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What to Do if You Get Facial Paralysis in Autumn

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

What to Do if You Get Facial Paralysis in Autumn
Earlier we talked about what to do in the acute stage of facial paralysis. The two empirical prescriptions in it can actually be used after the acute stage. However, the Puji Disinfectant Decoction, which relieves heat and poison, generally uses several medicines. , detoxify the heat, you don’t have to use it. The acupuncture method in the acute progress stage may be different from the subsequent method. This will be discussed by famous acupuncture and moxibustion experts in the future.

Answer two more questions for everyone, and then enter today's topic.

The first question is: Many folk remedies say that smearing eel blood on the affected face can cure the disease.

Answer: In fact, it is rare to hear of people who use this method to be effective. Some Chinese medicine practitioners even observed more than 200 patients who used this method, and thought that none of them worked. Some people said that my relatives applied it for two months, and it also worked? In fact, it is likely that the body is recovering itself in the long process, and it feels as if it is working. Therefore, there is no need to try this method, and do not waste energy and delay the correct treatment.

The second question is: traditional Chinese medicine uses Qianzheng San to treat this disease, why did you not mention this prescription?

Answer: Traditionally, the prescription of Qianzhengsan seems to be necessary for the treatment of this disease, so many Chinese medicine practitioners add the three ingredients in the prescription of Qianzhengsan to their own prescriptions: white monkshood, silkworm, scorpion.

However, in fact, many Chinese medicine practitioners have experienced that although this prescription is an ancient prescription, the effect of using this prescription alone to treat facial paralysis is far from enough. Some Chinese medicine practitioners even say that it has no effect. I agree with this of. Therefore, this prescription should either be combined with acupuncture and moxibustion, or added to the current prescription, which will have a certain auxiliary effect.

But the biggest problem with this recipe is the white monkshood in the recipe, which is too easy to go wrong. This white aconite is the dry tuber of the araceae plant unicorn. Have expelling wind and phlegm, calm convulsion, detoxification and dissipating stagnation, effect of pain relief. It is completely different from Wenyang's aconite, and Wenyang's aconite is the root of the ranunculaceae plant Aconitum, and it is not a plant at all with Baifuzi, they just have similar names. As for aconite in Wenyang, there are black and white aconites in pharmacies. This white aconite is aconite sliced, washed and dried, and it is a medicine for Wenyang. Therefore, Bai Fu Zi and Bai Fu Pian are completely different medicines, the names are too similar, right? But Baifu Tablets are poisonous, if the suffering time is less than an hour, it will lead to poisoning. However, many people in pharmacies don’t understand this, their business is not good enough, or temporary employees come to take medicine instead. When they see Baifuzi, they think it is white Fuzi, so they catch poisonous Baifu tablets, causing patients to go home and drink medicine poisoning , even life-threatening.

I have heard of a few cases of this kind of thing, and some of them even had to be rescued, so I would like to say that the current pharmacies are not so reliable, unless you focus on picking up the medicine, otherwise this medicine can be used.

Okay, so let’s talk about the topic today, which is the treatment of facial paralysis.

For the treatment of facial paralysis with traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, the biggest problem is that they are all empirical prescriptions, and the syndrome differentiation of facial paralysis is not detailed enough, so they all say that their own prescriptions are easy to use, but others may not be effective. Therefore, in our previous article, the facial paralysis The dialectics have been sorted out. It is estimated that after I have written these articles, I should have a more comprehensive summary.

Then, the previous prescriptions are all targeted, for wind-cold, external cold and internal heat, and excessive heat and toxin. In clinical practice, is there a simpler prescription? Today we introduce a traditional Chinese medicine, which is very simple to use.

The name of this traditional Chinese medicine is geranium (guàn) grass.

The reason for this is that there is an old Chinese doctor in Shandong named Guo Yonglai. Back then, he was working in Heilongjiang. In order to go through the transfer procedures, he went to the home of Li, a filer in the Hulin County Animal Husbandry Bureau. At that time, the wife of the clerk, after hearing that Mr. Guo was a doctor, talked about such a thing, saying that her husband had suffered from facial paralysis, and the hospital could not cure it. At this time, some people said that there was a folk prescription, which is "Use a handful of geranium (about two to three taels of fresh grass), wash it, chop it up, decoct it in two large bowls of water, decoct the first part for fumigation and washing, and decoct the second part for oral administration." This geranium is found in many places in China, including Northeast China, North China, Yunnan and other places. Her wife asked the child to dig some in the ground, and then operated in the same way. As a result, the facial paralysis disappeared in a few days.

