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Why do people with diabetes feel tired and weak?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Why do people with diabetes feel tired and weak?
When various organs in the human body are working, the energy supply they require mainly depends on "appropriate" blood sugar. "Appropriate" blood sugar means that the blood sugar before or after a meal is maintained between 3.9 and 6.1mmol/L (mmol/L). Within this range, the human body will not suffer from fatigue and other discomforts due to fluctuations in blood sugar. feel.

Where does blood sugar come from? Glucose in the blood is mainly obtained from food. Normal people maintain a balance between the glucose they obtain from food and the glucose in their blood, which is the “appropriate” glucose mentioned above. After suffering from diabetes, due to abnormal secretion of insulin, the main hormone that breaks down glucose in the body, the balance of blood sugar intake and excretion is broken. Some patients will have obvious "three excesses" symptoms - polydipsia, polyphagia, and polyuria. . But almost all patients have a "shortage". This "shortage" does not necessarily mean weight loss, but a decrease in physical strength and weight. Most patients seek medical treatment because of fatigue and weight loss in the early stages of the disease. They will tell the doctor that their legs are weak, they feel sleepy all over after coming back from get off work or going out for activities, they are afraid of going up stairs, and their legs feel weak when climbing stairs. Although they eat more food, they lose weight to varying degrees. Some patients also lose weight at the beginning of the disease. There will be significant weight loss.

Why do diabetics lose weight and feel fatigued?

Reason 1: The body cannot fully utilize glucose.

When a person suffers from diabetes, the body's insulin, which promotes the entry of glucose into cells, is lacking, so that glucose cannot smoothly enter the cells and be utilized by the cells, resulting in an increase in glucose in the blood. If cells are not supplied with enough energy, people will feel tired and weak. When patients with diabetes are controlled through diet, exercise, and medication, intracellular glucose uptake and utilization can be improved, and symptoms such as fatigue and weakness will be improved.

Reason 2: Fatigue and weakness caused by hypoglycemia.

For those who are new to diabetes, some people seek medical attention due to repeated palpitations before meals and fatigue. Hypoglycemia will be found by measuring blood sugar. When hypoglycemia occurs during the treatment of diabetes, hunger, panic, and fatigue will also occur. This is caused by low blood sugar and insufficient energy supply for cells.

Reason three: Fatigue and weakness caused by lack of ionized potassium.

When blood sugar rises, urination increases. A large amount of urine will bring out potassium ions in the blood. Potassium ions are the main component that affects muscle activity. If potassium ions are lacking, muscle activity will be affected and people will feel tired. Powerless.

Reason 4: Fatigue and weakness caused by sleep and mental stress.

People with poor blood sugar control urinate repeatedly at night, resulting in lack of sleep, or the patient is obese and has apnea syndrome, resulting in poor sleep quality, lack of energy, and fatigue. Or some patients may suffer from high mental stress, tend to be depressed, and may also show fatigue and weakness after getting sick.

In short, fatigue and weakness are the most common symptoms for patients with diabetes. A good analysis of the causes can help patients get rid of this symptom and improve their quality of life.
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