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Why Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Treat Heart Disease

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   20 minute read

Why Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Treat Heart Disease
If a doctor cannot cure heart disease, he will definitely not be able to cure cancer. At the same time, it will complicate the way to treat heart disease. The method of treating heart disease can be simplified to just a few doses of prescription, no surgery is needed at all, and it can certainly treat various types of cancer, because almost all cancers are related to heart disease. If you see here you Think cancer has nothing to do with heart disease, contrary to what I'm saying, I don't blame you, because you must be a doctor who has never treated cancer to think so, and I believe you have never treated Any kind of heart disease doctor, you will think so, please speak with your conscience, how many doctors in the world can really cure heart disease? If you want to get heart disease, you must listen to my advice, because I already have many cases of heart disease that improved after treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. I also have a certificate written by a cardiologist of western medicine, proving that his patient was cured by traditional Chinese medicine. Hearing the words of a doctor who can really treat heart disease is the People with wisdom, this is the common sense. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heart is the official of the monarch, and the gods come out of it, so there is no disease at all, so readers must have heard of various cancers, but has anyone heard the term heart cancer, the world No one died of heart cancer in the world, because the heart belongs to fire, which means very hot. When cancer cells enter the heart along the blood, they are burned to death like moths to a flame. Readers just ask your doctor Whether you know this principle, if you don’t know this Common Sense physician can’t cure heart disease and cancer.
The current U.S. Vice President Cheney has performed four cardiovascular bypass operations, but heart disease is still tormenting him. Not only does he have to take a large amount of poison from Western medicine every day, but he is also worried that the cardiovascular system will rupture at any time, causing Died of a heart attack, what is the meaning of life like this? Today, former US President Bill Clinton underwent the same operation. I know it is useless, but he did not learn from Cheney’s case. However, Americans may not understand what it means, but Chinese people should know that the bounden duty of a doctor is to help patients avoid the threat of disease, right? But looking back at current doctors, who really do it Now, except for surgery in western medicine, which can help injuries, fractures, fire injuries, brain injuries, etc., internal medicine is of no help. Injuries are not diseases, but they are scary enough. At this time, surgery in western medicine can do a good job. I cannot deny that, but What about internal diseases? The killer who is threatening human life at any time is taking human life every second. This invisible killer is powerful, kills invisible, and hides it very well. It is difficult to find its existence. Often It will be too late when we find out, so we must know how to protect ourselves and how to truly prevent the future. This is the most important topic. This is the purpose of my writing this article. Readers please use your Use your wisdom to make judgments and make choices. (I have deleted an important paragraph so as not to be used by dishonest people as their own intellectual property rights)
Because the lungs are wrapped around the heart, and the lungs are like a canopy. They are cold in nature, govern breathing, and control the fur. This is well known to all doctors, but they don’t know that the main function of the lungs is to use the air pressure generated during breathing, and then The fire of the heart is forced to go down by the up and down of the diaphragm, so the lungs are like a cooler to keep the body temperature from being too high. Therefore, curing the lungs and small intestine is the only way to cure heart disease , Therefore, in the treatment of heart disease, if just prescribing some medicines for the heart cannot cure the heart disease, I will fully explain it when teaching people, and I am also planning to publish a book to explain how to treat the heart with traditional Chinese medicine Sick, to the readers who really want to study, I say sorry, but I guarantee that the best knowledge will be passed on to you, thank you.
But I can tell readers first, how to prevent heart disease, at least you can not get heart disease first.
