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Zhang Cunti, a famous Chinese medicine expert of Vulcan School

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

Zhang Cunti, a famous Chinese medicine expert of Vulcan School
There are always many friends leaving messages under our articles, saying that they hope that we can recommend good Chinese medicine practitioners from all over the country. Today, we want to introduce and recommend to you a clinic in Shenyang. The famous "Vulcan School" in the country Famous Chinese medicine expert - Mr. Zhang Cunti.

First of all, let me introduce my fate with this clinic. In the northbound area of Shenyang, there is a Jinlong Furniture City, and on the south side of the Furniture City, there is a Tiande Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic. This place is a place I am particularly familiar with.

After I graduated with a master's degree, I was walking nearby one day and saw a Chinese medicine clinic. I walked in on a whim and wanted to chat casually. As a result, this chat was incredible and rewarding.

What's going on here? It turned out that after I came in, I saw a middle-aged man in a white coat, who was sorting out the materials. I introduced myself and started chatting. It turned out that this is a master. His name is Xin Changshan, and he is from this clinic. The founder, who was already practicing medicine in the United States at that time, specialized in the treatment of tumors and other diseases, this time he went home to visit relatives. He is a pure Chinese medicine doctor who loves Chinese medicine and has very high medical skills. At that time, we had a common language. I said that I had just gone to Beijing to learn Mr. Zhao Shaoqin’s experience in treating kidney disease. He said, Mr. Zhao is my teacher, I listen I took his class, and when we chatted, it turned out that it was a very long time ago. Although he graduated from Liaoning Traditional Chinese Medicine, he also took the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine class later. We chatted happily, and he also showed me the clinical data of his practice in the United States. Apparently he was also very interested in me as a young man, so he invited me to visit him often.

Later, I met an important teacher in my life here, Mr. Zhang Daokuan from the Liaoning Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After we got acquainted, Mr. Zhang felt that I was a young man who was very humble and easy to learn. He probably thought that I was a child who could be taught. Well, he always passes on his clinical experience to me, and often he feels a special pulse, so he asks me to touch it and experience it. During that time, my level of Chinese medicine improved relatively quickly. Until I came to Beijing to study for a doctorate, I spent the days before this clinic. Unfortunately, during my doctorate period, Mr. Zhang Daokuan passed away. I really appreciate the old man’s treatment of me from the bottom of my heart I have no other way of repaying the support and teaching, but to study Chinese medicine seriously and live up to the expectations of the elderly.

After several years later, when I returned to the clinic, I found that a master of traditional Chinese medicine that I had admired for a long time, Mr. Zhang Cunti, had actually come here for a consultation. It was really happy.

Teacher Zhang Cunti, when I was studying, I heard that Mr. Zhang’s enthusiasm for Chinese medicine is admirable. He is a famous hardcore Chinese medicine doctor. He was famous for his curative effects at that time. Unfortunately, I have never had the opportunity to meet Mr. Zhang.

I didn’t expect to meet in the clinic this time. I feel that this is really fate. I remember the day we met, Teacher Zhang and the director Xin Changwu, as well as the disciples of Teacher Zhang. Teacher Zhang has a lot of patients, and many difficult diseases are indeed cured with one hand, which is amazing.

In Japan, it may be a very small shop, and it may have a hundred years of inheritance of a certain skill. Sometimes I feel that this small clinic looks ordinary, but it condenses the painstaking efforts and efforts of too many Chinese medicine practitioners.

Below is the introduction of my respected teacher Zhang Cunti.

Mr. Zhang Cunti
Zhang Cunti, born in 1947, is from Shenyang, Liaoning. Graduated from Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1982, currently serves as Chief Physician of Internal Medicine of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Standing Committee Member of National Fuyang Forum Organizing Committee. He has been practicing medicine for 33 years, based on the classics, and is good at using classic prescriptions. He has accumulated rich clinical experience in common and difficult diseases in internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, and dermatology. He has lectured and practiced medicine in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Hong Kong. There are many disciples. In recent years, he has been researching and elaborating the Vulcan School, and has written "Discussion on the Vulcan School of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "Comprehensive Explanation of Medical Cases of the Vulcan School of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "New Selection of Medical Cases of the Vulcan School of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "Nine Methods of Wenyang School of the Vulcan School" and other books, systematically revealing and summarizing the academic thoughts of the Huoshen School, setting up an online forum for the "Huoshen School of Traditional Chinese Medicine", and using aconite to treat difficult and severe diseases, known as the "Kanto Vulcan". Published more than 200 papers and medical talks, and published 20 monographs such as "Appreciating Traditional Chinese Medicine" and "Reading Famous Doctors".

