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Why do women tend to live longer than men?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

Why do women tend to live longer than men?
If you observe in nursing homes, you will find such a very common phenomenon, that is, in most elderly families, the old man is in poor health, suffering from diseases and sitting in a wheelchair, while the old lady is healthy and takes care of the old man. This kind of phenomenon is also common in the life around us. In many families, the old man dies first, while the old lady lives a long and healthy life.

So what exactly is this? What kind of secret will there be?

First of all, let's take a look at how this matter is discussed in Chinese medicine. In the classic of Chinese medicine "Huangdi Neijing", the physiological cycle of men and women is discussed in such a rhythm of numbers: women use the number "seven" as a benchmark , "Twenty-seven, when the Tiangui arrives, the Ren meridian is open, the Taichong meridian is strong, and the menstrual events are at the current time, so there is a son... Qiqi, the Ren meridian is weak, the Taichong meridian is weak, the Tiangui is exhausted, and the tunnel is blocked. , so the shape is bad and there is no child." The man uses the number "eight" as a benchmark: "The husband is eight years old, the kidney qi is strong, and the teeth grow...88, the teeth will fall."

Many friends will wonder, according to the "Huangdi Neijing", don't men live longer than women? In fact, this passage was mentioned when discussing the fertility of men and women, but what it really discusses is the state of human essence at different ages. For example, a woman usually reaches the end of her life at the age of forty-nine, but now it is said that she has reached the menopause Yes, but we clearly know that women still have a long way to go after menopause. For example, those centenarians still have half of their lives after the age of fifty. However, these discussions do show that, from the perspective of the natural rhythm of the human body's essence, men's cycles are longer than women's.

Therefore, we still need to continue to explore why women can still overtake when the natural rhythm of men's essence is longer than women's?

Let's see what modern research says.

1. From a genetic point of view, women have more advantages and have a stronger ability to repair after damage. This matter is more complicated, so we won't talk about it here.

2. The impact of women's physiological characteristics: Women's menstrual blood loss is actually a kind of physiological stimulation, which makes women's hematopoietic function stronger than men's.

3. The influence of estrogen in women: estrogen has the effect of protecting the blood vessel wall, preventing it from becoming hard and brittle, while the body of men responds more strongly to adrenaline and other vasoconstricting active substances than women, so men suffer from cardiovascular disease more opportunities than women. In addition, sex hormones may also play a role. The male hormone testosterone can make men impulsive, irritable, aggressive and active, increasing a man's risk of heart disease and stroke. In contrast, the female hormone estrogen offers protection in premenopausal women, reducing the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis in young women.

The above are some research conclusions of western medicine based on physiological characteristics, which I think are meaningful and can be used as a reference.

In addition, psychological and social factors also have a very important impact, let's talk about it separately:

1. Men are more prone to lack of exercise: an expert once conducted a health survey on 932 men and found that only 96 of them participated in exercise at a fixed time every week. In most families, men do significantly less housework than women. Many men sit on the sofa and watch TV after meals, and women do most of the housework such as cleaning the dishes. Don't underestimate this small factor. In fact, it will lead to smooth flow of Qi and blood in women, and healthier and healthier bodies, while men sit on the sofa and seem to enjoy it, but actually stagnate Qi and blood, which has a very bad impact on the body .

We have observed some centenarians and found that an important feature of them is that they like to do housework, and even after they are centenarians, they still insist on doing housework by themselves.

Therefore, this world is very strange. Some things that seem to be "enjoy good fortune" are not good things. Things, on the contrary, contain happiness.

In fact, men who regularly exercise regularly can maintain vitality and have a more well-proportioned body, so that the accumulation of phlegm and dampness is relatively less, and the qi and blood are more smooth. Therefore, these men live longer.

2. Men pay less attention to health: Men generally put more energy in pursuing their careers, and are more tolerant of their bodies. The survey found that nearly half of men buy medicines to solve their illnesses, and 1 /3 of men simply ignore these "little problems". 80% of seriously ill male patients admit that it is because of long-term non-seeking, which leads to minor illnesses becoming serious illnesses. But women are different. Women will be very concerned about their health. If there is a problem, they will start to solve it. Although some people have more minor problems, they seem to always adjust their health, but because they are all minor problems, On the contrary, there are no major problems in the body, but some men who are patient, when they appear, they are prone to major problems.

This feature is also true in my opinion. I have given health lectures in various places all the year round. For so many years, I found that the vast majority of those who come to attend the lectures are women, which fully shows that women pay more attention to health care. At this point, men obviously need to learn from women!