First: stay away from salad oil, it is best to use lard or peanut oil. This is the physical property. To understand the physical property, you only need to use Common sense. Listen to the experts and you will not know how to die. I still remember when I was a child, my mother used it Cooking with lard produces soot and dirt. She only needs to use hot water to clean the range hood very well. There is no need to use strong detergents. Now everyone is using salad oil to stir-fry. It is very sticky and not easy to clean. Many people take it to the cleaning company before Chinese New Year. Otherwise, they will not be able to clean it by themselves. Women often find that the kitchen water pipe is blocked. They ask a plumber to repair it. Once they remove the blockage Some of the water pipes were found to be clogged with grease, which proves that we have heart blockage, which is related to the consumption of salad oil. Our body is very hot. If you put a piece of lard on the palm of your hand, it will not take long It melts, so after it enters the human body, it will never stay in the body. Our country has a history of eating lard for thousands of years, creating a population of hundreds of millions. Centenarians are rare. Now everyone has forgotten to eat lard In history, the result of switching to salad oil was heart blockage. In order to promote salad oil, salad oil factories hoped that everyone would use it, so they found some western doctors who had never cured heart disease to advertise, saying that eating animal oil would cause Heart disease, eating salad oil will not cause heart disease, this kind of nonsense theory, I don’t know how many people have been ruined, and now the former US President Clinton has heart disease at such a young age, I don’t need to ask at all He eats lard or salad oil, he must eat salad oil, never heard of lard, and fast food is prevalent in the United States, the oil used is repeatedly used, and it may be replaced with new oil once a week, which makes the food The quality is worse, more poisonous, there is no restaurant that uses new oil every time it frys food, throws it away after using it once, uses new oil to fry food every time, if it is right to eat salad oil why would he What about heart disease? Humans have been eating salad oil for nearly 30 years. As a result, a large number of people have heart disease. Therefore, I hope everyone please switch to eating lard. It will definitely not cause harm to the heart. Anything that will cause your kitchen to smoke Oil that is difficult to remove with a machine should not be used. Any grease that can be removed with hot water is safe to eat, because I am sure they will not cause blood vessel blockage.
Second: Life must be very regular, don’t stay up all night, play outside in the middle of the night, don’t eat midnight snacks, don’t eat snacks, don’t take drugs, don’t have parties, exercise more, people are born with bipeds designed for walking, if it is designed For running, it will give you four-legged animals such as cats, dogs, leopards, etc. This is the common sense, people running is not healthy, so the ancient Chinese designed many physical exercises, such as Taijiquan, Baduanjin Wait, none of them are for running, so qigong is the best exercise. If you do it regularly, it will definitely be beneficial to your health. Don’t buy some western fitness equipment, which will cost you money and hurt yourself. It is useless, physical muscles alone are useless, we must start conditioning from the inside of the body.
Third: Don’t take Western medicine and Western vitamins and other pills, because they are all chemically synthesized, unnatural, and acidic in the stomach after eating. Chinese medicine calls it cold, and they will drain the water that the heart should have. Draining the water in the blood vessels makes them more likely to harden and rupture, so taking western medicine is definitely not good for the heart, because all kinds of vitamins are chemically synthesized and not natural, eating them in the body will not help the human body , on the contrary, it will cause a burden on the human body, and at the same time it will feed cancer cells, because cancer is related to the strength of the heart, if the cancer is strengthened, the heart will be defeated, so it is not good.
Fourth: Always maintain a good mood, put too much pressure on yourself, or hate others all day long, envy others, and like people who are stubborn, all of which are high-risk groups for heart disease. Our mood will definitely affect the function of the heart. Therefore, people who are depressed will also have heart disease. You should always say to yourself, forget it, don’t think about it anymore, the world is so big, there are many beautiful things waiting for you, don’t worry about it, it will help you a lot of .
Fifth: Stop being a doctor. If I were in another profession, I would only praise others, because you don’t need to be taught to say good things. Everyone can do it. Who wants to be a bad person? Being a doctor is different, say The truth is the hardest thing, because Western medicine ㄧ but tell the truth, no patients will go to see them, many doctors will be unlucky if I tell the truth, but what to do with the patients if I don’t tell the truth, many people leave with a grievance, readers But you know that after a person dies, there will be unspeakable tragedies behind, you just haven’t seen it, in order to save more people, you will inevitably offend some doctors who carelessly care about human lives for money, it’s not correct if you don’t How can we make progress in medicine? Wrong medical concepts will only kill patients, and will not contribute to mankind at all. If I try to correct them, I will be attacked by self-proclaimed scholars who will not admit their mistakes. So you can avoid it by not being a doctor. Those who get heart disease, because the result is either I get heart disease and die because of their stupid and money-seeking professional attitude, or they get heart disease and die because of my blunt words. What about the patients? Know who is right and who is wrong, but you will still die from a heart attack.
