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A letter to the people of Hunan

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   15 minute read

A letter to the people of Hunan
After completing the Golden Chamber this time, I traveled to Zhangjiajie with my classmates. I should have been in a good mood when traveling, but our local companion accidentally told an incident that happened in the local area, which made me very angry. I I think it is necessary to find a way out for the people in Hunan, so I specially use my webpage to explain it to you.
Hello, folks from Hunan, I am a practicing Chinese medicine practitioner in Florida, the United States. This time when I was traveling in Hunan, I learned that your local Chinese medicine doctors can’t cure diseases, even a cold, and people turn to Western hospitals for help. But you were asked to pay high medical expenses, and you were asked to pay 300 yuan to cure a cold, but you don’t know the important point, that is, Western medicine cannot cure colds, the only medicine in the world that can treat colds It is Chinese medicine, but your Chinese medicine belongs to the febrile disease school of Chinese medicine, not the real orthodox Chinese medicine. Therefore, once you get sick, you go to local Chinese medicine for treatment, but you can’t get results. When you go to Western medicine for treatment, Not only was the disease not cured, but you were also extorted a sum of money, so your situation is very difficult and helpless.
Now that I am passing through Guibao, I also know this situation, and I am obliged to solve this problem for everyone. I will use the simplest words for the diagnosis and prescription of colds below to let everyone understand what to do when you get a cold. How to protect yourself, how to heal yourself without asking for help.
I will summarize the most commonly used prescriptions in the treatment of colds in the real orthodox Chinese medicine, so that everyone can remember and use them. Traditional Chinese medicine prescribes prescriptions for colds based on different cold symptoms, not according to the types of viruses that Western medicine distinguishes.
1. Guizhi Decoction: The prescription content is 10 grams of Guizhi, 10 grams of white peony root, 2 slices of roasted licorice, 10 grams of red dates, and 10 pieces of red dates. Add six bowls of water to each medicine and cook two bowls on high heat. Adults drink one every three hours on an empty stomach. Bowl, children will halve it, and they will sweat slightly after taking it. This prescription is used the most. If people feel better after taking the first bowl of decoction, they don’t need to take the second bowl. After taking this decoction, they need Drink a little porridge to help the drug reach the extremities, so that the cold virus can be removed from the body, and the patient will recover quickly. When using this prescription, pay attention to the patient's cold symptoms. When you find that the cold patient has sweating and muscle pain all over the body , don’t like being blown to the body by the wind, and when you have a little fever and no appetite, you can take the medicine according to the ratio I said. At noon on the second day after taking it, if the patient’s appetite recovers, it means that the disease has completely recovered. alright.
2. Mahuang Decoction: The content of the prescription is 5 grams of ephedra, 10 grams of cassia twig, 10 grams of almond, 5 grams of roasted licorice, 10 grams of roasted licorice, add three bowls of water to each medicine and boil it into a bowl with high heat. Take it on an empty stomach. This prescription is specially used to treat a special cold. The main symptoms are very cold, body joint pain, fever, and no sweating. This cold symptom mostly occurs in winter when it is cold, but it also sometimes occurs in summer. Just remember that you can use it as long as you have this symptom. The only It should be noted that if you have a history of heart disease, you can't take it, everything else can be taken.
3. Pueraria decoction: The contents of the prescription are 15 grams of Pueraria radiata, 5 grams of cassia twig, 10 grams of white peony root, 2 slices of ginger, 10 grams of roasted licorice, and ten pieces of jujube. Drink a bowl on an empty stomach for three hours, and the child will halve it. After taking it, they will sweat slightly. This prescription is mostly used when children have a cold, fever and sore throat. This is because the patient gets the cold while sweating. The main symptom is strong pain in the back. , headache and fear of wind, body muscle pain, sore throat, thirst, etc. At the same time, we can also give this prescription to children who are suffering from chickenpox and fever. It can force chickenpox out of the body while the fever is reducing. The next day, chickenpox will appear all over the body. It looks scary, but the disease has already improved. The patient’s fever subsides, and his physical strength will also improve. When the patient’s fever subsides and his appetite recovers, the drug can be stopped.
4. Daqinglong Decoction: The content of the prescription is 10 grams of ephedra, 10 grams of almonds, 10 grams of gypsum, 20 grams of roasted licorice, 10 grams of cinnamon sticks, 15 grams of ginger, two slices of ginger, and ten jujubes. Drink a bowl on an empty stomach for three hours, the child will halve it, and sweat will come out after taking it. The main cold symptoms of this prescription are fever, cough and sputum. The patient feels that the outside is cold and the inside is very hot. Pain, thirst, and no appetite, you can take this prescription at this time. Daqinglong Decoction is the most effective prescription used to treat infectious diseases such as plague in China for thousands of years. The so-called bird flu happened recently. Daqinglong Decoction Syndrome, once the public finds out that they have this disease and when your local western medicine and Chinese medicine declare that it cannot be cured, everyone can use this prescription to save their lives.
