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Why does she always miscarry at the third trimester?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Why does she always miscarry at the third trimester?
People ask me this question all the time, so let me tell you about my thinking. That is:

Why do some people always stop the development of the fetus in two or three months of pregnancy, and then have a miscarriage?

If you observe carefully, you will find that this is a very common problem. Many families do not have children. It is not that they are unable to have children, but that once the woman is pregnant for two or three months, she will have a miscarriage.

What I have seen in this situation is mostly the deficiency of the spleen and kidney, the insufficiency of qi and blood, especially the deficiency of the spleen, and the inability to fix it. When the fetus grows a little, it will easily lead to miscarriage. As Zhang Jingyue, a famous doctor in the Ming Dynasty, said in "Jingyue Quanshu":

"Anyone who treats abortion must investigate the source of the fetus, and pre-cultivate its damage. There is no way to protect the fetus. If it is waiting for the imminent period, it may not be able to do so. Any infirmity of the fetus is nothing but damage to the blood. Deficiency of Gai Qi leads to poor lifting and solidification, and deficiency of blood leads to poor irrigation, so miscarriage is more likely to occur.”

Nowadays, there are many women with insufficient physical vitality, and the physique of many white-collar workers is incomparable with that of manual laborers. Therefore, there are many such cases.

However, some women are unable to conceive because of many factors, and an important factor is liver and kidney deficiency, which can also be adjusted according to this idea.

So, how to deal with this situation?
I generally recommend something like this:

Use the following several traditional Chinese medicines, each in equal parts, grind into powder, put into capsules, and take it twice a day with warm water, three grams each time. The specific drugs are: Ziheche, Chinese yam, raw astragalus, Zhishouwu, heterophylla, Atractylodes macrocephala, and licorice.

There are about so many medicines in this prescription, sometimes adding or subtracting occasionally, and the amount of each medicine is the same. This prescription was read by Mr. Yan Dexin, the late famous master of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai, and saw that Mr. Yan used this prescription to treat children. Nephrotic syndrome, I feel very inspired, his original prescription does not contain Atractylodes macrocephala, I sometimes add it according to the situation, borrow this prescription to treat this disease, the effect is very good.
In the past few days, I was shocked to hear the news of Mr. Yan's passing away, and I was very sad. In fact, the old Chinese doctor has summed up his life's experience and has countless insights, which can inspire future students and benefit the world. Their contribution to Chinese medicine is extremely great. Once again, I would like to express my respect to Mr. Yan, and wish the old man to be reborn in the Western Paradise!

I first used this prescription to treat my sister. When she was living in Australia, she was pregnant for two or three months (I can’t remember the exact month), and then she had a miscarriage. Australian doctors thought it was a normal phenomenon, because the body recognized that there was a problem with the fetus and ruled it out without treatment. All I had to do was wait, but my sister waited for a long time and was not pregnant, so she returned to China.
After returning to China, she suffered from nephritis, and I treated it for nephritis, and it took two months for her to recover. Then, I thought I should help the righteousness, so I gave her this prescription, and she became pregnant, and finally gave birth to a lovely daughter. Now the child has She is in the third grade. She is very cute. She even joked with me this morning using WeChat voice.

Since then, I have become more and more comfortable using this method. For example, a photographer once took a photo of me and asked me that he has no children, what should I do? Because he narrated his wife's previous experience of pregnancy and miscarriage, I recommended this prescription. As a result, his wife became pregnant not long afterward. There is already a long list of friends who have fulfilled their wishes like this accumulated over the years.

In this prescription, the most prominent drug is Ziheche, the traditional Chinese medicine Ziheche, which is the placenta we are familiar with, and its use as a medicine is now very controversial.

Many people believe that this thing is a human organ and should not be used as medicine.

I think that after a woman gives birth, the placenta is in an abandoned state, which is different from ordinary human organs. For example, clipped nails and hair are no longer part of the human body, and they are naturally abandoned without ethical issues. So a lot of people want to ban the sale and purchase of this stuff, which I think is skeptical. For example, the traditional Chinese medicine Xueyu charcoal used to stop bleeding is to burn the hair cut off by people into charcoal. The effect is very good, and it is often used in clinical practice, because the hair is cut from a haircut and has been discarded, so there is no ethical problem.

