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What should people with qi deficiency do in spring?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

What should people with qi deficiency do in spring?
Now that the weather is starting to warm up, spring is already clearly felt in many places. However, some friends start to sweat as soon as this season arrives, and they sweat profusely when they move a little. What's the matter? In this situation, there are generally several possibilities. The most common one is people with Qi deficiency. At this time, people with deficiency of Qi will have this kind of reaction, and people with insufficient kidney essence and people with damp heat in their bodies will also be like this. Today we Just talk about people with Qi deficiency, how should they maintain their health in spring?

First of all, let's review what is qi deficiency and what are its manifestations.

The so-called qi deficiency refers to the lack of righteousness in the human body. Specifically, it refers to a series of pathological changes and syndromes caused by the lack of vitality. The so-called qi is the most basic substance of the human body, which is composed of the essence qi in the kidneys, the qi absorbed and transported by the spleen and stomach, and the clear qi inhaled by the lungs. Qi exists in every corner of the body and promotes the operation of the human body. Therefore, there are Zong Qi, Zhong Qi, Yuan Qi, Kidney Qi, Temperament, Lung Qi, Liver Qi, Heart Qi, and Wei Qi, etc., which are distributed throughout the body. It plays the role of promoting, warming, defending, solidifying and gasifying.

Therefore, once qi is deficient, the functions of promoting, warming, defending, consolidating, and transforming qi will all be weakened, which will then lead to low or decline of some functional activities of the body, and decline of disease resistance.

The specific manifestations of qi deficiency are symptoms such as physical weakness, lack of energy, laziness, fatigue, pale complexion, shortness of breath, weakness of limbs, dizziness, sweating when moving, and spontaneous sweating during the day.

The most important thing is to knock on the small blackboard now and look at the tongue. The tongue of a person with qi deficiency has tooth marks, which are tooth marks. At the same time, the tongue tends to become fat and saliva tends to be more on it!

Then, the next question comes, what kind of reaction will people with qi deficiency have in spring?

First of all, people with qi deficiency will sweat profusely.

In spring, the earth’s qi rises and thousands of flowers bloom, and the qi mechanism of the human body will also change accordingly. After a winter of being closed, the yang qi begins to move outward, and our body surface begins to slowly open up. But people with deficiency of qi, the defense qi is not solid at this time, so once the qi mechanism rises and goes out, and the body surface is not strong enough to fix it, sweat will flow out accordingly, so it is easy to sweat frequently.

Therefore, people with qi deficiency are prone to spontaneous sweating at ordinary times, but in spring, they are more likely to sweat heavily. When they move a little, or put on a little more clothes, they will sweat all over their heads.

Secondly, people with qi deficiency will be particularly afraid of wind in spring.

In the system of traditional Chinese medicine, spring corresponds to the east, corresponds to the liver of the human body, and belongs to wood. At this time, the wind moves, so in the four seasons of the year, the wind in spring is the most. It's getting hot, so you need to wear less clothes. However, the wind is very strong at this time. For people who are prone to sweating, they are easily blown by the wind. Therefore, you need to wear more clothes, so this is a way to let the qi deficiency People who sweat a lot and don't know exactly what to wear for the season. Therefore, I often say that people with qi deficiency at this time should prepare more clothes and change them at any time. This is also one of the solutions.

Third, people with qi deficiency are particularly prone to colds and colds at this time.

People with qi deficiency, because they are always sweating, in spring, the weather changes obviously, sometimes it is warm like spring these days, and cold again after a few days, so repeated, coupled with the continuous invasion of wind evil, so this is a symptom of qi deficiency. People are very uncomfortable season. In addition, the warm and humid climate is suitable for the reproduction of bacteria and viruses, and colds are more likely to spread.

Therefore, the "Huangdi Neijing" said well, "If righteousness exists, evil must not be done", "When evil is gathered, its Qi must be empty", which means that if you lack righteousness, then evil will take the opportunity to invade. This is The best advice for the weak.

Fourth, people with qi deficiency are particularly prone to slackness and weakness in limbs at this time.

