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36 Mantras from Mr. Ni Haixia, a Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

36 Mantras from Mr. Ni Haixia, a Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Ni Haixia's 36 Mantras
1. To be a doctor, you must first know what is health, and there are "six major standards" for health. If you don't even know what is health, you don't need to talk about treating patients.
2. The physiology of TCM should be based on the "Nei Jing", the medicine should be based on the "Materia Medica", and the prescription should be based on "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases". As for my own (Ni Haixia) recipes, they are mainly from the Han and Tang dynasties. The name of the web page (Han Tang Chinese Medicine Network) refers to this.
3. If the cold is not cured within three days (Chinese medicine), go back and read more. [Many Chinese medicine doctors now take more than a week to treat colds. In fact, patients are often better themselves. 】
4. The prescriptions that make good use of Zhongjing prescriptions are from the Jingfang family. Those who cannot use ephedra, cassia twig, aconite, gypsum, saponin, nitrate, yellow, kansui, aconitum, etc., and treat them like tigers, are the febrile diseases. , or the Jingfang family who have learned nothing. [It’s a pity that Shanghai is the base camp of febrile disease school. The use of cinnamon sticks starts at 4.5 grams, and the use of ephedra requires honey. 】
5. The reason why Jingfang is stronger than Shifang (song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties) is because its effect is grand and rapid. 【Curative effect is the soul of medicine. 】
6. From Shi Fang to Ye Tianshi and Wu Tang in the Qing Dynasty, the study of febrile diseases started, and the syndrome differentiation of the six meridians of typhoid fever was replaced by the theory of Wei Qi Ying Xue. Ten postings and twenty postings, half a year or a year is a common practice, and the Fang family's "one dose of knowledge, two doses of already" has since declined.
7. A kind of knowledge does not take the modernity in time as progress, and does not take progress as it becomes more and more complicated, but focuses on actual effects, and the way to cure it quickly and well is the kingly way. [Pragmatism is the most beneficial doctrine for the public, and other doctrines are fooling people. 】
8. Make up for evil, don't make up for nothing. Keeping a good mood, defecating every day, and eating a normal diet is health.
9. Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" dazzles the eyes and ears. It is very good as a botanical code, but it is miscellaneous as a pharmacopoeia. Later generations are dazzled, thinking that "more" means progress and "new" is good. Scholars should focus on "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", and talk about others after becoming proficient. [Strictly speaking, "Compendium of Materia Medica" is a work of natural history, not a work of medicine. 】
10. Women's "essence" acts as milk at the top, and moon water at the bottom. If it flows back into the heart, lungs, and marrow, it will cause lupus erythematosus, lung cancer, and blood cancer. If it accumulates in the breast, it will become breast cancer.
11. Hepatitis C is not hepatitis, but a cold virus that enters the liver, so the treatment of hepatitis C symptoms is to go back to the doctor all the way, from Jueyin to Taiyang, and the symptoms are those who go against it. 【My admiration for Mr. Ni begins here, this is what no one has ever said! 】
12. Regardless of Western medicine or Chinese medicine, whether it is febrile disease school or classic prescription school, surgery, radiation, and qigong are all good, if it can't make people feel hot feet, sleep normally, appetite, and two conveniences, it's not good, otherwise it can be done . [That is to meet the aforementioned health standards. 】
13. Chinese culture should conform to the nature and respond to people, reconcile yin and yang, and the same is true of Chinese medicine. Western medicine, on the contrary, even wants to replace God. Therefore, Western medicine is accustomed to purification and separation, and does not use natural substances, and high-purity substances are not only a burden to the human body, but also harmful. Therefore, Chinese medicine will directly boil the bark of cinchona tree to make soup, while Western medicine will extract quinine. Traditional Chinese medicine directly uses Artemisia annua, and Western medicine extracts artemisinin.
14. May I ask whether artemisinin is the same as artemisinin? Is orange the same as vitamin C? Natural products are much less harmful to the human body, so western medicine is much more harmful to the human body because it is too pure. Anything that is "made" by humans is indigestible by nature, plastic bottles are an example. By analogy, purified drugs will accumulate in the liver and kidneys. [What is extracted is not necessarily the essence, but often poison. The key is whether the human body can absorb it. 】
15. The strength of traditional Chinese medicine is to use simplicity to control complexity, and treat based on syndrome differentiation. It doesn't care about the name of the disease at all. When scholars think that the thicker the Chinese medicine canon is the progress, and the innovation of the disease theories is the progress, they fall into the stereotype of Western medicine and don't know it. Who knows that Chinese culture is strong in inductive method, so it never deviates from its roots, while Western learning focuses on deduction, so the books are getting thicker and thicker. There are more and more patients. [The so-called wise seek common ground, while fools seek differences. Good Chinese medicine sees a doctor using induction, while Western medicine uses exclusion. There are already too many disease names in Western medicine, and there will be more in the future. 】
16. Western medicine is a microscopic medicine, and it will go to a dead end, treat the head for headache, treat the foot for foot pain, cut the uterus if the uterus is bad, and replace the liver if the liver is bad, it will not work! May I ask if the head is bad and the neck is bad, should the head be beheaded to treat it? [Western medicine is also aware of this disadvantage now, but unfortunately they have gone too far in local medicine and cannot come back. 】
17. The side effects of western medicine far outweigh its curative effect. It can be used for occasional emergencies, but it is not suitable for long-term treatment. [Our Western medicine will only tell you about the curative effect, and will not mention the side effects at all. 】
18. It takes a lifetime of medicine to suppress the symptoms, and it is not considered a cure. From this point of view, there are too many incurable diseases in Western medicine. [If Western medicine tells you that you need to take medicine for life, it means that they cannot cure your disease and you will always be a patient. The frightening thing is that Western medicine says this sentence more and more frequently. 】
19. When Western medicine says you are genetic or allergic, it means he is talking nonsense to cover up his ignorance. [Fang Sheng: This is still generally recognized nonsense. 】
20. Western medical codes are getting thicker and thicker, and more and more disease names are taken. This is not progress, but a symbol of uselessness.
