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What is the most important factor in conditioning the body?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   12 minute read

What is the most important factor in conditioning the body?
Recently, more and more friends have come to ask about physical problems, and various complex physical disorders are dizzying. I can feel everyone's distress, so today, let's talk about what is the most important factor in regulating the body.

1 good mood

A few days ago, a psychology magazine interviewed me, and I expressed this idea. In fact, the life of our modern people is much more complicated than that of the ancients. The ancients wanted to know the news of their classmates, and it might take several months to write letters. Therefore, what they basically know is the things in the village, but modern people are not. A WeChat circle of friends, who bought a villa, who traveled abroad, You can see it clearly. Moreover, the feature of this circle of friends is to show off your good things, so the screen is full of eating delicious food, going abroad to play, being scolded by the boss, working overtime and staying up late, and the result is the illusion that I am not as good as everyone.

In fact, I just use this as an example to illustrate that our mentality is extremely complicated. All kinds of family conflicts and the corporate culture of intrigue in the unit will make us psychologically injured. Diseases caused by such bad emotions are a big problem in modern society. Therefore, it is very beneficial to adjust your emotions, learn various thought systems, and learn some tools that can make you feel at ease, such as practicing calligraphy, learning Tai Chi, singing and dancing.

2 Eliminate bad living habits

This problem is basically caused by ignorance of the relationship between heaven and man, such as disordered work and rest, sleeplessness at night, and sleepiness during the day; such as eating frozen watermelon and drinking cold beer in winter;

In fact, human beings are a part of nature, so we will change according to the rhythm of nature. If we can understand the way of nature and adjust ourselves, our body will definitely maintain a simple state, but because our modern people are more energetic, There are many technical means, so we always want to go beyond the laws of nature, which is unrealistic. This problem, on the one hand, is too much desire, on the other hand, it is the ignorance of the laws of nature. The ignorant are fearless.

Therefore, by lowering our desires, living a simple life, and at the same time understanding the way of nature, we can have a regular life and harmonize our Qi and blood.

This part of the content, you can learn little by little, learn little by little, and make progress little by little, and you will become more and more proficient in life wisdom.
3 Knowing about yourself

If everyone starts to pay attention to the previous questions, it will be regarded as the road to health. Next, you must be aware of your body and understand your body.

Our body has many mysteries. It has essence, qi, blood, body fluid, and fluid as its material basis, the operation of meridians, and the cooperation of yin and yang. It is like a sophisticated space shuttle, and even the most complicated spaceship cannot match Compared with our bodies, because so far, human beings can build spaceships, but they cannot make a living person. So, this is a precious treasure, don't you want to know about it?

We can learn the meridians. After learning, we can solve many problems with simple scraping, cupping, and moxibustion. If the Qi and blood are unobstructed, the body will recover by itself. Therefore, our official account will introduce external treatment methods such as moxibustion and cupping in the past two months. You can follow along to learn and gradually understand. As far as I know, there are many friends who have cured some diseases of themselves and their families through simple moxibustion. This is actually very simple, just learning and persistence. As long as the meridians are unobstructed, it is a good thing.

When learning diet therapy, you must first learn the theory of physique. Each of us belongs to a certain constitution. This theory of constitution is not complicated at all. There are only eight or nine kinds. If you study hard, you will eventually learn it.

A friend asked me, what kind of physique do I have? How to do it? I feel like, it's like you have a few bombs hanging on your body, what to do? In fact, it’s just going down one by one. It’s not difficult at all to get one and one less. It’s just that occasionally people get it at the same time, and some people get it one after the other. This requires us to learn. There are many times when Chinese medicine practitioners disarm the bombs one by one.

Let me give you an example. For example, some friends have blood stasis, and at the same time, there is a problem of yin deficiency or blood deficiency. At this time, what should I do? I think you can nourish yin first, such as making soup with raw land, sand ginseng, and Ophiopogon japonicus, drink it for about a week, and the general state of yin deficiency will improve. You can have effects even if you take Liuwei Dihuang Wan, and then you can use three Qifen was taken at the same time. For people with blood deficiency, you can take Yuling ointment first, or soak your feet with Taohong Siwu Decoction. Generally, you can add Sanqi powder to remove blood stasis after about a week. Do this at the same time, as long as you really have blood stasis , if the direction is correct, then we can gradually improve.