Due to the special historical period, Mr. Zhang Cunti became a monk and entered the Chinese medicine major with excellent grades. He was known among his classmates as "pure Chinese medicine". power.

Mr. Zhang Cunti is diligent in his business, has a thorough study of medical classics and various theories, and is familiar with various prescriptions such as classic prescriptions, proven prescriptions, and folk prescriptions.

In 2003, Mr. Zhang Cunti began to contact and delve into the academic thought of the Vulcan School, combined with clinical practice, and gained a lot of benefits. When he was in his fifties, he resolutely chose to "reform the old age" and adapt to the world with the Vulcan mental method. Both medical skills and curative effects are excellent. A qualitative leap has been achieved, and word of mouth spread among patients, and many intractable diseases can be cured by Zhang Cunti.

Professor Ren Jixue of Changchun College of Traditional Chinese Medicine said: "Traditional Chinese medicine will see a doctor at the age of 60." Mr. Zhang Cunti said that this sentence has been fulfilled in him. Maybe I still don’t know how to see a doctor: “I’m so lucky to be able to explore the direction of the Vulcan School in the year of knowing my fate, and my knowledge has improved to a new level, otherwise I may still be groping in confusion.”

After practicing medicine for most of his life, Mr. Zhang summed up his own academic views, and now I would like to share with you:

1. The Vulcan school is practical and has outstanding curative effect. Zheng Qin'an has repeatedly said that the treatment of diseases is "one hundred shots and one hundred hits", and Jing Yunqiao said that he "only emphasizes one positive word, grasps the key points with pictures, and makes strict legislation, overwhelming all the current schools, let alone mediocre hands!" His words are true.

2. The law of Zhongjing is the method of exogenous feeling, and the method of Qin'an of yang deficiency. Wang Lianshi said: "After all, those who start from the typhoid fever are superior to those who have mastered it." With the foundation of typhoid fever, master the outline of the six classics, and then learn the Vulcan school, it will be like a tiger with wings added.

3. For those who are good at diagnosis, check the color and press the pulse, and first distinguish between yin and yang. "Although medicine is complicated, what can be summed up in one word is yin and yang." (Zhang Jingyue's words) "A good doctor can only save people by identifying the yin and yang; a quack doctor can kill people by misidentifying the yin and yang." (Chen Xiuyuan’s language) To do this, one must first master Zheng Qin’an’s Yin-Yang Jue, and the key to comprehend the Yin-Yang Jue is the “Ba Zi Zhen Ji”.

4. The identification of yin fire is a big problem, "doctors are the most righteous people". "Since you follow the Tao, you must first be sensible." (Zhang Jingyue's words) Zheng Qin'an's famous saying: "In short, everyone says it is fire, but I dare not say that it is fire." "There is no basis for the later studies, nourishing the yin and reducing the fire, killing people is useless, it is a long-standing practice, and it is a great pity for the medical profession." Jing Yunqiao commented: "Swollen and painful teeth are originally a minor disease, but they have not healed for many years. If you do not investigate the deficiency and excess of yin and yang at ordinary times, you will be cured if you fail to treat it, it will be ridiculous."

From my personal point of view, the head, face and facial features are more sinister. There are "four major symptoms of yin fire" in ENT, namely aphtha (including tongue sores and lip sores), eye disease (red, swollen, painful, dry eyes), pharyngitis, and toothache, which are the most common yin fire (false fire) symptoms in ENT.

5. There is often insufficient yang and excess yin. This is the basis of the illness of the Vulcan school. "The qi of today's people is far less than that of the ancients. There is always excess yin and insufficient yang, and it is also a matter of luck. Therefore, health-preserving families must take nourishing yang as their priority. Even if yin and yang are both deficient, they must also take nourishing yang as their priority. Gaiyang can produce Yin, yin cannot produce yang, and the principle is the same.... A doctor must know how to protect and support yang qi.” (Qing·Liang Zhangju Yu)

"Humans are dominated by yang qi, yin is often surplus, and yang is often insufficient. Modern medical workers advocate the idea of tonifying yin. The prescription uses Phellodendron Phellodendri as the king, and Zhimu and Dihuang and other cold medicines as assistants. Take Shengdou together. It can preserve life, hey, clumsy! Who will make people suffer from lack of fatigue, indolence, sleepiness, dizziness and paralysis, all kinds of rebelliousness, fullness of boredom and ruffian? The loss of yang energy is also caused by helping their yin Is it depleting its yang? A person’s body, eating, drinking, drinking, and moving around are all controlled by yang qi. If yin qi follows the movement of yang and governs the blood, it is also the one who controls the blood. If the yang of a person is damaged, it should be replenished, warmed, and warmed. Once done, the yang energy will prosper and all diseases will be cured." ("Shangchi Miscellaneous Talk")

6. Classic prescriptions are the main ones, and the medication is concise. The classic Vulcan School is the pure state of the Vulcan School, reaching the top level.

