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You know you get angry easily, but what do you do?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

You know you get angry easily, but what do you do?
Now people have a lot of emotional problems. In our opinion, among the factors that affect everyone's health, emotional problems are the most important.

However, it seems that our emotions are beyond our control. For example, our work pressure is unprecedented, and there are unprecedented things around us that we need to think about. Therefore, everyone will say: Who doesn’t understand this truth? However, if we want us not to be angry or entangled, the concubine can't do it! My emotions are uncontrollable, tell me, what should I do?

My answer is: Then, you need to seriously go to the WeChat public account "Dalun Academy" and listen to my "Tao Te Ching". Many friends happily said that after listening to it, they are no longer so entangled.

It's time for a friend to say: Is it so difficult not to advertise yourself? Why do you always recommend the Tao Te Ching?

Indeed, in this case, it is best to figure it out by yourself, so that you can control the surrounding environment without being hurt.

However, if you still can’t figure it out sometimes, and bad emotions affect your body, in this case, I will recommend the classic prescriptions: Xiaoyao Wan and Jiawei Xiaoyao Wan!

This Xiaoyao Pill, as I once said, is a prescription in the medical book "Mixed Medicine Bureau Prescription" published by the government of the Song Dynasty. The original prescription is called Xiaoyao San, which was collected from the people. Because of the excellent curative effect and the classic formula, it has become a famous prescription through the ages, because it has a special effect in regulating emotions, soothing the liver and relieving depression, and women's bodies are more affected by emotions, so this prescription seems to be It has become a special drug for women. In fact, medicines can be used regardless of men and women, and those with indications can use them.

So, what is the composition of this recipe?

The composition of this formula is as follows:

Peony (stir-fried with wine), angelica, Atractylodes macrocephala (stir-fried), Poria cocos, licorice (broiled), and Bupleurum radix 2 g each, three slices of stewed ginger, a little mint, decocted and taken.

Jiawei Xiaoyaosan, that is, add paeonol and shanzhi (stir-fried) for five points each.

So, what does this prescription treat?

In ancient texts, this formula:

"To treat blood deficiency and hyperactivity of fire in the liver, headache. Dizziness and redness, bitter taste, fatigue, polydipsia, depression, pain in the flanks, cold and heat, heavy lower abdomen, women's irregular menstruation, large and weak pulse string."

In the ancient Chinese medicine book "Deleting and Filling Famous Doctors' Prescriptions", Xiaoyao San is described as follows:

"The five viscera are bitter and want to replenish and relieve: the liver is bitter and urgent, and eating sweets quickly can relieve it. The liver is anxious and good at anger, and its qi goes up smoothly, and when it goes down it becomes stagnant, and stagnation causes fire to move and various diseases arise. Therefore, it occurs in the upper part. If it occurs in the middle, it will cause chest fullness, hypochondriac pain, and may cause acid regurgitation; It looks like malaria, but it’s not malaria. All these symptoms, why is it a symptom of liver depression?”

In this passage, the ancients wrote about the manifestations of liver qi discomfort in all parts of the body. Therefore, it is very important to clear up the liver qi and smooth the flow of qi. So, where should we start?

"Deleting and Completing Famous Doctors' Prescriptions" goes on to say:

"The reason why the liver wood is stagnant has two theories: one is that the soil is deficient and cannot raise the wood, and the other is that the blood is insufficient and cannot nourish the liver. The liver is covered with wood qi, which depends entirely on the soil for nourishment and water for irrigation. Ruozhong If the soil is deficient, the wood will not rise and stagnate. If the yin and blood are scarce, the liver will not nourish and dry up. The prescription uses Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, to help soil virtue to promote wood. Angelica, peony, nourish blood to nourish the liver. Peppermint Antipyretic, licorice and neutral. Bupleurum bupleurum is one flavor, one is thought to be the retribution of jueyin, and the other is to elevate all yang. The scriptures say: wood stagnation will reach it. Because of its straight and straight nature, it is called Xiaoyao. If the internal heat, For those with exuberant external heat, add paeonol to relieve muscle heat, stir-fry Zhi Zhi to clear internal heat, this is the meaning of Jiawei Xiaoyao San."

I think this passage is very important, that is to say, if the liver qi is not relaxed, from the perspective of the linkage relationship between the viscera, one reason is that the spleen soil is weak, which leads to the stagnation of liver wood. This is the time for modern people to soothe the liver and regulate qi. , often overlooked, we now seem to pay special attention to liver yin, but lack of attention to liver wood not rising caused by spleen yang weakness. In the process of soothing the liver, the ancients often considered the weakness of the spleen soil, so white peony root and Atractylodes macrocephala were often used together.

The other reason is blood deficiency, which cannot nourish the liver, so the liver wood is dry and dry, and the wind is generated when it moves. Therefore, in the process of nourishing the liver, in addition to nourishing yin, nourishing liver blood is also very important. Once a netizen asked why after taking Yuling ointment to nourish blood, transaminases, which had been high for a long time, returned to normal. I replied that it was nourishing blood Afterwards, the liver gets nourished sake.

When the spleen soil is weak and the liver blood is insufficient, the liver is basically in a state of imbalance. At this time, if the influence of emotions is added, the liver qi is particularly prone to discomfort, and various diseases will come!

However, if you look at these factors, modern people are very prone to them. Weak spleen and stomach, we overeat all day, of course it is easy to have problems, blood loss, we are overthinking now, and we don’t know how to nourish blood, of course it is also easy Something went wrong. Emotions, not to mention, I have described this state before, if you want to not get entangled, the concubine can't do it!

Therefore, at this time, Xiaoyao San (now called Xiaoyao Wan) uses Atractylodes macrocephala and Poria cocos to nourish the spleen soil, angelica and peony to nourish the liver and blood, and Bupleurum to soothe the liver and regulate qi.

Therefore, for general discomfort of liver qi, just use this Xiaoyao Pill.

However, some people are not only uncomfortable with liver qi, but also become angry. I guess this is the state of most modern people. , Zhizi Xiexinhuo, this new prescription is called Jiawei Xiaoyao Wan, also known as Danzhi Xiaoyao Wan. On the basis of the previous prescription, it has the effect of clearing away heat and purging fire.

Therefore, I suggest that you judge yourself if you are in a bad mood. If you have the previous symptoms, you can take Xiaoyao Pills or Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills.

I even think that if you are angry in the past two days, and you can’t think about anything depressing, you can take this prescription for a few days, at least you can protect yourself and keep your body from being injured. Pregnant women should use it under the guidance of local doctors.

Of course, this is a medicine to regulate the body. As for the real state of mind, we still need to learn. In our Chinese studies, there are so many contents of nourishing the heart. When I explain these contents, I really don’t think They are regarded as learning, and I prescribe them as medicines for nourishing the mind.

Therefore, I have no interest in academic disputes. I think it is good for people's health, so I will take it and dedicate it to everyone.
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