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What to eat on a hot and humid day?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

What to eat on a hot and humid day?
Recently, there have been heavy rains in many places across the country, and then the weather has cleared up and the heat has returned. Many cities have reached 40 degrees Celsius. In the hot summer, the water vapor on the ground is evaporated. The heat and humidity are severe, and people's bodies will indeed be unbearable. .

After I said this, everyone feels that the weather is in dire straits. So, what should we do at this time? Don’t be afraid, we Chinese medicine has many therapeutic methods that can help you. Today, let me introduce mung bean and lotus leaf porridge to you!

Some friends will say: Hi! What did I think it was? Isn't it the mung bean that Zhang Wuben talked about?

Friends, we must not underestimate mung beans. We must not destroy mung beans just because of Zhang Wuben. It is a delicacy that we Chinese have grown for more than two thousand years!

Well, let's introduce what is so special about mung beans!

According to traditional Chinese medicine, mung beans are sweet and cold. Enter the heart, stomach warp. Wang Mengying, a famous Chinese medicine expert in the Qing Dynasty, said in his "Suixiju Diet Manual": "Mung beans are sweet and cool. When cooked, they can clear the gallbladder and nourish the stomach, relieve heat and thirst, facilitate urination, and have diarrhea."

In the summer rainy season, the rain stains the ground, and then it is fumigated by the scorching sun, and the water vapor rises and fills the space. People are in the midst of qi exchange, and it is inevitable that they will be trapped by moisture. At this time, the human body is prone to various diseases caused by heat, among which moisture is more common, such as itching, redness, swelling and boils on various skins, various prickly heat in children, etc.

Moisture can also cause problems with our spleen and stomach, because dampness can easily trap the spleen soil, and once the spleen soil is injured, problems will appear in our whole body.

At this time, various evil spirits will use moisture as a carrier to invade our body. For example, at this time, cold-dampness, summer-dampness cold, and even other infectious diseases will increase easily.

In the case of such heavy humidity, coupled with the heat, people's bodies are even more unbearable.

The combination of moisture and heat is considered by Chinese medicine to be the most troublesome thing. The ancients described it as "like oil wrapped in noodles." The oil and noodles are entangled together and cannot be separated. At this time, if you are sick, no matter how you clear away the heat, it may be effective. Not good, so what should we do? At this time, it is necessary to remove the moisture while clearing the heat. If this platform is removed, the heat will have nothing to rely on, and it will naturally be easy to remove.

Therefore, clearing away heat and dampness is the great method of conditioning in this case, and the two are closely coordinated.

And this mung bean has the effect of clearing away heat and dampness, so it is suitable to use in summer with heavy humidity.

The lotus leaf combined with mung beans is a good ingredient for summer.

The lotus leaf tastes bitter and slightly astringent, cool in nature, returns to the heart, liver, and spleen meridian, has the effects of relieving heat and dampness, invigorating the spleen and raising yang, dispelling blood stasis and stopping bleeding.

Li Dongyuan, a famous doctor in ancient times, saw his master making Zhizhu (zhǐzhú) pills. One ounce of Zhishi and two ounces of Atractylodes were ground into very fine powder. Then, he wrapped the rice with lotus leaves, cooked it, and then pounded the rice. As excipients, the powders of the first two medicines are made into pellets. Li Dongyuan said that at the beginning, he couldn't figure out why it was necessary to wrap the rice in lotus leaves for cooking, and why was it so troublesome?

It wasn't until his later years that Li Dongyuan realized the teacher's mind, which was to use the medicinal properties of lotus leaves to enhance the clearness and reduce the turbidity!

It can be seen that the ancients used this lotus leaf wonderfully.

Later, when some traditional Chinese medicine practitioners prescribed prescriptions for clearing heat and removing dampness in the summer, they would wrap fresh lotus leaves with medicinal ingredients and then boil the medicine. better.

So, how should we make this mung bean lotus leaf porridge today?

Mung bean and lotus leaf porridge

We can use about 60 grams of mung beans and 3 grams of lotus leaves. You can buy the lotus leaves at the drugstore. Of course, fresh lotus leaves are better. Use palm-sized lotus leaves. Just use two portions (that is, two Palm-sized lotus leaves), 2 to 3 taels of rice.

First soak the mung beans and rice in water for two hours.

Then wrap the lotus leaves with gauze (fresh lotus leaves do not need to be wrapped).

Put the mung beans, lotus leaf bag and rice together to make porridge until they are rotten.

Remove the lotus leaf wrap and serve.

This mung bean and lotus leaf porridge can clear away heat and remove dampness in the process of dietary therapy. At the same time, mung beans and lotus leaves have the effect of removing phlegm and reducing blood lipids. It is very good for people who are obese and have excessive phlegm in the body. To be honest, this type of people are also the most miserable in summer. When the heat is high, they are often intolerable and in unbearable pain.

No matter how much I talk, it’s better to actually do it. Friends, after reading my introduction, let’s do it yourself. Make mung bean and lotus leaf porridge for your family and try it!
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