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What to do about stubborn skin problems?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

What to do about stubborn skin problems?
Skin problems are more headaches. There are often such patients who take traditional Chinese medicine for clearing away heat and detoxification for a long time, but the skin problems do not improve and eventually become chronic diseases. So, is there any other way of thinking at this time?

Today, I would like to recommend a new idea to you, which may be something we didn’t pay much attention to before, that is:

Many skin problems, such as certain eczema, acne, and even some diseases such as herpes zoster and neurodermatitis, may be caused by a reason that has not been paid attention to: insufficient kidney essence, resulting in the leakage of dragon thunder fire.

Generally, in such diseases, red skin lesions often appear on the surface of the skin. Therefore, it is generally diagnosed as fever, which is a skin problem caused by heat and toxin. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine for clearing heat, detoxifying, removing dampness and cooling blood is often used for treatment. . However, some patients have good results and can recover quickly, while some patients have poor results. Long-term medication has no effect, and even worsens.

So, what's the problem?

If you observe such patients carefully, you will find that their tongue is not so bright red, but presents a dull state, the color of the tongue is dull, or white. There may even be tooth marks on the sides of the tongue.

When asking the patient's signs, they will find that their lower limbs are afraid of cold, and their legs and feet feel cold. This is the more obvious manifestation of hot upper and cold lower.

If such symptoms appear, you have to consider that there is another possibility, that is, such patients have skin problems caused by insufficient kidney essence and leakage of dragon and thunder fire.

It turned out that the fire of the dragon and thunder, in addition to rushing upwards and causing burns and facial problems, would also leak out and cause skin problems.

We have talked about the prescriptions for treatment before, called Yinhuo Decoction, Zhenyin Decoction, and Shouhuo Decoction. In fact, such prescriptions all have a common idea, which is to use a large amount of rehmannia glutinosa as the monarch drug, and combine it with other medicines. Combined with a small amount of aconite, cinnamon and other medicines, the reason is that Rehmannia glutinosa can nourish the kidney essence. For people with kidney essence deficiency, it will lead to deficiency of both yin and yang, and floating fire, which used to be called dragon thunder fire. Now some doctors have introduced Li Dongyuan's concept of "yin fire", saying that it is Yin fire, but it is also possible. In short, it is a kind of virtual fire produced by the imbalance of viscera when the body is weak. However, it must be clear that this kind of virtual fire is produced under the condition of insufficient kidney essence. I have mentioned this before, so I will not describe it here.

The idea of this kind of prescription comes from Zhang Zhongjing's Jinkuishenqi pill, because in Jinkuishenqi pill, there is a large amount of rehmannia glutinosa mixed with a small amount of cinnamon aconite.

The special feature of this dragon and thunder fire is that if you simply use the method of nourishing yin, the effect will not be good, and the method of simply warming yang will not have obvious effect, but you can only use the traditional Chinese medicine of rehmannia glutinosa, which nourishes the kidney essence, and then mix it with it. Adjust to be effective.

Let's take Chen Shiduo's igniting soup as an example:

This recipe uses 90 grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, 30 grams of Morinda officinalis (I usually change it to 15 grams), 15 grams of Poria cocos, 30 grams of Radix Ophiopogon japonicus (I usually use 15 grams), and 6 grams of schisandra. Add three grams of cinnamon at the end of the prescription, because there are many people with yang deficiency.

This prescription was originally used to treat the insufficiency of kidney essence, which caused the fire of the dragon thunder to run up and cause sore throat, but now we find that it is also effective for treating the skin problems caused by the leakage of the fire of the dragon thunder. of.

medical case

For example, a friend once took his child all the way to Hainan to find me. The child went to college and had acne all over his face, which affected his appearance. However, many traditional Chinese medicines for clearing away heat and detoxification have been taken for this disease, but they have no effect, so the parents are very confused.

In fact, this disease is indeed cured by heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs. In fact, I usually first think that it is caused by stagnant heat and toxins. However, this child has taken a lot of detoxification drugs, why are they ineffective?

When I saw his tongue, I realized it was tender, so I thought of the lack of kidney essence. Considering that today's young men consume a lot, and the tongue and pulse do not support the diagnosis of heat toxin, it is recommended that they use the fire-fire soup, and it turns out that a few medicines are effective.

In fact, before I realized the various manifestations of deficiency and heat caused by the deficiency of kidney essence, I was also a person who saw the fire and cured it. Later, after discovering the mechanism of this disease, I felt that a door was suddenly opened. It seemed that many fevers were caused by insufficient kidney essence. This disease seemed very serious, and the heat was blazing, which was very confusing.

Therefore, my current evaluation is as follows: the treatment of Longleizhihuo and the application of rehmannia glutinosa, in the late Ming Dynasty, with the efforts of doctors such as Zhang Jingyue and Chen Shiduo, I have gained a lot of experience and laid a theoretical foundation. Therefore, for many diseases that manifest as severe fever but are essentially insufficient kidney essence, the treatment has also reached a very high level. However, in the Qing Dynasty, due to the rise of febrile disease theory, doctors paid more attention to the medicines for clearing away heat and detoxifying. Therefore, the use of Rehmannia glutinosa has the problem of overcorrecting. Many doctors of febrile disease school attacked Zhang Jingyue, thinking that he abused warming and tonic. It turns out that for this kind of disease, it has gone a long way backwards. In the Qing Dynasty, it was rare to see that kind of fever, using Shudi cinnamon to ignite the fire and return to the original state, and the medical record was cured after a few doses. Medical records that have been used for a long time are very common. Although we cannot restore the specific conditions of the patients at that time, according to my current practice, I think that there will be quite a few patients who were treated by mistake.

Therefore, I think the theory that the fire of the dragon and thunder caused by the lack of kidney essence needs to be researched vigorously and accumulated experience. I believe that this idea will solve many problems of patients. The "Nei Jing" once said : "Those who cannot be cured in the cloud have not yet learned the tricks." In fact, the reason why there are so many difficult and miscellaneous diseases is that our thinking has not been fully expanded.

If you encounter similar diseases, such as severe acne, various dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases, if the medicine for clearing away heat and detoxification is ineffective, and your body feels hot and cold at the bottom, or it is hot outside and cold inside, and the lower limbs are afraid of cold, tongue If the skin is not bright red, there are tooth marks on the edge of the tongue, and the condition is aggravated after overwork, you can consider this idea. In the end, the skin problem recovered.

Medicine is constantly improving, and every expansion of life vision by medical workers will be a blessing to patients. Therefore, medical workers must not be conservative, and must persist in their efforts!
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