Sixth: You should take traditional Chinese medicine for colds, and you should never take antibiotics. Antibiotics will definitely hurt your heart. These antibiotics will not cure the cold at all, but will make the cold virus go deeper into the body. The so-called hepatitis C is just a cold The virus is different from the common hepatitis virus. Western doctors say it is hepatitis C, but it is actually a disease caused by the use of antibiotics to force the cold virus into the liver. There is no such disease at all. I am qualified to I say this because every time I treat a patient who is diagnosed as liver C by Western medicine, at the end of the day, the patient will show different cold symptoms. Some have Daqinglong Decoction syndrome, and some have Gegen Decoction syndrome. Chinese medicine believes that the liver is the heart Mother of all, a good liver will lead to a healthy heart, so antibiotics cannot be taken. Never listen to a doctor who can't even cure a cold, and never listen to a doctor who has never treated liver disease, Because if a doctor has not even treated the disease, how can he be qualified to talk about how to cure and prevent it?
If I use the simplest way to prove that Chinese medicine can definitely cure heart disease, one example is enough. Do you remember that when we were young, we did not have chemical cleaning agents at all, and mothers used alkali blocks to dissolve it in the It is simple, cheap and clean, and all Chinese medicines are naturally alkaline, even the very sour taste of lemons is alkaline, so the alkaline function has always existed in Chinese medicine, of course It can remove the part of arterial embolism simply, and all western medicines are acidic, so of course they are ineffective. If you don’t even know that the lifespan of alkaline batteries is much longer than that of acidic batteries, you are a ignorant person. , I don’t even have common sense. Therefore, if you want to live a long and healthy life, you must learn how to make an alkaline battery. Although Chinese medicine is unpalatable, it is alkaline, and Western medicine is easy to swallow, but it is acidic. Readers please make your own choice .
Last night, I saw Taiwan news reporting on the century-old drug aspirin in the United States. Taking one tablet a day can prevent stroke and heart disease. At the same time, Taiwan’s cardiology authority Professor Zhu Shuxun was invited to perform a live performance and swallow one tablet. I am very happy I respect these elders in the Western medicine field, and I admire their character and professionalism very much, but because we are discussing medicine, which is a major matter that controls people's life and death, absolutely no mistakes are allowed, otherwise a life will be lost, yes As far as a doctor is concerned, people are mortal, but they should not die of illness, they should die of gradual weakness and degeneration. If they die of illness, it means that there is something wrong with medicine. According to what Professor Zhu said, because there is The blood clot is blocked in the coronary artery, so it will cause myocardial infarction. According to the theory of Western medicine, if the blood clot is blocked in the cerebral blood vessel, it will cause a stroke. I hope the readers are smarter. I wonder if Western medicine has ever said why the human body experiences Have blood clots? The answer is no, because they don’t know where it came from. They only know that aspirin can thin the blood, so they believe that aspirin can activate blood and remove blood stasis, so they emphasize that it can prevent heart disease , In fact, this is only half of what I said, because they don't understand the theory of Chinese medicine in our country. It has been made very clear for thousands of years. They didn't study Chinese medicine, so they didn't know that we had solved this problem long ago. After this news, I didn't Seeing Chinese medicine practitioners from Taiwan or Mainland China speak out and correct their mistakes, it seems that everyone is afraid of offending Western medicine. I don’t think there is any need to be afraid. The truth is the truth, and it will not change even if you go around the world. Now let’s do it Let me, a small Chinese medicine practitioner who only focuses on the healthy body and is not a cardiologist, make both Chinese and Western medicine angry and unknown, I will give a supplementary explanation to Professor Zhu Da, the authority of the heart of Western medicine. Readers please appreciate it.