21. Chinese medicine is science, while Western medicine is science and technology.
22. The focus of traditional Chinese medicine is to study "spirit", that is, the connotation, while western medicine focuses on "shape", which is microcosmic and more detailed.
23. Traditional Chinese medicine is an experimental science that has been developed for thousands of years. It treats people like people. Western medicine is a new technology that has been around for nearly a century. It treats people like rats. [Now the teachers in the University of Chinese Medicine are experimenting with the formula that has been used for thousands of years on human beings on mice to obtain some data, which shows that the formula is indeed effective. What a group of ridiculous teachers. 】
24. The combination of Chinese and Western medicine is impossible, because the horse and the cow are irrelevant, unless the Chinese body and the Western medicine are used. That is to say, Chinese medicine is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment, and Western medicine is responsible for the inspection before and after. [Fang Sheng: In that case, Western medicine is assisting Chinese medicine, but the teachers of the University of Chinese Medicine have repeatedly emphasized to their students that Chinese medicine is only complementary medicine. 】
25. Western medicine suppresses Chinese medicine. They don't believe in Chinese medicine, but they inquire about Chinese medicine for antibacterial tests. [Because the treatment methods of western medicine are really stretched, and they will be like this when they are at the end of their wits. 】
26. The way Western medicine studies Chinese medicine is fundamentally wrong, because the principle of action of Chinese medicine is completely different from that of Western medicine.
27. Western medicine can see dentistry, ophthalmology, and traumatology. But internal medicine can't. Strictly speaking, the traumatology department of Chinese medicine is also better than that of Western medicine. [Because Western medicine studies the human form, they are competent for partial problems of the human body that have nothing to do with the overall situation. 】
28. Western medicine is a big piece of cake, developed by pharmaceutical companies, and giving benefits to doctors and the Department of Health. The doctor helps him with his tongue, and the Department of Health quickly approves it. The medical insurance (medical insurance) money paid by the people is paid to the drug factory. This is the third benefit transfer swordsman. [The annual medical conferences are sponsored by Western pharmaceutical companies, and the blood pressure and blood sugar standards are also set by them. Behind all this is a huge and extensive interest group. 】
29. It is the Chinese who spare no effort to destroy and attack Chinese culture. [It has been true since ancient times, but it is especially strong today. Little knowledge, xenophobic fawning, destructive mentality, plus self-abuse mentality, contributed to all this. 】
30. Doctors must be honest. If they can't cure or can't cure, they must explain clearly.
31. I (Ni Haixia) never participated in parties in the United States, did not learn how to be a human being, and did not socialize. I devoted myself to studying the above-mentioned books (referring to the classics of Chinese medicine), which is why I am so talented. I hope scholars will encourage me. [I have observed that many famous doctors study the classics, and they work hard to publish books and give speeches everywhere, just like a social activist. 】
32. Excellent Chinese medicine can only be screened by competition. The only thing is to compare who can heal faster and better, and there is no need to say anything else. If he can be cured quickly and well, I will admit defeat and worship him as my teacher, and I will spread his medical skills everywhere, regardless of sects. [China's screening is more complicated. Among them, the city-level, provincial-level, and national-level famous Chinese medicine practitioners do not know how they got here, and the public who doesn't know where they are is foolishly thinking that their medical skills are city-level, provincial-level, and national-level. . 】
33. Originally, I wanted to train Americans to be masters of classics and prescriptions, and to understand the use of classics and prescriptions better than the Chinese, so that Chinese people could come to the United States to learn Chinese medicine from Americans. [No way, in view of the current characteristics of Chinese people who worship foreign countries and fawn on foreign countries, this is also a way to revitalize Chinese medicine. 】
34. The dentist I treated for blood cancer in the United States only charged him 1,250 US dollars, and he was cured in four weeks. I treated a professor of myocardial infarction and only charged him 3,500 US dollars. Many Americans say it is too cheap. I always want to heal my parents. , unwilling to raise the price, but many Chinese think my medicine is expensive. I will be willing to take Western medicine for the rest of my life, but I will be cured in a few days after taking my Chinese medicine, so the Chinese are cheap! The money was cut twice and it was applauded. I will never give him a discount to treat this kind of Chinese. [For many Chinese, Western medicine has become a kind of belief, but this is a standard superstition. 】
35. Few TCM doctors are willing to publish their painstakingly researched prescriptions to the world, so they must be rewarded heavily. The state should come forward to research the prescriptions and sell them to the people. Private enterprises should not do it, lest the rich live longer and the poor live shorter. .
36. Today's Chinese medicine is the Westernization of Chinese medicine. It sounds like "scientificization", but it is actually Westernization. Why can't we transform Western medicine into Chinese medicine? Poor Chinese people! [The TCM field is in urgent need of talents, and there is a big problem with the education of TCM. In our TCM university, a group of mediocre mediocrity are teaching a large group of mediocre mediocrity. 】
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