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10% of SARS mortality rate vitamin C supplements set off a boom

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

10% of SARS mortality rate vitamin C supplements set off a boom
Although the current SARS death rate announced by the World Health Organization is 5.6%, disease experts believe that, depending on the calculation method, the true death rate may be 10.4%, or nearly double the death rate calculated by the WHO.
The current WHO method of calculating the SARS mortality rate is to divide the number of deaths by the number of possible cases. The denominator includes not only those who have recovered, but also those who are still in the hospital, and these people may die. Disease experts believe that the more correct calculation method is to divide the number of deaths by the number of recovered patients plus the deceased, excluding SARS patients and "suspected" patients who are still ill and whose fate is uncertain.
Using this method, the SARS mortality rate in Hong Kong was 17.7%, in Canada it was 18.2%, and in mainland China it was nearly 50%.
Hong Kong media reported on the 23rd that under the ravages of SARS, because vitamin C can help strengthen the body's resistance, there has been a rush to buy vitamin C supplements in the market. Currently, there is a shortage in Hong Kong and even the world.
"Men, please see that there are countless ignorant people. What vitamin C can enhance the body's resistance? C pills can cause arterial dissection, the best way to get vitamin C is to drink orange juice, there is no side effect, but some people do not believe in nature, believe in technology, blindly take vitamin C tablets, I found that many people get kidney Patients with stones are caused by taking vitamin C continuously. There is a dentist here who does not take any vitamins all his life and does not get sick. One day his wife bought the latest vitamin C tablet product. After taking it for about two weeks, he got kidney Stones, I removed it and told him it was because he was taking vitamin C, so he called the pharmaceutical factory to ask, and the answer he got was that it was possible, but they didn't know."
" If you feel that life is too boring and comfortable, and you have nothing to do all day, please try to take vitamin C tablets as much as possible, and don't drink fruit juice. I guarantee that kidney stones will visit your kidneys within a month. Keep eating and don't stop. I guarantee that you will get Artery stripped, happy to change catheters, congratulations you finally have something happen in your boring life, spend a lot of money and get sick, that's pretty good. This article talks about don't tell your enemies, or they will Too long to live, not good for you."
It is most beneficial to strengthen one's own resistance to prevent SARS
For the SARS virus for which there is no vaccine, the Department of Health advocates that the most effective prevention method is to increase personal resistance.
Therefore, various food supplements and medicinal supplements have been widely circulated on the Internet recently, including the N-7627 type of bacteria containing special active lactic acid bacteria in Yakult, which is quite effective in preventing and treating SARS virus; there is also chicken essence, which has long been widely consumed, because of its nutritional content. Helps promote good health and strengthen the immune system. So in recent days, the sales volume of domestic chicken essence market has risen sharply....
However, there are many brands of chicken essence on the market. How should consumers choose high-quality chicken essence at a reasonable price? According to our understanding, the salt (potassium and sodium content) of chicken essence is generally too high, which causes a great burden on the kidneys. Also, the fishy smell of general chicken essence is also often insensitive.
In response to these problems, Dacheng has specially developed the biotechnology department and developed desalination technology, which can also remove the annoying fishy smell while desalinating, so Dacheng has made the chicken essence more delicious. For adults, in addition to the low-salt traditional chicken essence, there are also flavored Siwu essence of chicken. There is also a small national chicken essence with cocoa flavor.
Once won the 2002 National Biotechnology and Medical Quality Award, the Dacheng series of chicken essence, in particular added the Brazilian mushroom (also known as Agaricus blazei) that can enhance the body's resistance! The high-molecular polysaccharides in Agaricus mushrooms can regulate the body and exert normal immunity. Even if people coexist with allergens, they will no longer be so prone to sneezing, coughing, and runny nose. Resistance to viruses is also naturally elevated.
Since Dacheng Enterprise is the largest chicken supplier in China, all chicken comes from Dacheng Luye professional farm, so the cost of chicken is relatively cheap, and it is directly returned to consumers.
Strengthening the body's defense and resistance requires long-term maintenance. To protect the health of yourself and your family, daily nutritional intake is very important. Especially in a market with a wide variety of products, consumers should keep their eyes open and carefully choose high-quality products with good prices and low prices, and refrain from blindly believing in branded products with a large number of advertisements.
"Everyone, please read this report. It is definitely written by the reporter who was bought by Dacheng Enterprises or someone familiar with it. It is a way to make a lot of money by taking advantage of the panic of the public. This kind of people just want to make money regardless of life or death. Enterprises will really die. I have the following arguments for your reference."
"First: The theory of Chinese medicine is ""replenishing energy and loving evil"". Food tonic should be done on weekdays. Choose good quality food, cook it correctly, and pay attention to excretion while food tonic is normal. People have to defecate every day. If you or you have the habit of constipation, you must cure it first. Otherwise, you have constipation yourself, and at this time you need to take a lot of supplements. The result will be counterproductive. Any nutrition can only enter the body within 24 hours. Absorption, once more than 24 hours, the nutrients will be necrotic, so constipation will cause more toxins to accumulate in the human body, so people with constipation should never take tonic, because the tonic is good and fresh when it enters the body, but Because of your constipation, if you stay in the body for too long, it will be poison instead."
"Second: Tonics need to use raw medicinal materials to boil or powder and bake with honey, so that the properties of the medicine will not be lost. Once refined or refined, the properties of the medicine will be lost. Instead, it will be unable to be absorbed by normal human tissues. become poison. It’s like eating an apple is very nutritious, but if an apple is analyzed chemically, it may be composed of hundreds of different substances. If you only take a part and concentrate it into a small pill, it will It has become a poison, and so on. We should take the time to eat apples directly, instead of buying apple pills, so it is correct to drink more orange juice to get vitamin C. Never take vitamin C pills, I have Many patients came to me because of kidney stones and breast cancer, and I found that the more vitamin C I took, the more serious the kidney stones and the bigger the breast tumor."
"My conclusion here is that we should be spending money on good quality food to eat instead of wasting money on completely ineffective and hurtful supplements for self-righteous supplementation."
"Of course, if you want to make money and kill, it's a different matter. You don't need to hire someone to murder and poison you. You just need to buy a lot of vitamins and give them to your enemy, so that he will thank you for being so kind to him before he dies, and the police It can’t be found out, because he died of cancer, which is a normal death.”
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