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Bleeding actually have these symptoms?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

Bleeding actually have these symptoms?
Now there are a lot of people with blood stasis. Sometimes I go to the front row of lectures to show everyone the tongue. I don’t know how to describe it. Many people have blood stasis. I think this is related to the local diet, climate and other reasons, so it can be concluded that blood stasis is one of the biggest factors affecting our health.

For the symptoms of blood stasis, we have talked about these, the first is the tongue:

1. There are ecchymosis and petechiae on the edge and tip of the tongue;

2. The sublingual veins are black and thick, bulging around;

3. The tip of the tongue is tilted to one side;

4. Tongue color is purple.

(Photos of the bloody tongue are in the linked article below the article~)

Meanwhile, symptoms of bruising are:

1. Poor memory and forgetfulness;

2. Dry mouth, but not thirsty, just dry throat;

3. Dry skin with red or blue blood on the surface of the skin;

4. Dark complexion with dark spots;

5. Where there is pain in the body, it will not move, it will be severe at night and light during the day.

The above content is roughly what I often tell you. It is estimated that friends who have heard my lectures or read books know it. Let's talk about some other diagnostic indications to expand our understanding of blood stasis. So what I'm talking about today is extracurricular tutoring!

1. Blood stasis and fever

When there is blood stasis in the body and the flow of qi and blood is obstructed, the body will have various reactions, one of which is fever. There are many types of fever.

The first type is fever all over the body, that is, fever, and sometimes high fever occurs during the onset of an acute disease. If other signs of blood stasis are found at this time, the method of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis can be used, and other methods can be used according to the constitution, such as Cooling blood and diathermy, etc.

There is also a low-grade fever all over the body. There are still many such patients. They have a low-grade fever for a long time. Western medicine cannot detect the problem, but it is a low-grade fever. In this case, there are many causes, and blood stasis should also be considered. It is due to stagnation of qi and blood, stagnation of righteousness, and thus fever.

When Wang Qingren of the Qing Dynasty wrote Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction in "Yilin Gaicuo", he described a disease caused by blood stasis called "heat in the heart (called lantern disease)". He said:

"The body is cool outside and the heart is hot, so it is called lantern disease, and there is blood stasis inside. It is believed that the deficiency of heat will heal the blood stasis when it is cured; it is considered that the excess fire will become colder and more congealed. Three or two doses, the blood is activated and the heat is relieved."

In addition to generalized fever, there is also localized fever. Patients often describe that a certain part of my body is hot. There may be many reasons for this. One of the important reasons is that there is blood stasis in the local area, which leads to the circulation of Qi and blood. When I get here, it starts to be blocked and cannot pass through, so I get fever. . This kind of fever is often localized, but the adjacent parts will be cold, just like the river is blocked in one place, and there is no water downstream, it must be dry. Therefore, the method of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis must be used to be effective.

There is another kind of fever, which is periodic fever, some are specific afternoon fever, some are early morning fever, this kind of fever has many reasons, some are yin deficiency with heat, some are damp heat accumulation, and some of them are blood stasis, Wang Qingren In the symptoms of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction, it is described like this:

"Late-onset fever, internal heat every night, and skin heat for a while, this prescription can be cured with one dose, and severe cases are treated with two doses."

2. Abnormal sweating

This is one of the reasons above. Congestion of qi and blood is like a river. For example, if a certain section of the river is blocked, then there will be problems in this place. Various symptoms, such as sweating, are like being blocked. Like the river overflowing the river bed, Chinese medicine believes that blood and sweat come from the same source, and the two will affect each other.

I remember that there was a fan back then. This brother had been reading the Chinese medicine stories I wrote on the Internet, and interacted with him from time to time. Later, his wife gave birth to a child, and she sweated profusely after giving birth. The local doctor thought it was deficiency, so he used Guipi Decoction to nourish it, but the more he replenished the sweat, the more he sweated, so he asked me for help, and I asked him to take pictures of his wife's tongue. Come down and send it to me. I looked and found ecchymosis on the side of the tongue, so it crossed with the symptoms of sweating to confirm the existence of bruises. In fact, seeing a doctor in Chinese medicine is the same as solving a case. If different evidence points to one person, then this person is undoubtedly the murderer. So at that time, I used the prescription for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, but after three doses, the sweat disappeared.

A few days ago, an elder called me and said that when he went to sleep at night, his lower limbs sweated profusely, especially around the groin, almost like washing with water. I took traditional Chinese medicine for two months, but it didn't work. So I asked her child to take a picture of the tongue and send it to me. I saw it was a bit dark, and I judged it was a bit of blood stasis. Combined with abnormal sweating, I concluded that it was blood stasis, and near the groin was the route of the liver meridian. So I I prescribed a prescription for soothing the liver and regulating qi, and added drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, but after three doses of medicine, a phone call came, saying that it was basically cured, and even praised that the prescription was effective.

