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What should I do if my husband snores?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

What should I do if my husband snores?
Look at the title I started, must it be the husband who snores? Is there no wife who snores all night? Therefore, this is an obvious title party, and I wrote such a title to attract everyone to pay attention to the content of this article, and how to regulate snoring. [Young Master Yun: Upright carrot! 】

In the past, snoring was a sign of a person sleeping soundly. When we hear characters like Zhang Fei and Li Kui snoring like thunder, we will know that they are sleeping soundly.

However, now we feel that snoring is more harmful and is the enemy of health. It will cause severe hypoxia in the brain and blood. In severe cases, sleep apnea syndrome will occur, mainly manifested as snoring during sleep accompanied by Apnea and shallow breathing, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and sleep structure disorder occur repeatedly at night, leading to daytime sleepiness, cardio-cerebropulmonary vascular complications, and even multiple organ damage, seriously affecting the quality of life and longevity of patients.

Therefore, we can now regard snoring as a disease.

So, what is the reason for snoring?
Generally there are the following points:
🔸 The first reason: airway narrowing caused by external pathogens.

Many patients snore because of narrow airways, such as bloated throat caused by various inflammations, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal polyps, adenoid hypertrophy, etc. The airway is narrowed, resulting in poor airflow, leading to snoring at night. This kind of reason, in Chinese medicine, belongs to the infestation of external pathogens, and it is necessary to eliminate the pathogenic factors and restore the normality of local muscles.

At this time, most of the exogenous evils are mainly warm and heat evils. The latter are said to be various exogenous evils, which eventually cause heat syndrome in the throat, resulting in congestion of heat and toxins. So, here I recommend a mouthwash prescription, you can try it, I hope it will help.
Prescriptions: 3 grams of Bupleurum, 6 grams of Shegan, 6 grams of Turmeric, 6 grams of Danpi, 6 grams of fried gardenia, 6 grams of dandelion, 6 grams of forsythia, 6 grams of Scrophulariaceae, 9 grams of Fritillaria, 9 grams of raw oysters gram, 6 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis, 9 grams of whole melon basket, and 9 grams of raw gypsum.

Boil water for this prescription, rinse your mouth every night, and keep it in your mouth for a while, it will be good for clearing the exogenous pathogens in the throat. Pregnant women should use it under the guidance of a doctor.
🔸 The second reason: obesity.

No need to explain, everyone knows that this is the reason for snoring. This is because the nerve excitability decreases and the muscles relax when sleeping at night. In addition, obese patients often deposit too much fat in the neck. In this case, the pharynx is easy to cause Blockage, resulting in poor airflow, which causes snoring patients to snore at night. This situation should be the main cause of snoring. Most snoring is due to this reason. In Chinese medicine, this kind of person is mostly due to Qi deficiency, which leads to stasis of phlegm and dampness, so obesity will appear.

For the snoring caused by this situation, I think the first thing to do is not to take medicine, but to exercise and lose weight honestly.

Don’t underestimate this snoring, it will cause brain ischemia and cause great damage to yourself. Moreover, obesity can also cause various other problems, such as diabetes and other metabolic diseases, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems Wait, apart from looking very "rich", there are basically no benefits at all, so friends like this, hurry up and exercise, even if you enter the weight loss training camp, it will be worth it!

Here, I also tell you a good way to lose weight by yourself, that is, when watching TV every night, tune to a station that you particularly like, and then watch TV while walking in place with your legs raised, with your arms outstretched, and stick to it. One hour.
This method is easier to stick to. If you can practice it for two months, you will look at your state again, and it will probably be completely different.

This is summed up by a young man who has successfully lost weight. I think it is very reasonable and I will introduce it to everyone.

If you use the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine, my suggestion at this time is to take the prescription of invigorating the spleen and strengthening the body while exercising. For example, take the Chinese patent medicine Buzhongyiqi pill. Buzhong Yiqi Pill should be very classic, especially it has the effect of lifting Qi up, which is very suitable for this disease. I believe that after taking this kind of Qi deficiency and obesity for a period of time, the whole body will improved.

In addition, there are some factors that can cause snoring, but most of them are temporary. For example, after drinking alcohol, the nerves are relieved and the muscles are relaxed, making it easier to snore. People who are particularly tired at work will also relax more at night. Therefore, many people will snore after doing physical work and being tired. This situation is mostly temporary. the

In addition, I would like to introduce a device called an anti-snoring device, which is generally sold on the Internet. Whether this person is snoring or not can be seen from the appearance. If the person is slightly fatter, you can continue to observe. If the mandible is retracted inward, that is to say, the person with the chin retracted toward the neck is more likely to snore. People with long chins are less likely to snore.

So why? It turns out that if the mandible is close to the throat, it is easier to compress this position, resulting in respiratory blockage. This is what I was talking to a western doctor who studied sleep, and he introduced it.

Therefore, during sleep, if we sleep with our head on our back, the mandible can easily be compressed backwards, causing the muscles to compress the throat, resulting in snoring. Therefore, it is much better to sleep on the side at this time. For this principle, you can try it yourself while lying on the bed. After you relax, the mandible moves forward and backward, resulting in smoothness of the throat.

Based on this principle, people invented the anti-snoring device. It is like a tooth tray. After wearing it, it can fix the position of the mandible and prevent it from moving backwards after it relaxes, compressing the throat. Therefore, after wearing it, the snoring The situation will be reduced a lot.

It's just that many people wear this thing to sleep and need to get used to it. Because after all, there is a foreign body in the mouth.

Now there are many watch-style anti-snoring devices on the Internet. I haven’t tried this thing, so I don’t know how effective it is. I hope friends who have used it will leave a message and give you a suggestion.

Well, I’ll stop talking about snoring here. After everyone understands the cause of snoring, if your husband snores in his sleep, you should not kick him to deal with it. What's the problem, in this way, it will be good for his body if he recuperates it.

If you encounter a wife who snores, deal with it in the same way.
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