5. Xiaoqinglong Decoction: The content of the prescription is 10 grams of ephedra, white peony root, 10 grams of dried ginger, 5 grams of asarum, 5 grams of cassia twig, 15 grams of schisandra, 10 grams of roasted licorice, 10 grams of pinellia, 10 grams of pinellia. Two bowls. Adults drink one bowl every three hours on an empty stomach. Children drink half of it. After taking it, they will sweat. The main cold symptoms of this prescription are fever, cough and white sputum. Sweat, also have body pain, no thirst or appetite, often feel itchy in the throat and want to cough, and sometimes feel a cold spot as big as a fist between the two shoulder blades on the back, at this time you can take this prescription, after taking it The body will sweat, after which the high fever will subside and the cough will improve.
6. Xiaochaihu Decoction: The prescription content is Bupleurum 15g Pinellia 15g Scutellaria baicalensis 15g Codonopsis 15g Ginger 2 slices Jujube 10 pieces Roasted licorice 10g, add 6 bowls of water to each medicine and cook over high heat to make 2 bowls. Drink a bowl on an empty stomach before breakfast and dinner, half of the amount for children. The main symptoms of this prescription are that the patient feels hot and cold, nausea, and feels full in the chest and ribs at the same time. You can take this prescription at this time. One thing to note is that if a woman gets any cold during menstruation, no matter how different your other cold symptoms are, please use this prescription to recover. Do not take other prescriptions. If you have serious symptoms at the same time For dysmenorrhea, you can add 15 grams of madder and 25 grams of white peony to this recipe, but the cooking and taking methods remain the same.
While you are using the above to treat colds, please note that when you feel very hungry at noon the next day after taking the medicine, this is evidence that your cold is completely cured. If you are sick at noon the next day If you still have no appetite, you must continue to take medicine until you feel better. The above six-dose prescription is a classic prescription that has been used in China for thousands of years. It still does not need to change the content after using it, and the effect is known in one dose. The medicine is very cheap. Everyone can afford it, and at the same time, it is a prescription that can really cure a cold. Westerners still can’t even cure a cold, so Western medicine is more than a thousand years away from traditional Chinese medicine. The above six medicines are the real ones. Traditional Chinese medicine is where Chinese medicine is located, and the Chinese medicine doctors around you are all febrile diseases. These Chinese medicines are not really orthodox Chinese medicines, so they can’t treat colds like Western medicines, and the ephedra, cinnamon twigs, etc. I prescribed in the above prescriptions are not for you. The Chinese medicine practitioners here are very fearful. They have never used these medicines in their lives, and this is the reason why they cannot cure diseases. Therefore, when you take this medicine list to the pharmacy, if the pharmacy makes things difficult for you, this is a big problem. It is not surprising, because there has never been a Chinese medicine doctor who dared to prescribe medicine like this. Please use it with peace of mind. I guarantee that the effect will be fast and there will be no side effects at all. Please post this paper everywhere. When the folks read this article, please print it out and distribute it to relatives and friends. If everyone knows that colds can be treated in this way, I believe that the folks in Hunan Province will be healthier, richer, and live a happier life. Finally, I wish you all good health and all the best.
A small episode: One of you from Changsha, Hunan Province, female, 44 years old, she is the sister of one of my American patients. My sister also brought it together, hoping that I can give her some advice. Because she had a large lump in her right breast, she was found to have a shadow after taking a picture, so your local western doctor asked her to do a breast biopsy. My sister is my patient, so I know that this kind of slice will only make the condition worse, so I forcefully stop her from doing it, and insist on waiting for me to see it before making a decision. When I looked at her face, the first thing I said was to ask her How old are you? She replied that she was 44 years old. I knew that she was divorced when I saw her nose. Said that she is very good with her children, it is really chicken and duck, so I had to ask her directly, how do you get along with your husband? At this time, her sister already knew what I was looking for? So I answered her sister Already divorced, and then I asked her when she divorced? She said it was divorced in 2005, and I asked her when did you find your breasts hard? She replied that it was 2006, that is, after the divorce. Folks in Hunan, please note that Western medicine has not yet understood the cause of breast cancer. They don’t even know that milk is menstruation, but Chinese medicine knows that the cause of breast cancer is that the heart causes milk to fail to fully reach the uterus and stay in the breast for too long. The disease caused by the disease, so the patient's psychology is very important. When she loses her marriage, she must be very sad, so the milk stops accumulating in the right breast, which is the source of the breast lump, and the pathological examination method of Western medicine cannot find The patient has been divorced, so they don’t know the real cause of the disease. They just ask the patient to do a slice. It is helpful for treatment. I hope that all Hunan folks will understand that breast cancer can be treated by Chinese medicine. If you don’t do any Chinese and Western medicine treatment, you can survive for an average of 14 years. But if you give Western medicine treatment, after sectioning, surgery, and chemotherapy In the end, you can only live for ten years at most, and most of the time you will die within five years. That is to say, you can live longer than Western medicine treatment without treatment, and you still have a good quality of life. Of course, if you find a good Chinese medicine doctor If you treat it, the effect will be better, and the survival rate will inevitably increase. I hope everyone will tell everyone that when they have cancer, they should find real Chinese medicine for treatment, and do not send Chinese medicine to these western medicine and febrile diseases. It is because of the consequences of taking western medicine for a long time. Let's wish this passionate Hunan girl safe and healthy, and all wishes come true.
