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What should my blood sugar be?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

What should my blood sugar be?
Live a healthy life and stay away from high blood sugar

Hyperglycemia is when blood sugar levels are higher than the normal range, and it can affect people with diabetes. Hyperglycemia can be caused by changes in diet, activity level, illness, or insufficient dosage of antidiabetic medications. Sometimes you can treat high blood sugar by adjusting your medications or foods.

By reading this article, you can learn to recognize the symptoms of high blood sugar.

How do you know you have high blood sugar?

If your blood sugar is above a certain level, you may experience symptoms of hyperglycemia, such as thirst, excessive urination, and fatigue. You should pay attention to these symptoms of high blood sugar and measure your blood sugar as soon as possible once they occur. People with diabetes should pay attention to the monitoring of blood sugar. Only by understanding and mastering their own blood sugar levels can we deal with various problems. Don’t just rely on feelings. Before the symptoms of hyperglycemia appear, if we can measure blood sugar levels regularly, it can be done in advance. prevention and treatment.

Why deal with high blood sugar?

Controlling blood sugar to near-normal levels can delay the development of eye, kidney, heart and neuropathy caused by diabetes. If left untreated, blood sugar levels can rise extremely high, causing serious problems. People with diabetes may think that diabetes is not painful or itchy, so they do not pay attention to it. This is wrong. Once complications of diabetes occur, it will have a heavy blow to your life.

At what level should blood sugar be controlled?

The normal range of fasting blood glucose is 3.9 to 5.6 mmol/L (70 to 100 mg/dl). If your fasting blood sugar is ≥7 mmol/L (126 mg/dl) measured twice on two different days, you can be diagnosed with diabetes. Blood sugar control goals vary depending on age, type and degree of disease. Ask a member of your diabetes treatment team what your blood sugar target range should be.
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