After hearing this, Mr. Guo paid attention to it. This is a caring person. The reason why Mr. Guo was able to gain a certain medical name later on is related to his careful study everywhere.

As a result, after returning home, it happened that the workers in his factory were suffering from the disease, so Mr. Guo asked him to collect the medicine and boil water, take it as the law and wash his face, and then prescribed a prescription to hold Zhengsan. As a result, the worker recovered after eight days.
From then on, Mr. Guo began to study this medicine, and later he ruled out the effect of Qianzheng San. He thought that this prescription was basically useless for this disease. And what really works is this geranium.
In this way, when Mr. Guo encountered facial paralysis in the clinic, he used this traditional Chinese medicine,

"In order to increase the efficacy of the medicine, I changed it to washing with a towel, soaked it in the medicine juice and wrung it out slightly, so as not to drip water, I applied hot compress to the affected area, ears and cheeks for half to two hours every night. As far as I can remember, there has never been a case of failure. (I have used dried medicinal materials since then, because the hospital does not sell fresh grass.) The duration of the disease varies from patient to patient. For the sake of "insurance" and alleviating patients' doubts, patients basically use Qianzheng San, but there are also those who use Geranium alone, and there is no obvious difference."

In this regard, Mr. Guo believes that Chinese medicine is a big treasure house, there are many miraculous things in it, and there are many diseases. It is possible that the syndrome types are relatively consistent, so they can be treated with a single prescription. This is consistent with my point of view, that is to say, patients may stay in a similar stage for a long time. At this time, a certain Chinese medicine or a single prescription may be very targeted. This is what people often say "a famous doctor will die with one prescription". If we grasp a certain main syndrome type on the basis of syndrome differentiation and treatment, it may solve a big problem.

Mr. Guo said that later, whenever he encountered facial paralysis, he used this flavor of geranium, and almost never missed it.

Later, he wrote these experiences into a book called "Xinglin Jiye", which was published by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House. I personally think that the Chinese medicine I admire the most in this life is like this. Writing out my experience without reservation is a contribution to Chinese medicine. Everyone understands this way of thinking and understands these "secret recipes". Can carry forward.

In fact, there is no "secret recipe" in this world. It is all continuously summed up by doctors and ordinary people in the past dynasties. Almost all "secret recipes" may be found in ancient books or folks. Mr. Guo's prescription was first heard from the folks, which shows that the folks have long used it. However, if such a prescription is passed on to the doctors, if the doctors keep it secret from now on, it will become a "secret recipe", and it is very likely that it will disappear slowly. And if doctors can summarize and refine it and inform the public, such prescriptions can save people, and Chinese medicine can be carried forward. Just like our family's Dilong cures hemorrhoids, I believe there will be rumors among the people. I have also seen records in ancient books. Although there are few, there are. Our family has used it well. If it is kept secret, it is also a "secret recipe". It can be used for many years, but it may gradually become unknown. Let me tell you now that many people know that this disease can be treated with earthworm, and it will help everyone.

So, let's talk about it, why can this taste of geranium treat this disease? Let us introduce geranium!

Geranium, the word for stork, pronounced "crown", everyone should be clear, it is not geranium. Geranium is also called old stork beak, old crow's mouth, Guanjin, old Guanjin, and old beef tendon. It is found in most parts of China.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, this medicine is bitter in taste, slightly pungent, and warm in nature. Return liver, large intestine channel. The main function is to expel wind and dry dampness, activate blood circulation and dredge collaterals, and has the effect of detoxification at the same time. Cure mainly rheumatic arthralgia, numbness of limbs, sore muscles and bones, bruises, diarrhea and dysentery, carbuncle sore swollen toxin, rubella and scabies. "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" believes that the effect of this medicine is: "dispel all winds and itchy skin, and pass through the twelve meridians. Treat muscle and bone pain, wind phlegm flaccidity and softness, numbness and numbness of hands and feet, facilitate urination, relieve bladder heat accumulation, attack and disperse various diseases. Sores and swollen toxins, reducing tuberculosis fever and fever, treating wind-fire, toothache, scabies and other diseases. It also relieves all tuberculosis and fever, and it responds like a sound. Applying bruises can relieve pain and treat blood stasis."

