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What should I do if my period is always dripping?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

What should I do if my period is always dripping?
Female friends often leave messages, hoping that I can write more about women's menstruation. Don't worry, I really know that women's health is so important, and I will gradually write to everyone!

A friend asked: My menstruation is very long every time, and it always does not go. It takes many days and the amount is not much, but it is always a little bit. What's going on?

When menstruation is always dripping, this is called "leakage" in traditional Chinese medicine. We usually call "uterine bleeding". "Collapse" refers to a large amount of bleeding, rapid non-menstrual cycle uterine bleeding, and "leakage" refers to dripping, dripping non-menstrual cycle uterine bleeding.

When it is not the menstrual cycle, if the bleeding is always dripping, stay alert and do relevant inspections as much as possible. If the smell is abnormal, the lower abdomen feels uncomfortable, or even abnormal secretions, check to rule out whether there is any possibility of malignancy.

If this possibility is ruled out, it is generally easier to recuperate the incessant leakage. This is the strength of traditional Chinese medicine, which regulates the body and restores the body to normal.

In general, Chinese medicine believes that after menstruation, if there is continuous bleeding, dripping endlessly, and procrastinating for many days, it will be caused by the following reasons:

1. The first is deficiency, the so-called "prolonged illness and deficiency". In daily life, there are too many reasons for women’s deficiency. Whether it is kidney deficiency or spleen deficiency, it is the lack of righteousness. This is the main reason. We know that kidney deficiency will cause spleen deficiency, and spleen deficiency will also cause kidney deficiency, because the body is a whole , so it is a prosperity for all, and a loss for all.

And when the spleen and kidney are deficient, it will be unable to support it. In the words of the common people, it just cannot support it, so bleeding will occur. So, this time to consider nourishing!

2. There is often heat. This is not certain, but it will be the case in most cases, because heat forces the blood to flow, this kind of heat is not necessarily actual heat, but often a deficiency heat, such as deficiency heat caused by yin deficiency, which causes problems in blood circulation, so when there is heat When the time comes, pay attention to nourishing yin and cooling blood.

3. There is blood stasis. Everyone will ask: Wouldn’t it be blocked if there is blood stasis? How can it bleed?

In fact, Chinese medicine believes that blood stasis is often the cause of bleeding! Let me give you an example, like a small stream, the stream flows relatively smoothly, but you suddenly put a big stone in the middle of the stream, blocking the channel of the stream, then, what will happen to the stream Woolen cloth? It's going to flow out of the channel where the stream used to be, and out, over the stones, right? Yes, this is the reason. When blood stasis appears, the blood will flow out of the original channel like a stream. This is bleeding.

So, now that we know the reason, how can we fix it?

We can use Zhang Xichun's prescription Zi'an Chong Tang, which contains: Atractylodes macrocephala, raw astragalus root, raw keel, raw oyster, raw land, white peony root, sea octopus, madder grass, and Dipsacus sichuanensis.

In this prescription, Astragalus and Atractylodes macrocephala are to invigorate the spleen, raw land cools blood and nourishes kidney yin, white peony root restrains yin and clears away heat, keel and oyster restrain, sea scorpion is the white bone inside the cuttlefish, like a small surfboard , ground into pieces, can remove blood stasis, can astringe and stop bleeding, madder is to stop bleeding and activate blood. This sea octopus and madder are used together, which is Zhang Xichun's specialty. The inspiration comes from the "Neijing", which Zhang Xichun repeatedly recommends.

You can see that Zhang Xichun's formula has basically considered everything, so you can use this formula as a basis for addition and subtraction.

However, if you have been in the clinic for a long time, you will find that this prescription is sometimes effective, but if you encounter stubborn patients, the effect is not so good. So what to do?

There is a very magical method, that is, when Zhang Xichun was discussing collapse syndrome, he wrote a prescription. This prescription is in "Fu Qingzhu's Gynecology", which specifically treats collapse syndrome in elderly women. Zhang Xichun said: "Try it and it works", this prescription is often ignored by everyone. In fact, the effect of this prescription is really admirable.

Everyone said, isn't this the prescription for "collapse"? Can "leakage" be treated? In fact, if the leakage is serious, it is collapse, and the two cannot be completely separated.

So, what kind of prescription is Zhang Xichun praising so much?

This magical formula is as follows:

30 grams of raw astragalus, 30 grams of angelica, 14 pieces of mulberry leaves, 9 grams of Panax notoginseng powder. The side drug is no longer issued. If you feel hot, add 30 grams of raw ground.

This prescription is more comprehensive in the treatment of leakage. Astragalus nourishes qi, angelica nourishes blood, mulberry leaves clear away heat, Sanqi activates blood to stop bleeding, so the effect is very good. Basically, as the original prescription said, two doses of blood can be stopped, and many uses Doctors who have been here have a deep understanding of this, so this "Fu Qingzhu Gynecology" is not a vain name, they have real things.

I think that if this formula is combined with Zhang Xichun's An Chong Tang, the effect will be more comprehensive, so I am modifying this formula to:

30 grams of raw astragalus, 30 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala, 30 grams of angelica, 18 grams of raw keel (pounded finely), 18 grams of raw oysters (pounded finely), 9 grams of raw land (30 grams can be used for severe deficiency and heat), 9 grams of white peony, 12 grams of squid octopus, 9 grams of madder, 12 grams of Dipsacus sichuanensis, 9 grams of mulberry leaves, 6 grams of Panax notoginseng powder (taken with medicine juice).

A few days ago, a lady asked me for help. She said that every time after her menstrual period, she was dripping endlessly, procrastinating for a long time, and it was very painful. At the same time, because of fatigue, her physical fitness also felt obvious decline. I asked her to stick out her tongue. When I saw the teeth marks were obvious, it was a lack of righteousness, so I recommended her to try this prescription. As a result, the bleeding stopped after three doses of medicine. It's being restored now.

I think, if you female friends encounter such omissions, you can consider asking a nearby doctor to help analyze it, and then add or subtract with the ideas of this prescription, the effect will definitely be expected.

After recovery, it is important to protect yourself. Nowadays, many women are tired every day, work overtime, have great pressure, and take care of their families, so they are working very hard. Under such a rhythm, physical deficiency is indeed common, which leads to many women. , resulting in various menstrual bleeding problems. Therefore, everyone should remember that we can introduce the prescription to stop bleeding, but how to protect your body after the bleeding stops must depend on women themselves!
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