Among my readers, there are a large number of friends who, through this method, have taken care of their bodies very well. They have recovered from their physical problems that have not been rectified for many years. And some friends don't study much and don't understand the body at all, so they say something like this: "Oh my god, why do I have all kinds of problems, what should I do? Where do I start to adjust, how can I get better and better? Halo." Actually, I think that with this time, if you study carefully, you will become more and more clear, because the analysis of the body in Chinese medicine is already very refined, and Chinese medicine takes a path from complexity to simplicity. As long as you study , you will find that Chinese medicine has pointed out the root of the problem for you. As long as the root is adjusted, the complicated external branches and leaves will be sorted out.

As long as you find the direction and stick to it, you will gradually improve. We need to know that our body has a very strong recovery ability, as long as we give it a little help, it will start to repair itself!

Therefore, learn to understand the body, then find a way, and stick to it, this is a necessary factor to regulate the body!

4 proper exercise

This must be mentioned, we do not exercise too much now. My sister came back from Australia. She worked in a school in Australia. She said that children abroad spend a lot of time exercising, but our children do not exercise enough. This difference will become bigger and bigger. . In fact, the whole modern society is a trend of machines replacing human sports. We go upstairs and take the elevator, go out to drive, and use the washing machine to do laundry. Therefore, the opportunities for exercise are much less, and if we sit in the office, the lack of exercise is even worse.

When a person lacks exercise, the flow of Qi and blood will be relatively slow, resulting in stasis. Exercise, on the other hand, can speed up the flow of qi and blood, allowing the body to find problems and speed up repairs.

We can ask ourselves, do we insist on exercising every day? Do we have a way of exercising that suits us?

It is estimated that most people will answer no. Many people will answer that they are busy and have no time to exercise.

In fact, in this world, the body always comes first. As long as you see this, you will have time to exercise, right?

Well, that’s all for today. In fact, a medical worker doesn’t want patients to flood in endlessly. After all, diseases represent pain. Therefore, I hope that we can maintain self-awareness and have the strength to adjust ourselves. I believe that everyone will definitely move towards a healthy path!

Finally, let’s review some of the past messages of shredded radish who worked hard to recuperate the body and mind of themselves or their families:

I have basically bought all of Dr. Luo's books, and I have benefited a lot! The child has a weak constitution due to spleen deficiency, allergic cough, rhinitis, and repeated colds. According to the content in the book, the child is treated, and now he can basically control it from developing to a serious condition. Thanks Rob!

——Joy 2017.2.8

Su Ye, Huai Yam, Jiao Sanxian and Chicken Ingold are always kept at home, and they are all very useful. My son obviously doesn’t get sick much in winter. I also used the prescription to eliminate "frequent food accumulation" before. As a result, the baby's sleep has improved significantly. In the past, it took at least half an hour to fall asleep on the bed. Now I fell asleep within a few minutes after telling the story. It seems that it is really "uneasy to sleep when the stomach is not in harmony". Thanks Rob!

—— HAN Ying 2017.2.8

My son caught a cold a few days ago, scraping Dazhui acupoint and applying hot compresses solved the problem.

—— Huaxi Moon Shadow 2017.2.8

I have been insisting on moxibustion for more than two years, and I would like to share a little experience of my own: If you have a cold, you only need to moxibustion the acupoint of Dazhui, and the cold will be cured. In the past two years, I have used moxibustion for colds and coughs, and have not taken any medicine.

—— Mingyue 2017.3.2

I have been doing moxibustion for more than a year. For colds, I always moxibustion at Dazhui point when I feel that I am going to catch a cold or just have a cold. The cold will be cured within two days at most.

—— Great Way to Jane 2017.3.2

Uncle Luo's Tao Te Ching is really powerful. I used to have dysmenorrhea. I was often pale, sweating all over my body, and my limbs were cold. When it was severe, I would have vomiting and diarrhea, and was bedridden. After listening to the Tao Te Ching, I didn’t feel anything when I came here, which is incredible to me. Now I think about it a lot, I feel a lot less optimistic, and I have less anxiety and entanglement, so the energy and blood are smooth. I really thank Teacher Luo, I have never taken any medicine, Tao Te Ching is a good medicine, and it is not bitter.

