vulcan Sect is Mr. Zheng Qin'an, do you want to learn how Mr. Zheng judges Yin syndrome? Zheng Qin'an used aconite and dried ginger based on the following 13 items:

1. Few gods or no gods.

2. He likes to lie down and talk, his limbs are sleepy and weak, or he is prone to lying down with aversion to cold, and his feet are often cold.

3. If you are impatient, you will sweat when you are tired.

4. Thin coughing up phlegm or vomiting with cold phlegm, clear water or clear tears.

5. Low voice.

6. Lip color is pale or black.

7. Pain and joy massage.

8. Mouth full of body fluid, do not think of tea, and those who are thirsty occasionally, even if they drink, they only like hot drinks.

9. Female leucorrhea is light and cold, not smelly or sticky.

10. Reduced diet, prefers to eat spicy, fried and extremely hot products, and cold foods are not tolerated at all.

11. The urine is clear and long, and the stool is smooth.

12. The face is white and the tongue is light, even if the fur is yellow, it must be more lubricated.

13. The pulse is weak or floating and empty.

Everyone, what is the idea of taking a taste of Mr. Zheng slowly? In "Medical Method Yuantong", Mr. Zheng said: "All diseases of yin deficiency should be avoided by warming and tonic. Anyone with yin deficiency is mostly due to excess qi and blood failure. No matter where the disease occurs, it is mostly caused by fire evil. Support the yang. If you support the yang, the yang will become more prosperous and the yin will be eliminated. Every time a hyperactive dragon is brewed, there will be regrets. You must know."

It is true that there are people with yang deficiency, there is nothing wrong with Fuyang, right? Really not necessarily. Some people are yang deficient and afraid of cold, but the more they drink Sini soup, the more they are afraid of cold, and the more they support yang, the more yang deficient. It's not that there is a mistake in syndrome differentiation, but that the yang heat medicine burns the yin blood, causing the yang qi to have no attachment, so the more it is supported, the weaker it is.

There are also popular planes that go up and down abnormally. The doctor wants to use Sini decoction to invigorate the kidney yang, but why do you follow your idea after taking the decoction? As a result, on fire inflammation, the medicine does not enter the kidney but enters the heart (Sini decoction also enters the heart meridian), and the fire disturbs the mind, causing a series of heart and brain symptoms in the patient. The treatment of such patients must also be performed by raising and lowering the air regulator.

Traditional Chinese medicine treats diseases with the term of "Zhongzheng Peace", how can it burn the soul with the medicine that burns mountains and rivers? Once the poison of fire enters the blood and hurts the spirit, disasters will follow.
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