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Why is my heart beating faster than others?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

Why is my heart beating faster than others?
Some friends asked, why is my heart always beating faster than others? This is a very common problem. At this time, if we diagnose his pulse, we will find that his pulse beats faster. This is called "counting pulse" in Chinese medicine. So what does counting pulse mean? What health problems should we pay attention to? Let's talk about this issue today.

count pulse

Counting the pulse refers to the rapid pulse. Generally speaking, most of them refer to six or more in one breath. For example, the "Mass Classic" says: "Counting the pulse comes and goes quickly, and it arrives at six or seven in one breath." "Binhu Pulse Science": "Six in one breath, the pulse flow is weak." Between one inhalation, the number of heartbeats. From ancient times to the present, this standard will change. This is because people of different ages have different physiques. Now we think that if the pulse is measured, it is generally said that the pulse rate is 100-140 beats per minute (five to seven to one breath), and the regular pulse pattern is counting the pulse. In fact, my experience is that if the beat is more than 90 beats per minute, it should be considered as pulse counting.

So, what does the pulse mean?

What is wrong with our body?

First of all, counting pulses governs heat syndrome. When a person suffers from an exogenous disease and has a heat syndrome, the pulse will become faster. This is because the evil heat is exuberant, the body fights back and is in an excited state, so the blood flow is accelerated and the pulse is rapid and strong. Will be 10 times faster.

In addition to the syndrome of excess heat, the syndrome of deficiency heat will also make the pulse faster. In general, we don't always suffer from exogenous diseases, so for people with fast heartbeat and pulse, this kind of deficiency heat is a big part.

The root cause of asthenic heat is yin deficiency, lack of material basis for calming and nourishing in the body, chronic illness with yin deficiency, endogenous asthenic heat, accelerated blood circulation, rapid pulse and weak pulse, which is a syndrome of asthenia heat.

The rapid pulse caused by this kind of yin deficiency often has a red tongue with a thin tongue coating, or even no tongue coating. Dry eyes, dry mouth and want to drink something cold, upset, night sweats during sleep, hot flashes due to bone steam, sore waist and knees, insomnia, tinnitus, hair loss, etc.

The above are the most common problems of rapid pulse beating, but there are other problems, which we generally seldom consider.

It is generally believed that counting pulses is associated with heat, and delayed pulses are associated with cold. However, through clinical practice, people have found that this is not the case. It turns out that counting pulses also means that there are many other problems, and even cold syndrome can also have counting pulses.

Speaking of this issue, we have to introduce another ancient person, that is, Zhang Jingyue of the Ming Dynasty. He made great contributions to the diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine. Such a detailed discussion:

"The number of pulses has yin and yang, and from now on, it will be passed down from generation to generation that the number is the hot pulse. After a detailed examination of the "Neijing", it is said that the acute ones are more cold, the slow ones are hotter, and the slippery ones have strong yang energy, slightly hot, and they are called coarse. If there is insufficient yin and more than yang, it is called heat. If it is said to be slow and slippery, it is called heat. Apart from this, there is no one who can count heat. The theory of late cold and hot comes from the "Nanjing" ", cloud: the number is hot, and the late is cold, and the whole world is saying this. The theory of not knowing how to count heat is very fallacious."

What he meant was that people now think that pulse count is hot and pulse delay is cold, but after reading the "Huangdi Neijing" carefully, there is no such discussion, but another medical classic "Nan Jing" said so, now It is a big mistake for everyone to follow suit.

Then, based on his own clinical experience, Zhang Jingyue discussed several pulse counts, but they did not belong to the case of heat syndrome. Next, let's take a look at what Zhang Jingyue is talking about!

In the first case, the external evil has several pulses:

"Whenever cold and evil are caused by external factors, the pulses will suddenly become tense and tense. However, if you feel it at the beginning and count it, where does the heat come from? Therefore, it is only suitable to warm it up. Even if the classics are passed on for a long time, the number is slippery and solid, so it can be said. Heat, if counted but powerless, is still a yin syndrome in the end, it should only be warmed, and the number of other sensations cannot be exhausted as heat, if you use cold and cold, it will kill everyone."

This discussion by Zhang Jingyue is very important. He said that when suffering from exogenous diseases, if the external cold strikes, the pulse of the person will definitely beat faster. At this time, the pulse will suddenly become tense. We now know that this is the body When you feel the external cold, you suddenly start to gather strength and prepare to fight back, so when you mobilize the whole body's righteousness, your pulse will beat fast.

This kind of discussion is completely different from what we generally understand, that the number of pulses represents heat, and the late pulse represents cold, but Zhang Jingyue's discussion is very correct. When I first learned Chinese medicine, I also believed that the number of pulses was hot, and the late pulse It belongs to cold, but when I meet a person who has just caught a cold, the pulse is basically counted. I think there is a problem with the theory, so I quickly abandoned this view, and focused on the actual symptoms.

So what Zhang Jingyue said was very vivid. He said: Therefore, when there is an external infection, counting pulses does not always mean heat syndrome. If you think that as long as you count pulses, people are suffering from cold, but you use cold medicine, it will definitely hurt people. (Everything kills)!