There are many differences between Chinese medicine and Western medicine. I will start with the diagnostic method. Chinese medicine mainly uses the eight principles to distinguish symptoms, which are divided into eight types of deficiency, excess, cold, and heat, while Western medicine only knows to use the four principles of deficiency, excess, and appearance to distinguish symptoms. Therefore, they do not understand what yin and yang, cold and heat are, so they stay in chemical medicine, which is the result of science and technology. Due to the lack of these four syndrome differentiation methods, they do not understand the source of all diseases, so the so-called preventive medicine has never been seen. Results, I don't know where the disease comes from, of courseIt is impossible to prevent it from happening, what do you think? This is a problem of common sense, and because Chinese medicine has more yin and yang, cold and heat than western medicine, all Chinese medicine doctors in the world know where the disease comes from, because we have more of these Differentiate the four symptoms, let me first introduce the concept of cold and heat to you, and I will use a simple example to let you understand why cold and heat are very important. Our Northern School of Chinese Medicine pays great attention to whether the feet are cold or hot. This is one of the symptoms of a healthy human body. Excuse me Readers, do you know how the ice comes from? It comes from the freezer. In the winter in northern China, the rivers are frozen. Why? Because of the cold, this is the so-called cold syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine. If it is hot, it means that there are no blood clots in the body. If it is cold feet, it means that the body is producing blood clots because of the cold, just like the refrigerator freezer is constantly producing ice cubes. The reason is the same, so it is the cold that causes blood stasis in the body, and the reason for the cold in the body is that the heart is too weak, that is, the heart yang is insufficient, so there is a decoction in the classics called Shaoyao Gancao Fuzi Decoction, also known as go Zhang Tang, all sour medicines are mainly astringent, so white paeony acid is absorbed, which can guide all venous blood back into the body. In the same recipe, roasted licorice can warm the small intestine and strengthen the heart. The heat of aconite increases the temperature of the body and feet. Under the heat-enhancing medicine of aconite, all blood clots will naturally melt due to high temperature, just like ice cubes meeting high temperature. There is no medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in the whole prescription. , but the effect is that one dose is known and two doses are enough. It not only clears arterial blood stasis and blockage, but also prevents the human body from producing blood clots. Therefore, prevention and treatment are carried out at the same time. Readers, everyone in Japan likes hot springs. It seems to be a national movement, so everyone lives a long life. How can there be ice cubes (blood clots) after soaking in such hot hot springs for many years? Many Japanese hot springs are still in the ice and snow. Sent Chinese medicine practitioners feared Aconite, Ephedra, and Guizhi like snakes and scorpions, and dared not use them at all. They also taught students not to use them, and because they didn’t know how to use them, as long as what Western medicine said was correct, when they met experts in Western medicine , I don’t even dare to fart, I will tell readers some traditional Chinese medicine, such as sublingual nitroglycerin tablets used by Western medicine to deal with emergency heart pain, our Chinese medicine has been using the combination of saltpeter and realgar for thousands of years. Under the tongue, the function and purpose are the same, and the red and blue flower wine in the classic prescription is used to treat the severe stinging heart attack. This is the most precious ancestral heritage that has existed for thousands of years, but our descendants not only Abandon it, some people even look down on it, ignorant people only know that it is admiring the foreign, the southern school of Chinese medicine will definitely worry about what to do if the patient needs to have a heart replacement? Yes, now if there is structural damage, there is no need to replace the heart. Western medicine does not know where the damage comes from because it does not understand the differentiation of yin and yang symptoms. If any Chinese medicine doctor understands the law of yin and yang differentiation, he can use Chinese medicine to treat the heart Structural damage is very easy, such as heart valve insufficiency, heart hypertrophy, arrhythmia, etc., can be easily treated, and heart replacement surgery is unnecessary. I can’t say too much on the website. Let’s talk about it in time. I believe that no one can explain it so simply and clearly about the above explanation of blood clots. The doctor is easy to say. I think the theoretical thinking alone is enough to make these western medicine heart disease authorities I can’t refute it, not to mention how I proposed that the inspection is correct, simple and fast. It does not require any high-tech equipment at all, and does not need to inject any chemical substances that can be sensed by radiation into the body for scanning. It is so simple that even children It can be diagnosed immediately. Just ask the patient whether the feet are hot or cold. You don’t even need to touch the pulse to know it immediately. It also proposes how to treat and prevent it. This is the excellence of orthodox medicine in our country. Eating an aspirin every day will make your feet colder and colder, because aspirin is acidic and mainly astringent, it will make blood vessels thinner and thinner, and it is more likely to cause arterial rupture. Therefore, people who take aspirin every day must be very prone to internal bleeding on their limbs, so if you like to get arterial blood loss (Anurism) or pancreatic cancer, just eat more aspirin, I guarantee you can I got my wish, everyone might as well eat spicy hot pot, what do readers think, alas, in order to correct the audiovisual, I have leaked some medical knowledge enough to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine, please help if there are other Chinese medicine practitioners who say the same theory , He didn’t say it came from me, it’s an act of infringement, please tell me, if everyone respects intellectual property rights, why should I not teach them? So I only said half of this article, but if everyone is studying the scriptures, Then I must be the worst one, because I am not smart at all, but I have been reading without interruption. A student who is studying for a doctoral degree in the graduate school often faxes the data to me. From the way of citing scriptures for comparison, I know that this person is extremely intelligent, and I am really not as good as him. With such an excellent person studying the scriptures, he will definitely surpass me by a lot in the future. I hope everyone can be like him. The elites of all countries in the world today All the members are studying Western medicine, so all the highly intelligent people are on the side of Western medicine. Only an unwise person like me has been studying Chinese medicine. Alas, I am fighting alone.