Wang Qingren described the symptoms of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction in "Yilin Gaicuo":

"Sweating after waking up is called spontaneous sweating; waking up due to sweating is called night sweating, which steals away people's qi and blood. This is a hard-to-find conclusion through the ages. It is actually useful for nourishing qi and strengthening the exterior, nourishing yin and reducing fire, but taking it is not effective. For those who are anti-aggravated, ignorance of blood stasis can also cause spontaneous sweating and night sweats. Use Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction, one or two doses, and the sweating will stop."

Therefore, I think ancient books must be read, and then when you have a clinical trial, you will know that this strange disease was discussed by the ancients, and you can practice it.

3. Fullness

Another symptom of blood stasis is that it is prone to fullness. This is mainly due to the blockage of blood stasis, which hinders the movement of Qi, and the movement of Qi is blocked. In Shangjiao, "the patient's chest is full", and in Zhongjiao, "the abdomen is dissatisfied, and the person says I am full", these are Zhang Zhongjing's descriptions, and it is true in clinical practice. Mr. Yan Dexin, a famous late master of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai, described it as: "This patient himself said that his stomach is full, but you can press his stomach to see that his stomach is not big at all, but he feels it himself. Swelling, this is blood stasis, this is called abdominal distension."

Then, in addition to this kind of empty abdominal distension, there are also empirical evidences, such as blood coagulation and formation of agglomerates. Once there are agglomerates, in addition to the patient feeling full, you will also find agglomerates when you press it. Wang Qingren said:

"Agglomerated blood must have a shape. When blood is cold, it coagulates into clots; when blood is heated, it is tormented into clots. When vertical blood vessels coagulate, they form vertical stripes; when horizontal blood vessels coagulate, they form horizontal stripes; both vertical and horizontal blood vessels coagulate. , must be formed into pieces one after another, and the pieces will condense for a long time, and become thick into blocks."

4. Skin itching

Blood stasis blocks blood channels, especially the fine collaterals, which can cause many skin problems, such as dry skin and peeling skin. Some people say that skin peeling is not caused by blood deficiency? Yes, blood deficiency can cause dry skin, and blood deficiency produces wind. However, the blockage of local channels by blood stasis can also cause local ischemia, that is, local blood deficiency, so the skin will also appear dry.

Similarly, due to the existence of blood stasis, the passage of local collaterals of the skin is blocked, so there will be obstacles to the elimination of various toxin wastes and other metabolites, and it is difficult to transport nutrients. Therefore, it will continue to accumulate and various itching problems will appear. In this case, if according to the specific situation, drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis are used together, the effect will be very good.

4. Numbness, stagnation

Generally, everyone knows that blood stasis can cause pain, which is called "pain caused by obstruction", but let me tell you, when this kind of pain occurs, it is when your righteousness is relatively sufficient, and the blood is hitting the place where the blood is stagnant. So it hurts. When a person's qi and blood are insufficient and there is localized blood stasis, he will not feel pain. On the contrary, he will feel numb, his limbs will not move freely, and there will be a feeling of stagnation. This is a lack of righteousness.

Therefore, some friends take medicines for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, such as taking Sanqi powder, why do they feel that some parts start to hurt? Then you have to think for yourself, was it a numb feeling here before? Many friends think about it carefully, it really is. This is when righteousness begins to be sufficient, and the body begins to activate blood and remove blood stasis. Some don't hurt very much at first, but why do the more you eat, the more painful it becomes? This is when qi and blood begin to impact the affected area, and if you eat again, the pain will be healed.

This kind of numbness used to be the most common among the elderly, but now there are many young people. It is caused by lack of righteousness and long-term lack of recuperation.

5. Insomnia, dreaminess

In fact, there are many reasons for insomnia and dreaminess, the most important one is the discomfort of liver qi, followed by blood deficiency. However, there is another situation, which I will not talk about much, that is insomnia and dreaminess caused by blood stasis.

Why does blood stasis cause insomnia and dreaminess? My understanding is that the blood returns to the liver at night, and it needs to be rested and supplemented in a quiet state to conserve yang energy. However, if there is blood stasis, the blood that should be recovered and rested cannot come back, and those who should be sent out to work the night shift are blocked on the road. Usually, they can go around quickly, but now it takes a lot of time because of the stasis. It took strength to come back. Tell me, is it harder than usual? How can we sleep well in such a state of exhaustion?

For insomnia and dreaminess caused by blood stasis, we should be aware of it. When treating insomnia, we should first consider nourishing blood, or soothing the liver and relieving depression. Then, the third important reason may be blood stasis. Think about it at any time to see if you need blood circulation and blood stasis conditioning.

Therefore, Wang Qingren said in "Correcting Mistakes in the Medical Forest":

"A lot of sleep and dreams at night is blood stasis. One or two doses of this prescription will heal completely, and there is no good prescription outside."

During the treatment, we can follow Wang Qingren's Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction for conditioning, and we can add some medicines such as Coptis chinensis, Shichangpu, Polygala, etc. to the prescription.

How about some indications of blood stasis introduced today, can we expand our understanding? If friends have these symptoms, you can refer to the dialectical characteristics of blood stasis I mentioned before to analyze it. Maybe, you will find the answer to the question you have been puzzled for a long time here!
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