7. Three formulas of Ming medicine: understand Yin and Yang; distinguish between true and false; know how to change. "Seeing the disease and treating the disease is a big taboo for doctors. There are specimens of the cover disease. Most of the patients who see the original disease but see the standard disease, and those who do not match the specimen. If you see the same card, you will treat the same card. There must be a mistake. Only see one If you can find out the reason why it is true, then you can know it.” (Zhou Shenzhai’s words)

"When you see heat, you use cold; when you see cold, you use heat; when you see exogenous sensations, the clouds disperse; when you see fullness, the clouds disappear. If so, who wouldn't know it? If there is a doctor to stop it, then the lowly and mediocre can be teachers. How precious is He Mingzhe's foot?" ((Zhang Jingyue's words))

From my point of view, there are four false symptoms in Chinese medicine, namely, false asthma, false distension, false constipation (constipation), and false fire (heat). It is easy to be mistaken for evidence.

8. "The study of medicine is also Fang Yaner." From a pragmatic point of view, prescriptions are the foundation of clinical practice, and there should be fewer prescriptions on the desk and more prescriptions in the heart. But pay attention to the changes in Changda: "There are upper-level and lower-level medicine. Those who want to cure the disease and want to add prescriptions are called second-level workers; those who clinically observe the situation and order medicines to be reconciled are called upper-level workers. Those who find out the key to reconcile, seem to be roundabout but counterattack, the gains of the sages are the losses of the fools." ("Ten Commandments for Physicians of the Imperial Han Dynasty")

9. Treating acute diseases requires courage and knowledge, and treating chronic diseases requires discipline. "Treatment of exogenous diseases is like a general, the soldiers are precious and quick, and the method is active, and the evil is done, and the aftermath is meticulous. If you cover the morning and the day, you will suffer less harm for one day; the treatment of internal injuries is like a phase. , There is no merit to speak of, no virtue to be seen, and people are in the realm of longevity. Governance is like a feather, and it is not light; governance is like balance, and it is not peaceful; governance is like power, and it is neither heavy nor heavy.” (Wu Ju Tongyu)

10. Medicines are expensive but not many. "After twelve or three years of medicine, the doctor will not take it." "Those who use simple prescriptions, their techniques become more and more refined; "("Luo Yihui Lecture")

11. Only by using strong medicines can one show courage. "Only one who can use poison is a good doctor." (Yang Huating's language) Fan Wenfu said: "Not killing people is not enough to be a famous doctor", which means that those who do not use strong medicine (severe enough to kill people) are not enough to be a famous doctor.

12. Aconite and rhubarb are the two pillars of the two syndromes of yin and yang. (Zheng Qin'an's words) "Change the toxicity of aconite and give full play to the specialties of aconite, and the medical ability will be completed." (Zhu Weiju's words) "Using general medicine (rhubarb) well is the first thing a doctor can do." ("Experience Miscellany" )

13. Divide into three, raise in seven. Chronic diseases must not only be cured, but also be good at nourishing, which is more important than curing. Lin Zexu said: "If you don't spare your vitality, medicine will be useless." If you are cold, your feet should be hot. Contentment is always happy, and nothing is always safe.” Chen Lifu, a veteran of the Kuomintang, lived to be 101 years old. This is his “Health Preservation Proverb”, which covers almost all the contents of recuperating from illness.

14. Dao without art will not work, and art without art will not be long. "Skill" refers to medical skills; the so-called "Tao" refers to the way of practicing medicine and the way of treating patients, which can also be called morality. Scholars first know the tools and then articles, doctors first morality and then knowledge. "Anyone who is a doctor should be gentle in nature, humble in ambition, courteous in actions, gentle in actions, free from self-importance, and not pretentious."

Now, Mr. Zhang Cunti will be visiting Shenyang Huanggu Tiande Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, you can find out.
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