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Why does my throat always feel like something is blocked?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Why does my throat always feel like something is blocked?
Friends often ask such questions, why do I always feel that there is something blocked in my throat when I swallow saliva, but there is no problem when I go to the hospital for examination, what is going on?
If this is the case, it is likely that this is a disease called Meiheqi in traditional Chinese medicine.

Meiheqi, the name of this disease is vivid, it is the name used for the first time in the "Nanyang Living Book" of the Song Dynasty, and it describes that there seems to be a bayberry nucleus in the throat of the patient, which is blocked there and cannot be swallowed. Go down, vomit and can't spit out, and it will stop and stop from time to time. As early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhongjing, a medical sage, also described the disease vividly: "If a woman has burnt sputum in her throat", she said that it seems that there is a piece of barbecue stuck in her throat. How about the image?

However, this disease is also strange. Although there is an abnormal feeling in the throat, eating is not affected, which is different from something really stuck there. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this is caused by emotional failure, liver qi stagnation, phlegm and qi intertwining, and stopping gathering in the pharynx. At the end of the day, it's an emotional disease. It is a feeling of the patient himself, and there is no real object stuck there.

Modern medicine is called pharyngeal paraesthesia, and it is often diagnosed as pharyngeal neurosis, or pharyngeal hysteria, hysteria. The disease occurs mostly in young and middle-aged people, mostly women.

What I need to remind everyone is that the disease is said to be in the throat. In fact, among the patients I have seen, there are quite a few patients at the upper end of the esophagus, so it is not just the throat, which needs attention.

So, how did this disease come about?

In fact, most of the people who suffer from this disease are people who are in bad mood, have a history of mental trauma, and have unhappy things in their hearts, which leads to discomfort of liver qi, and the result is blockage of qi movement, which is knotted in the throat or taken advantage of by the spleen. Stomach, transportation and transformation failure, body fluid cannot be transfused, condenses into phlegm, and phlegm qi stagnates in the throat. Therefore, the onset of this disease often coincides with mood swings. When you are in a good mood, you are basically fine. When you are in a bad mood, the condition becomes serious.

It should be noted that in addition to abnormal pharyngeal blockage sensations, such as phlegm stickiness, obstruction, foreign body sensation, etc., sometimes there is a burning sensation, or even a sense of ants.

So, how to treat this disease?

Our medical sage Zhang Zhongjing, in "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", made a prescription for this disease, called Banxia Houpu Decoction.

The composition of this formula is as follows:
One liter of French Pinellia (12g)

Magnolia officinalis (9g)

Poria four liang (12g)

Ginger Wuliang (9g)

Two taels of perilla leaf (6g)

When boiling the medicine, "take seven liters of water, boil four liters, take four doses at different temperatures, and take one dose a day, three nights." We can roughly grasp that, that is, boil a little more than half of the water, and then divide the medicine juice into four parts. Drink three servings and another in the evening. (Pregnant women should not take it)

In this prescription, the method Pinellia dissolves phlegm and knots, lowers the inverse and harmonizes the stomach, and directs the Qi downward; Monarch medicine. Poria disperses dampness and invigorates the spleen, helps pinellia to dispel dampness and resolve phlegm; perilla leaves are fragrant and open the lungs, smooth the qi and broaden the chest, dispel stagnant qi in the chest, and are ministerial medicines together with magnolia bark. Ginger and stomach Jiangni antiemesis are adjuvant drugs.

This prescription provides future generations with ideas for treating this disease. If you have this problem, you can ask your doctor to add some medicines to soothe the liver and regulate qi on the basis of this prescription, and the effect will be better.

However, many patients have such a reaction, that is, why my body is normal when I take this prescription, but once I stop, the symptoms appear again soon, why is this?

Dear friends, this is the crux of the problem. This disease is an abnormality of the body caused by emotions, or an abnormality of our nerve function. However, we use drugs to regulate the body. If the mentality is not adjusted, it is of course difficult to recover. yes!

Therefore, the real treatment of this disease requires us to adjust our mentality and let go of entanglements. In this world, what is worth obtaining at the cost of destroying our bodies? In fact, you can't really get it at all. Even if you get it, you can't take it away after a hundred years. But in this short hundred years, you have destroyed your body. Is your gain meaningful?

Therefore, the real medicine is the heart medicine. I suggest that such friends, you should go to my other official account "Da Lun College", listen to the "Tao Te Ching" I lecture every day, let go of your entanglements, and feel at ease. Only such people will truly get healthy.

In addition, if you can travel around, sing and dance, and take part in sports, you will recover better.

It is worth reminding that the initial manifestation of esophageal cancer is also a foreign body sensation when swallowing. This is what everyone should be vigilant about. However, the foreign body sensation of esophageal cancer mainly occurs when eating, but this feeling is inside the esophagus. Many patients with esophageal cancer say that they feel blocked when eating. It is esophageal cancer. While Meihe Qi is mostly normal when eating, but usually there is always a feeling of blockage, and this feeling is more common in the throat.
In fact, emotional depression is also an inducement for esophageal cancer.

I guess it is difficult for many friends to distinguish the difference between the two, so if there is a feeling of blockage in the throat and esophagus, I suggest you go to the hospital for an examination. In fact, these examinations are not painful now, it is very simple, after excluding organic lesions of the esophagus and throat After that, you can start to adjust your emotions.

Well, this is the end of our health digest for today. Finally, please allow me to repeat one more sentence. Happiness is the most precious wealth in this world!
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