3. Women are better at resolving negative emotions: Men learn to show masculinity and endure pain from an early age. Therefore, when men are under pressure, they seldom talk to their friends about their problems and troubles; while women are usually more likely to talk about it when they feel depressed , Find a close friend and pour out your troubles, so that you can greatly reduce your stress.

On the other hand, this kind of talking can get the sympathy and support of friends around, which is very important for health. Some foreign scholars evaluate female patients who are undergoing breast cancer treatment. It was found that the average survival time of patients with group support was twice as long as that of patients without group support. Thus, a healthy person may be someone who finds comfort in a group and opens up to others to relieve stress.

So, don't underestimate women's daily phone conversations, don't underestimate women's daily nagging, this may be the secret of their health and longevity!

3. Men have more bad habits: Objectively speaking, men have more desires, such as the pursuit of career success, the pursuit of money, etc., which causes men to pay more, so staying up late and so on is normal of. On the other hand, women's desires are much more ordinary, and their interest is often only in the family, which reduces the impact of a lot of wind and waves.

In addition, men are more likely to pursue sensual gratification, such as smoking and drinking alcohol, which will cause harm to the body, while women are much less addicted.

In addition, men's pursuit of sexual desire is often much greater. In modern society, many women in families take care of their children and take care of the elderly at home to do housework, while men use excuses to develop their careers and have sex every night. This is also an important reason for energy consumption.

Therefore, the exposition of the "Huangdi Neijing" when discussing this issue can be applied to modern people almost intact:
"The people of today are not the same. They use wine as a syrup, take falsehood as a habit, get drunk to enter the house, use desire to exhaust their essence, and dissipate their truth. Music, living without festivals, so it will decline after half a hundred."

4. Sense of responsibility: Many scholars have discovered such a phenomenon, that is, under the same illness, men are more likely to collapse and give up, while women tend to be stronger. The elderly patients with phobias I have seen are those who are extremely afraid of disease and death, and they are all men. This is exactly the opposite of what we see on the surface. The appearance we see is often that men are strong and women are weak.

So why? In-depth research shows that women's sense of responsibility plays a role. In the family, women play the role of maintaining the family and raising children. Therefore, after illness, "the family needs me to support, the children need me, and I want to live !” This kind of idea often makes women burst into great motivation, so women have a more positive attitude, and their resilience and perseverance to endure suffering are much stronger.

There was once a foreign story about an entrepreneur who saw his elderly mother was sick and weak, so he came up with a way to tell his mother that his business had gone bankrupt and that he would work hard to make a comeback. Others were worried that the old man would not be able to bear the blow, but no one expected that the old woman would get out of bed immediately, cook for her son every day, go out to pick up scraps and sell them for money to help her son, and encourage her son every day. As a result, the old man is getting healthier and healthier! How did this story end, I forget, but I think this story is reasonable, I remember when my sister was suffering from chronic nephritis, my mother cried bitterly, feeling that fate was so unfair, I was worried that she would collapse, but after One day later, my mother immediately cheered up, no, I have to take care of my daughter, so she carefully boiled the traditional Chinese medicine I prescribed, adjusted her diet every day, and gave spiritual encouragement. As a result, my sister recovered soon.

In life, we often see such old women who have gone through countless ups and downs in their lives, but they have survived with strength. This is the reason why they have superpowers because of their responsibilities to the family, especially their children.

After writing this, I think the answer to this question should not be far away. I hope that male friends can learn from women, which is more beneficial to their physical and mental health.

Finally, I will end this article with this passage from "The Theory of the Ancient Innocence of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic", which is also the goal that each of us, regardless of gender, pursues!

"Qi Bo replied: the ancient people, who knew, the law is based on yin and yang, and the number of spells, food and drink have festivals, daily life has permanence, and they don't work rashly. To be a hundred years old is to go.

Today's people are not the same. They use wine as a pulp, take delusions as a habit, get drunk to enter the house, use desire to exhaust their essence, and dissipate their truth. They don't know how to hold them full. , living without festivals, so half a hundred and decline.

According to the teachings of the ancient sages, it is also called emptiness, evil and thieves. Sometimes you avoid it.

It is to be idle with few desires, to be at ease without fear, to be tired without physical fatigue, to follow one's qi and obedience, to follow one's own desires, and to get what one wishes.

Therefore, the food is delicious, the clothes are allowed to be served, the customs are enjoyed, and the high and the low do not admire each other. The people are called simple.

Therefore, lust cannot tire the eyes, adultery cannot confuse the mind, foolishness, wisdom and virtuousness are unworthy, and they are not afraid of things, so they are in line with the Tao. "
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