—— Buer 2017.3.9

Talk about anger very thoroughly! I finally understood my various reactions, big and small. No wonder the Chinese medicine doctor always prescribes heat-clearing medicine when I go to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital. After taking it, I feel diarrhea and cold. It is probably to clear my anger, and indeed it cleared up a little, so now there is a large longitudinal dry crack in the middle of the tongue. The mouth is full of saliva, and you have to look carefully to see it. It is probably left by the anger (for work reasons) in the past, because the tongue is not sharp now. Last month, I bought Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills for the first time when I saw Xiaoyao Pills. After taking them, I felt backache. Only flavored Xiaoyao pills, Xiaoyao pills can be bought in Tongrentang (Jiuzhitang)! So I started to learn from Dr. Luo’s WeChat article in August 2015, and gradually understood my physical and mental conditions. I became more and more comfortable using various Chinese patent medicines. Now my body is still prone to fatigue and sleepy all day long, but it has improved compared to last month. improved. Thank you Dr. Luo for your daily science popularization, which has become a compulsory course for me every day. My previous doubts about Chinese medicine knowledge (including the different views of different Chinese medicine practitioners) are constantly being solved.

—— Peng Peng 2017.3.9

Follow Luo Dalun's channel to learn Chinese medicine. For nearly 4 months, Dalun's channel has caught up with the progress, and the treatment of chronic diseases has achieved great results. I have listened to Da Lun College for less than 2 months. I heard 175 earlier, and I am still catching up. I have learned to adjust my mood and I am not too entangled. I can't go to class anymore. It is only now that I understand what Luo Bo once wrote in the article, "Love is deep and lifeless", this sentence wakes me up, thank you Luo Bo!

—— Forget Worry Grass 2017.3.15

Since January, I have been listening to the Tao Te Ching every day, and I have been listening to the 203rd issue, which is still 100 issues away from the latest one. My heart is gradually enriched, and my mind is much calmer. I have become better in two months, full and happy, and I will continue to listen to it. Thank you very much for Dr. Luo's great love, for all sentient beings!

—— Light Purple 2017.3.15

Thank you Dr. Luo! The recurrent oral ulcers that have plagued me for more than ten years have disappeared in the past two years. I guess it was the result of eating yam and rehmannia after I read Dr. Luo's book. It is very lucky to be able to read Dr. Luo's book. It is very blessed to believe in Chinese medicine and follow it! Thanks again! Hope more people benefit from it!

—— Huang Runfa 2017.3.16

I have listened to Mr. Luo's Tao Te Ching since last year, and I have learned a lot! I have been a sensitive and fragile person since I was a child, and I like to immerse myself in my emotions. I have been in a state of depression and anxiety for a long time, and I even think about suicide every day. During that time, it was too painful, and I sought help from a psychiatrist, but it was of no use. One day last year, I saw this program by Mr. Luo from Himalayas for some reason. Because I have always been interested in the Tao Te Ching, I listened to it, and then it got out of hand! To be honest, at first I just wanted to understand what the Tao Te Ching was talking about, but I didn’t expect these words and explanations to dissolve the pain and anxiety accumulated in my heart for many years like spring breeze and rain, and my mood is getting better every day, and my mentality is getting better every day Health, this is really a compassionate heart medicine! I used to often suffer from insomnia, but now I sleep soundly every night. I used to complain about others, but now I am positive and optimistic every day, and my interpersonal relationship is much better... Anyway, it has influenced and changed me too much! Teacher Luo often said that you don't need to thank you, but how can you not thank you! This gratitude is the natural feedback brought by your selfless altruism. It is just holding the elephant and the world goes. I really hope to have the opportunity to meet you, and I will give you a deep bow. Thank you Teacher Luo, thank you Lao Tzu, thank you Xian Xian in ancient times. How grateful! And thank you, dear editors, for your hard work!

—— Cuicui 2017.3.16

The advanced academy nourishes the heart. After listening to it for nearly two months, I slowly learned to let go, my heart is not too entangled, and I have made small progress. In the past ten or so days, there was a small dispute over a trivial matter. In the past, he must have been so angry that he fell ill again, but this time, relying on listening to the Tao Te Ching, he was not too competitive with him, and he survived without suffering from asthma. Oh thanks Rob! Thank you Ziye!

—— Forget Worry Grass 2017.3.29
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