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When encountering four situations, you must measure your blood sugar immediately

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

When encountering four situations, you must measure your blood sugar immediately
Blood sugar is affected by many factors. If you encounter the following central heating conditions, you must measure your blood sugar immediately to avoid accidents.

1. when losing temper

When people with diabetes become very angry, it may indicate that they have discovered hypoglycemia and should test their blood sugar in time to prevent danger. Especially for people with diabetes who often have emotional problems, they need to be more vigilant. A severe iatrogenic hypoglycemia or a cardiovascular event induced by it may offset the benefits of maintaining blood sugar within the normal range throughout their lives.

We also remind people with diabetes that a bad mood can also cause blood sugar to rise. This is because mood swings can cause hormone secretion disorders in the human body, leading to an increase in the secretion of glucagon hormones, such as epinephrine and glucagon. Therefore, people with diabetes must learn to control their emotions. Emotions are like a "barometer" of blood sugar control. They can not only remind you that your blood sugar may be too low, but may also cause your blood sugar to rise.

2. When sleeping particularly deeply

Some people with diabetes sometimes experience asymptomatic hypoglycemia, especially in elderly patients. The main reason is that neuropathy caused by diabetes makes the sympathetic nerves desensitized; and repeated episodes of hypoglycemia increase the response threshold of glucagon or epinephrine to hypoglycemia; in addition, elderly patients often have liver and kidney function. It decreases or is often combined with diabetic nephropathy, which slows down the excretion of oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin and makes them easy to accumulate. The above conditions are the reasons why diabetic patients are prone to asymptomatic hypoglycemia.

Asymptomatic hypoglycemia does not have the typical symptoms of hypoglycemia (palpitations, anxiety, sweating, hunger, etc.), and some patients may present with hypoglycemic coma without warning symptoms after repeated episodes of hypoglycemia. Therefore, when people with diabetes sleep particularly deeply, they should be alert to the onset of asymptomatic hypoglycemia. If family members find this situation, they should measure the patient's blood sugar in time to prevent danger.

3. When you are under great psychological pressure

When people are in emergency situations such as stress and tension, the sympathetic nerves will be excited, and the sympathetic nerves will directly inhibit insulin secretion. At the same time, the body under stress will also secrete a variety of hormones that antagonize the action of insulin, such as epinephrine and glucocorticoids. To sum up the above reasons, when people with diabetes are in a state of high stress, their blood sugar may rise. At this time, people with diabetes may wish to test their blood sugar to prevent danger.

4. When you feel tired or sleepy

When people with diabetes feel tired, tired, and sleepy, it may be due to high blood sugar. Because when blood sugar is high, there is a lack of insulin in the body, so glucose cannot enter the body's cells to supply energy, and part of the glucose will be excreted in the urine. The body's cells lack energy for movement, and people will naturally feel tired. When diabetic patients develop diabetic ketoacidosis, early symptoms include polyuria, polydipsia, and fatigue. When the disease progresses further, patients may also experience symptoms such as loss of appetite, irritability, and lethargy.

In addition, patients with hypoglycemic episodes will also have symptoms such as mental changes and cognitive impairment. However, hypoglycemic episodes are also accompanied by typical symptoms of hypoglycemia such as palpitations, anxiety, and sweating, which can be distinguished from symptoms of hyperglycemia.

Therefore, when diabetic patients experience symptoms such as fatigue and drowsiness, they must monitor blood sugar in a timely manner.
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