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Can a woman really "be pregnant for three years"?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Can a woman really "be pregnant for three years"?
I chatted with a mother of a child that day. She said that she had studied music before, and she could never forget the music scores. But after giving birth, she found it difficult to remember any music scores. Three years"!

Can women really be "pregnant stupid"?

Many women have this feeling. After giving birth, they find that they have poor memory and slow reactions. Therefore, there is a folk saying that "one pregnancy is stupid for three years". So, is this really the case? What kind of secret is there in this? How does Chinese medicine see it?

Well, today we will talk about this "pregnant fool"!

In fact, after asking some women, we will find that it is not so much "pregnancy stupidity" as "birth stupidity", because during pregnancy, the feeling of this situation is not very obvious, and after delivery, Then women will feel very obvious, and feel that their cognitive abilities have declined a lot. On this point, I believe all women agree, right?
So, how does the medical profession define this?

In fact, foreign countries have done a lot of research on this, and the results of the research are not uniform. Some studies believe that after pregnancy and childbirth, the hormones in women's bodies change greatly, so some changes will occur. However, most studies concluded that after the evaluation of psychological scales, there is no change in the IQ value of women before and after childbirth.

But here's my take: If nothing really has changed, why is the whole world researching this? Everyone paying attention to themselves shows that this problem exists.

In addition, studies have shown that compared with prenatal women, the structure of the brain changes after giving birth, and the gray matter in the area of the brain involved in social cognition decreases. , the stronger the attachment relationship with the child (this is the difference between different individuals), we can understand it this way, this is a change in the evolution of humans, or animals, this change in brain structure is to make mothers able to take better care of children.

This research, in our common words, is the changes in the brain after childbirth, so that mothers start to focus all their energy on their children, and don't care about other social life at all.

According to my observation, it is estimated that this change will last for a long time, because when women in the office meet, most of the topics they talk about are: our child is so cute, yesterday he...

And many postpartum women say that after giving birth, they have to get up several times every night to breastfeed, of course they will be in a trance and their memory will be poor! In fact, this is one of the reasons.

How does Chinese medicine view "birth stupidity"?

Well, I won’t gossip anymore. How do Chinese medicine practitioners recognize this kind of “stupid childbirth”?

Symptoms of "Being Stupid"

So, let's take a look at the "birth stupidity" reflected by women. What are the symptoms?

The most reported by everyone is memory loss, many things are forgotten in a blink of an eye, and then feel dizzy, always in a state of dizziness, poor judgment, difficulty concentrating, etc.

What kind of constitution will "produce stupidity"?

So, in Chinese medicine, what kind of constitution will appear these symptoms?

It's very simple. In Chinese medicine, these symptoms will appear in the constitution of blood stasis and constitution of deficiency of blood.

Blood stasis

First talk about stasis constitution.

For people with blood stasis constitution, the first important manifestation is memory loss. At the same time, there will be dry mouth and throat, cold limbs in winter, dark spots on the face, dry skin, and some people will have pain in the body, which is milder during the day and worse at night.

And women, in the process of childbirth, are very prone to blood stasis, which is an important reason for many women's poor postpartum health, because the process of childbirth itself is prone to blood stasis, and now most of them are cesarean sections, if the wounds are not healed well, Bleeding can also occur.

Therefore, in ancient times, women in many places had to take Shenghua Decoction during confinement, which was helpful for the discharge of postpartum lochia and was good for removing blood stasis. Using longan meat to stew rice wine and other methods, borrow the circulation of wine to help the body remove blood stasis.
Now, this problem is still something that women need to pay attention to. It should be said that the chances of blood stasis during childbirth should be more than in the past. Therefore, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis is an important conditioning direction that postpartum women need to remember .

Anemia constitution

Another postpartum problem is blood deficiency.

Many women will lose blood during childbirth. Nowadays, women's physical labor is very little, and most of them are white-collar workers in the city, so their bodies are relatively delicate, and this kind of blood loss during childbirth will cause relatively large blood loss. Influence.

As for blood deficiency, the biggest manifestation is poor memory and insomnia. At the same time, there will be dizziness and heart palpitations when you are slightly tired. In winter, your hands and feet will be cold, your face will be pale, you will be afraid of the wind and cold, and you will squat down for a while, and your eyes will turn black when you stand up.

When I meet female patients, if they report poor memory and insomnia, which only appeared after giving birth, I will basically look for clues from the perspective of blood deficiency. This is my experience. And, it turns out, that's pretty much the case.

Therefore, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, postpartum blood stasis and postpartum blood deficiency are common problems, and the symptoms of these two problems are basically poor memory. The expressions are consistent. It's just that before, everyone didn't explain this problem from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it was just in folklore. Now that we have analyzed it in this way, I believe everyone will understand the truth.

In the past, when people talked about "pregnancy stupidity", they would think that it was innate, as long as they were pregnant and had children, it would be like this, and there was nothing we could do about it. I think now that I understand the truth, I shouldn't think so.

I think the term "pregnant stupid" is very unfair and suspected of discrimination against women. Because this is clearly the damage they suffered when they gave birth to their children. When we understand the reason, we will not allow them to be "stupid" anymore, but we must adjust their bodies in time to keep them healthy status.
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