As long as you look at the function of this medicine, you will find it amazing. First of all, it has the function of pungent powder, which can dispel wind and dampness, and dredge the meridians. Therefore, folks use it to treat rheumatism pain, and women also use it to recuperate when the uterus is cold. But at the same time, it also has the effect of detoxifying and dispelling stagnation. Folks use it to treat sores, carbuncles, swelling and pain, and even in some areas, it is used to treat sore throat caused by colds.

Therefore, it seems that the two functions of dispelling wind and detoxification that we mentioned earlier can be achieved by one medicine, which is also a very unique medicine in traditional Chinese medicine.

Therefore, so many prescriptions are ineffective for facial paralysis, but this medicine can cure it. It is indeed a miracle of nature.
Modern medical workers have also conducted research on this drug, and believe that this drug has anti-pathogenic microorganisms, a wide antibacterial spectrum, and can kill bacteria. Herbal decoction has obvious inhibitory effects on certain influenza viruses and herpes simplex viruses. This explains to some extent why this medicine Chinese medicine believes that it can detoxify

After studying the medicinal properties of geranium, we understood that when we just caught cold, it is still mainly for dispelling cold and dredging collaterals. Gegen decoction is more suitable, and this medicine is not very useful. But once you find that you have heat syndrome in addition to cold, you have heat in your body, or you can use this medicine immediately, because this medicine is mainly for detoxification, and at the same time it can dispel wind and dampness. However, because patients simply catch cold, or have just caught cold, it is often difficult for patients to detect it. Therefore, most patients are in a state of external cold and internal heat, so this medicine is widely used.

Since Mr. Guo made this experience known to the public, many Chinese medicine practitioners added this medicine to their prescriptions to improve the effect.

I think that if a patient with facial paralysis has no way of distinguishing symptoms, he can take this medicine by himself while going for acupuncture and moxibustion. Greatly improve the effect.
The purchase of this geranium is probably not available in general pharmacies. You can buy it from the Internet. I checked, and there are still a lot of them on Taobao. I bought two copies, and after I got the medicinal materials, I identified them. The drug, indicating that the drug can still be bought on the Internet.
In addition, there is another kind of medicine in Chinese patent medicine called Geranium Ointment, which I came across by chance in a pharmacy. I was surprised that there is this ointment. I read the instructions and it feels good. It is used to treat eczema, carbuncle , boils, sores, and furuncles have the functions of dehumidification, detoxification, astringent and muscle regeneration. I think it is beneficial for patients with facial paralysis to smear the affected side.

However, one more reminder, the kind of patients we mentioned earlier who suffer from severe heat and toxins and severe pain in the front and back of the ear, it is best to take Puji Xiaoxiao Decoction at this time, and use a few medicines to detoxify the heat and toxins first. Otherwise, the power of a single geranium is also limited. No matter how much geranium is consumed by such patients, the ears will still hurt, and the condition is always difficult to reverse. In addition, when applying Puji Xiaoxiao Decoction, my experience is that the amount of burdock fruit should be increased, and it can be added to 15 grams to 20 grams, and the effect is better. Burdock fruit is also an important traditional Chinese medicine for blindly treating facial paralysis, because it The efficacy of the medicine also mostly acts on the head and face. Let me remind you of this.

Under normal circumstances, when traditional Chinese medicine introduces proven prescriptions before, most of them will talk about the effectiveness of the prescriptions. Now we put the proven prescriptions in the syndrome differentiation system and tell everyone in which syndromes it is used and under what circumstances it may not be effective. This is a sorting out Work, this work, is also meaningful.

Well, today we will talk about the disease of facial paralysis here first, and then we will talk about the external treatment of facial paralysis, and three months later, when facial paralysis enters the chronic phase, the conditioning ideas. Thank you everyone, I hope these articles can help people in pain!
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