In spring, people always say, why do I have no energy all day, no energy at all? Always want to lie down, always sleepy. At this time, people will have two feelings. If you are always sleepy and sleepy, you can’t get up when you sleep, and you sleep for a long time, you may have insufficient energy and blood. , lazy to move, always want to lie down, maybe lack of energy and blood, but it is more serious for deficiency of energy. However, in fact, qi deficiency and blood deficiency are closely related, and qi and blood alternate, and the two are often combined together, and it is difficult to separate them completely.

Therefore, it is normal for most people to be a little lazy in spring, but if they are very weak and always want to lie down, and their limbs become weak when they move a little, then it is necessary to consider whether it is due to qi deficiency.

Fifth, people with qi deficiency are prone to allergies in spring.

Most people with allergies have qi deficiency. Therefore, in this season, symptoms such as allergic rhinitis and skin allergies are more likely to occur. At this time, Chinese medicine often needs to adjust the patient's righteousness, so that the allergic symptoms can truly disappear.

So, what should a person with a deficiency of Qi do at this time?

We say that in spring, everything grows and the vitality of the human body is also increasingly vigorous, so this is a good time to recuperate the body. People with qi deficiency can recover well as long as they carefully regulate and replenish at this time.

First, proper exercise is key.

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" said: "In the three months of spring, this means the birth of Chen, the heaven and the earth are born, and all things are prosperous. They lie down at night and get up early, walk widely in the courtyard, and are slowed down to make aspirations grow..." It means that the natural world in spring All things grow, at this time, people should follow the state of nature full of vitality, go to bed early and get up early, go for a walk in the morning, exercise, relax the body, so that the emotions will follow the spring growth and not violate it, this is the health preservation method to adapt to spring .

Second, diet nourishes the spleen.

The diet in spring should be like Sun Simiao, a great doctor in the Tang Dynasty, said: "Save acid and increase sweetness to nourish temper." It means eating less sour and more sweet food to nourish the liver and spleen, which is of great benefit to disease prevention and health care. The sweet taste here refers to the sweet and light taste in food, such as yam, pumpkin, sweet potato, glutinous rice, black rice, sorghum, millet, oats and other foods, if chewed carefully, they will have a sweet and light taste. , are good foods for nourishing the spleen and invigorating qi, very suitable for people with qi deficiency to take in spring.

Finally, medicine to invigorate Qi.

There are many prescriptions for invigorating Qi, such as Xiangsha Liujun Pills, Guipi Pills, Buzhong Yiqi Pills, etc. Here, I will introduce Yupingfeng Powder.

This prescription comes from the Song Dynasty and consists of three traditional Chinese medicines: Fangfeng, Sunburned Astragalus, and Baizhu (stir-fried). It is specially used for the treatment of qi deficiency caused by loose body, spontaneous sweating due to surface deficiency, aversion to wind due to sweating, susceptibility to wind pathogens, pale complexion, pale tongue with thin white fur, and floating pulse.

In the prescription, Astragalus membranaceus is sweet and warm, nourishes the qi of the spleen and lungs inside, strengthens the surface and stops sweating externally, and is the monarch drug; Atractylodes invigorates the spleen and replenishes qi, helps Astragalus membranaceus strengthen the function of nourishing qi and solidifying the surface, and is a ministerial drug; it is supplemented with Fangfeng Walk the surface to dispel wind evil, combine Astragalus and Atractylodes macrocephala to replenish qi and eliminate evil. In addition, Astragalus is used to prevent wind, which strengthens the surface without retaining evil; Fangfeng obtains Astragalus, which dispels evil without harming the righteousness.

Now there are Chinese patent medicines for this prescription, which are usually made into granules, called Yupingfeng granules, which can be taken after brewing. It is very convenient. It is mainly used to treat spontaneous sweating due to qi deficiency. Meaning, at the same time, this formula has a better effect on various allergic reactions caused by qi deficiency, such as poor adaptability to temperature differences, sneezing due to climate change, easy skin allergies, etc. If you stick to this formula for a period of time, it will have a good effect of.

Okay, dear friends, we will stop here to introduce the health preservation methods for people with qi deficiency in spring. In fact, this is just an idea. You can find a suitable method according to your own body. I will spend this spring safely, and my body will get better and better!
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