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【Chinese Medicine】experience (50) Xihuangsan

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

【Chinese Medicine】experience (50) Xihuangsan
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.

(50) diarrhea yellow powder
[Source] "Pediatric Medicine Syndrome Straight Formula"

【Category】Zang-Fu heat agent

[Composition] Huoxiang Ye Qiqian (6g), Gardenia Yiqian (3g), Gypsum Wuqian (9g), Licorice Three Liang (6g), Fangfeng Four Liang (9g)

[Usage] File with medicine, stir-fry slightly with honey and wine until fragrant, and make fine powder. Each serving is 1 to 2 qian (3~6g), 1 cup of water, decocted for 5 minutes, served warm with clear juice, no time.

[Function] Purging the spleen and stomach to suppress fire.

[Indications] Spleen and stomach Fuhuo syndrome. Aphtha of the mouth and tongue, bad breath, tongue sticking, polydipsia and hunger, dry mouth and lips, red tongue, rapid pulse.

The spleen opens to the mouth, and if there is fire in the spleen and stomach, it will inflame the mouth, so aphtha of the mouth and tongue, bad breath, dry mouth and lips. Exuberant stomach fire makes you thirsty and easy to be hungry, and inflammation in stomach fire makes you tongue-scratching and upset. Red tongue and rapid pulse are all symptoms of fire evil.

In fact, the spleen-stomach volt-fire syndrome is far more than the symptoms written in the book. It needs to be known that the soil sits in the middle palace and helps the four dimensions. The fire in the middle palace will inevitably affect the twelve meridians, so there are signs of fire evil everywhere in the body. Therefore, gardenia is used to clear the fire evil of the triple burner; in reality, its seeds are purged, so gypsum is used to clear the fire in the lungs and stomach; Huoxiang clears the lungs and lowers the lungs, allowing the fire to come out from defecation and urination; prevents wind from dispersing stagnant fire; licorice clears away heat, harmonizes various medicines and protects the spleen and stomach.

The three methods of "clearing, dispersing, and purging" of this prescription are used together. If the patient has symptoms of yin injury in clinical practice, Ophiopogon japonicus and Dendrobium can be added.
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