The latest medical research report in 2004 comes from the America Medical Association, the largest western medical association in the United States. It shows that there is no evidence that an aspirin a day can prevent heart disease. On the contrary, there is a lot of evidence that an aspirin a day will prevent you from heart disease by more than 85%. chances of getting pancreatic cancer, because it is a strong acid agent. Acid is the most damaging to the human body. This is well known in the United States. The report was made by a group of American cardiology authorities. Now An authority on heart disease in Taiwan can abolish it. I don’t know why he did it. I believe Taiwan’s Department of Health also knows about it, because Western medicine all over the world regards AMA as the most professional Western medicine standard organization. They Western medicine itself has denied that aspirin can prevent heart disease, but Professor Zhu said yes, so why doesn’t Taiwan’s Department of Health punish Professor Zhu for making false advertisements and fine him money? I think Professor Zhu will do so, only two Possibly, firstly, he did not update the new knowledge of western medicine in 2004, and secondly, he accepted money from the western medicine factory, otherwise, why would a famous doctor break the law? I tell readers that Taiwan’s Department of Health is the Western Medicine Department of Health, so western medicine can If you do anything wrong, there will be no trouble. Chinese medicine is not good. If there is a small mistake, they will immediately attack it and try their best to vilify Chinese medicine. You say that the common people are not pitiful, and Chinese medicine that can really cure diseases is suppressed. , Western medicine that can't cure diseases and asks for money is respected and protected. What kind of world is this?
There are many banana tribes in Taiwan. They think they should be superior when they are born in the United States. They show their glory in the direction of hating traditional Chinese culture. They don’t understand that everyone is equal and there is nothing special, so they always want to show their own I think I have a superior culture, very advanced and westernized, so I brought some incorrect living habits of Americans to Taiwan. I drink coffee every day, whether at home or in the office, and take aspirin every day. It is a headache or hand pain. When any pain occurs, take aspirin immediately. The bad habit of this kind of people will cause them to get pancreatitis when they are around 30 to 40 years old. But after getting it, they have to live It’s hard to be 50 years old. If readers don’t believe what I say, please go to the hospital and ask patients hospitalized with pancreatitis whether they like to drink coffee, and whether they often take aspirin can prove it. Because coffee and a Spirin is strongly acidic, and the combination of the two will make it more acidic. Acid is a burden on the pancreas, so it will naturally get sick. Please don’t show this paragraph to the person you hate, otherwise he will be too healthy. They I didn’t know that a traditional Chinese medicine clinic on the side of any road in Taiwan could cure his pancreatitis, and he would not have to die of pancreatic cancer in the future. He even went straight to the hospital, expressing his western style, and died young in the end. I believe that Mr. Gu XX of China Trust made such a serious mistake. I don’t know this person. I can deduce it from some reports in newspapers and magazines. I believe it is almost the same. Maybe their family and theirs The Hexin Cancer Center that I own still doesn’t understand why this excellent career successor died young. Please remember that aspirin and coffee are for the enemy. Don’t eat them yourself, white-haired people Sending brunettes is the greatest tragedy, let's put an end to it .
My dissertations are all done at will, just like the temporary uprising of the father of the country, Mr. Sun Yat-sen, who never drafted them. If there are deficiencies, it is inevitable. Welcome to write and correct me. As long as it can benefit the patient, I will accept it with an open mind. , and improved, thank you .
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