A little bit of life, when my students in Hunan ate the sweets bought in your supermarket, their teeth immediately tightened. This is caused by artificial white sugar. Please do not buy any sweets that contain artificial sugar. White sugar food, because this kind of white sugar will not only damage the teeth but also be the source of gastric cancer and pancreatic cancer. It is okay to eat sweets, but you must eat sweets made of sucrose or brown sugar. The teeth and stomach are fine, please pay attention.

Today, a new patient from my longevity town, female, 35 years old, said that it has been eight years since she gave birth to her second child, and her menstruation has been delayed every month, but her milk has never been cut off since now, and it is still the same every day. She needs to use a breast pump to suck out the milk, otherwise she will feel as if it is going to burst. She has searched all over the Western doctors, but no one knows what is going on, and no one can help her solve this problem. She sees After I wrote a thesis on milk problems, I immediately came to see me for treatment. The symptoms were good sleep, irregular stools, no thirst, good physical strength, cold hands and feet, hair loss all the time, and dry skin. This case is to illustrate my cold feet, one of the six major health symptoms, because I cannot enter the mainland support website to answer the questions of the TCM doctor. If I have cold feet, I can comment on the theory of deficiency and reality in the Huangdi Neijing at the earliest. Those with cold feet. Normal people should have Yang Qi descending and Yin Qi rising, so the three yang meridians of the foot are on the surface of the foot, and it is normal to have yin in the yang, so it is normal for the foot surface to be cold. Among the three yin of the foot, only the kidney meridian is on the sole of the foot, and the kidney is Shaoyin , and the fire of the gate of life is hidden in the water of Shaoyin, so it is normal for the fire of yang and heat to appear in the yin meridian, so normal people will feel that the surface of the feet is cold and the soles of the feet are hot, and this cold and hot The result of intersecting is temperature. This temperature is warm no matter how cold the weather is. Because it is emitted from the body, changes in the external environment cannot affect it. When there is a problem with the body, the hands and feet will be cold. The main reason is that the hands and feet are the extreme ends of the human body. Whenever there is a slight imbalance of yin and yang, the most sensitive ones will occur at the ends first. This is the beginning of the disease and the end of the treatment. Therefore, Chinese medicine can use it to assist in diagnosis Has the patient returned to normal? The big finger of the foot is at the end of the liver meridian of foot Jueyin and the spleen meridian of foot Taiyin. Return to the body, so the two yin meridians intersect on this big finger, so this finger has the greatest strength. In the past, we used to squat down to get a tuba. This is the most correct way to get a tuba, because the squatting position can squeeze the liver meridian and The spleen meridian, plus the thighs press the abdomen, so the stool will be discharged quickly, but now people use the toilet and adopt a sitting posture, so many people cannot defecate completely, so they have a full stomach every day, and the turbid gas will come out If it reaches above the chest cavity, it will cause dizziness, inability to concentrate and other problems. Let’s talk about this for a while, let’s return to the topic. This patient does not know thirst, this is the main symptom, which means that the inside is extremely cold, so he does not know thirst, and this is the time to cure Fuzi. When sweating profusely, Zhongjing used Guizhi decoction plus aconite. At this time, he used Paofuzi. This is the reason. Because the patient was very cold in the interior, the yang energy that should have been sinking reversed to the head, and the milk dominated the qi. It comes from the lungs, and women dominate the blood, so the qi is transformed from the blood, and this is how menstruation comes. Now, the yang qi of this woman is reversed, and this qi cannot be transformed from the blood, so it stays in the chest. The breasts of women are yang, while the breasts of men It is yin. You can see that all corpses floating in the water, if it is a woman, must face upwards, because the upper part is the heavenly yang, and the yang follows the yang. After the doctor understands this phenomenon, the method of treatment is clear. I hope all the big doctors will give me your advice. I don’t know if I am right? Just take it as a joke. Talking about the disease, because the readers are not necessarily all Chinese medicine practitioners, today is an exception, which makes the experts laugh. I used this language when I taught the Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine, so if you haven’t read the acupuncture and moxibustion chapters I teach, please don’t buy the DVD of the Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine, because there will be difficulties in studying it, and buying it is just a waste of money. It is recommended that readers waste money to buy it. If your purpose is just to collect, please give the opportunity to those who really want to learn.

When a reader’s child has tonsillitis, he can use acupuncture or eat my throat moth formula. If he is healthy, please buy Prunella vulgaris for five cents, add an egg, boil it with two bowls of water, and let the child put Eat the eggs and drink the medicine soup, just one dose, you will never have tonsillitis again, it’s that simple, I hope all the mothers in the world will give it to your little one, and I wish everyone will never worry about this trivial matter again No more trouble with small problems, but please keep your head downWhen buying Prunella vulgaris, don’t let the merchant know what you are doing, otherwise the Prunella vulgaris will rise immediately and you can’t even buy it, it’s my sin.
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