In the second case, there are several pulses in the damage, Zhang Jingyue said:

"Anyone who suffers from yang deficiency and counts, the pulse must be counted but weak, or it is small and weak and shows deficiency and cold. If this is warm and not busy, can it still be treated as heat? If there is also a number of yin deficiency, the pulse must be counted and String slippery, although there are symptoms of restlessness and heat, it is advisable to use cold and cool with caution. If the fire is cleared, the spleen will be vented and defeated. And for those who see deficiency and damage, the pulses are innumerable. In the disease of counting pulses, only the damage is the most, and the more deficient The more you count, the more dangerous you will be. Does the number mean you have a fever? If you use imaginary numbers as the number of heat, then there is no one invincible."

We must pay attention to this passage. Zhang Jingyue said that people with yang deficiency also have pulses. At this time, they must be counted and weak, or the pulses are thin and weak, and the symptoms are all symptoms of deficiency and cold. People with yin deficiency will have several pulses, but the pulses must be stringy and slippery at the same time. For people with yin deficiency, cold and cool medicines cannot be used to clear away heat. Vent, damage the righteousness, in this case it is necessary to nourish the yin.

Then, Zhang Jingyue concluded that all patients who saw wasting usually count their pulses, and among those who count pulses, the proportion of patients with wasting is the largest. Moreover, the more severe the deficiency, the faster the pulse beats, and the faster the pulse beats, the more serious the condition is.

This exposition by Zhang Jingyue is the most heartfelt elaboration on this issue that I have seen.

Most people think that the pulse of yang deficiency must be late, and the pulse of yin deficiency must be frequent. Many textbooks contain this view. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. Yang deficiency has a delayed pulse, but many of them are counted.

So, what kind of insufficiency will cause pulse counting?

Zhang Jingyue did not explain this either, so let me explain it to everyone.

In fact, most of the patients with several pulses at the time of depletion are due to insufficient kidney essence, resulting in yin deficiency or yang deficiency. I have introduced in many previous articles that the kidney essence is the foundation of the human body, and the kidney essence will transform into yin and yang. The problem, according to the specific situation of each person, may manifest as deficiency of yin, or deficiency of yang, or even deficiency of both yin and yang.

However, people with deficiency of kidney essence usually count their pulses, and most of the deficiency of yin or yang caused by deficiency of kidney meridian also counts their pulses.

In modern society, there are many people with deficiency of kidney essence. All kinds of overthinking, all kinds of diet and fatigue, and all kinds of lust consumption will lead to deficiency of kidney essence. Therefore, rapid pulse beating caused by deficiency of kidney essence is a very common phenomenon. .

I remember that I have a friend who used to be an athlete and has excellent physical fitness. Later, he accidentally asked me to check the pulse. I was surprised to find that he counted the pulse, and it was relatively obvious, and the pulse was weak. In my opinion, This is a major kidney deficiency.

At that time, I was very surprised, because in my impression, his body was very good, why is this so? After asking, I found out that now he is a leader in the company, and he is very busy. He often has to work overtime, fly around, and is often exhausted. Only then did I understand that even the foundation of an athlete cannot withstand this kind of consumption. It can be seen that the work of copywriting has harmed the kidney essence.

It can even be said that it is rare to see people with gentle pulses and even and steady pulses when it comes to pulse diagnosis for white-collar workers nowadays, and many people have rapid pulses instead.

In addition, Zhang Jingyue also discussed that dysentery has several pulses, but sometimes it is caused by cold and dampness. In addition, malaria has several pulses, carbuncles have several pulses, pox has several pulses, jiā has several pulses, pregnant women have several pulses, etc. , are all practical theories, without a solid clinical basis, it is impossible to write these contents, colleagues who are interested can refer to them. Looking at these expositions of Jingyue, they are really far beyond the crowd. Even today, there may not be many people in Chinese medicine who can understand these contents thoroughly, and it is really worth studying and studying for future generations. In the Qing Dynasty, some Chinese medicine practitioners tried their best to slander Zhang Jingyue. I specialize in studying the theories and thoughts of ancient doctors. I think those who slander Zhang Jingyue must have insufficient knowledge. Personally, when I read the books of these doctors, It's all about being careful.

Mr. Zhu Jinzhong, a well-known contemporary Chinese medicine expert, is a person I admire very much. When I was studying typhoid fever, Mr. Zhu Jinzhong’s expositions inspired me a lot. Mr. Zhu also wrote an article on the cold syndrome represented by the number of pulses. Moreover, he has his own experience, and his experience is more important for counting pulses. He said:

"Those with slippery multiple pulses are phlegm-heat and excess heat; stringy pulses are excess fire in the liver and gallbladder; tense pulses with multiple pulses are cold and heat mixed syndrome or cold evil stagnation. Syndrome: multiple pulses that are thin and astringent means stagnation of blood due to cold coagulation; multiple pulses that are both thin and astringent means deficiency of yin with heat, or blood deficiency with heat; If it is combined with dampness, it is damp heat or deficiency of both qi and yin, or phlegm heat; if the number of pulses is large and powerful, it is the evil of Yangming excess fire or summer heat; Deficiency of both blood or both yin and yang; pulses that are rapid at the same time is heart and kidney yang deficiency; pulses that are solid at the same time are excess heat; pulses that are floating at the same time are superficial heat, etc.

Ordinary people may not be able to understand these contents, but colleagues in Chinese medicine can use them as a reference, and there will be some inspiration.

Okay, today I will stop here to introduce the knowledge about pulse diagnosis. It is very difficult to talk about pulse diagnosis. This is the first time I talk about it. I hope that interested friends can gain something.
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