The current judicial regulation is that the placenta belongs to the individual of the puerpera and is disposed of by the individual. However, the relevant documents now prohibit the trading of placenta. I think this is based on the suggestions of the people I mentioned earlier. Strictly speaking, they just take advantage of people's feeling that placenta is disgusting.

Many people think that eating placenta is disgusting and a bad habit of the Chinese. In fact, many foreigners also eat placenta. I posted about them on Weibo a few days ago.

I think that as long as the placenta is healthy and free from infectious diseases, it should be used as medicine after being abandoned.

Fortunately, some larger Chinese medicine stores still have this medicine called Ziheche.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Ziheche is sweet, salty and warm in nature and taste, enters the lungs, heart and kidney meridian, and has the functions of nourishing kidney and essence, nourishing qi and nourishing blood. Modern medical research believes that the placenta contains protein, sugar, calcium, vitamins, immune factors, female hormones, progesterone, steroid hormones, gonadotropins, adrenocorticotropic hormones, etc., which can promote the development of breasts, uterus, vagina, and testicles. It also has a stimulating effect on the thyroid gland, and has good effects on tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, anemia, etc.

My idea is: this placenta is useless after the mother has given birth, so it is thrown away. If this discarded thing can be used to give women who cannot conceive a chance, let them also have the opportunity to give birth. Good fortune, what a wonderful thing that would be!

I think so, do not know if it makes sense?

Therefore, we respect the regulations and oppose the trading of placenta. However, if your relatives happen to have pregnant women, and they are willing to give you the placenta with their consent, I am not in violation of relevant laws and regulations, because although the relevant laws and regulations prohibit the sale of placenta, it is stipulated that the placenta belongs to the puerpera. of. If your relatives gift it to you, that's no problem. If this is the case, I will tell you the method of concocting the placenta.

First, wash the placenta three times with water to clean it. Then, boil the water, add a small handful of Chinese prickly ash, then put the placenta, boil the pot for three minutes, turn off the heat, remove the placenta, cut it into strips, put it on a plate, add two tablespoons of rice wine, and steam it over water. Boil the pot for half an hour, take out the placenta, dry it, and grind it into powder.

In winter in the north, drying can be carried out on the radiator, and in other places, it can be placed on tiles and then dried by fire.

Then, you weigh the weight of the placenta, how many grams it is, and how many grams you use for other medicines, you can grind them into powder.

My experience is: Generally, taking about two placenta doses can solve such problems.

Today's prescription, because of the placenta problem, I didn't introduce too much, because there will be a lot of gossip. I just told my friends who asked me in private. But to see so many women in poor health, to suffer from it, to suffer miscarriage after miscarriage, takes a great toll on their bodies as well. In addition to heartache, I will say it again so that everyone can understand.

In fact, Ziheche is a very good traditional Chinese medicine with unique medicinal effects. The late famous old Chinese doctor Li Ke often used Ziheche in some of his prescriptions for strengthening the body, which is also a unique experience.

In addition, for this disease, there was Wu Jutong in the Qing Dynasty in history. He specially created a prescription for such women, called Zhuanxi (xī) Dasheng Gao, this prescription is especially suitable for women who have miscarriage within three months ,he thinks:

"Those who die every three months will suffer from liver deficiency and heat. Those who suffer from liver heat can easily conceive, and those who are deficient cannot be protected. They will fall quickly and fall quickly. Those who fall twice or three times in a year will not die. endlessly, and have yet to have a son.”

Therefore, he used a lot of flesh and blood in the prescription to nourish the liver and kidney. I have specifically introduced this aspect before, and I will talk about it later when I have the opportunity.

Finally, I would like to take this article to pay tribute to Mr. Yan Dexin, a master of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai who has just passed away! May the old man have a good journey! May the fire of Chinese medicine burn more and more prosperous!
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