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What does HGH mean in health supplements?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

What does HGH mean in health supplements?
It is not a health product at all, and it cannot make people younger. Please see the following principle to know

Growth hormone, also known as human growth hormone (hGH), is a peptide hormone banned in sports and is usually used to treat dwarfism. It has anabolic effects that increase muscle mass, promotes bone growth in childhood and adolescence, strengthens tendons, and enlarges internal organs. Athletes illegally use growth hormone mainly to strengthen muscles and increase strength in order to gain a competitive advantage.
The use of human growth hormone carries a high risk of contracting fatal diseases (such as AIDS), and deaths from brain viruses caused by the use of growth hormone have been recorded so far.

Excessive use of growth hormone can reduce insulin sensitivity and cause glucose intolerance. According to foreign reports, 80% of growth hormone users suffer from diabetes and require insulin treatment. Other side effects include menstrual irregularities, decreased libido, and impotence.

The misuse of growth hormone in sports is unethical and dangerous, and excessive amounts of exogenous growth hormone can cause gigantism in developing children. In adults, overdose is associated with coronary heart disease and peripheral nervous system disease, and the resulting cardiovascular and musculoskeletal disorders may be irreversible. Excessive use of exogenous growth hormone can also cause the body to produce an antibody response to growth hormone, thereby affecting the activity of endogenous growth hormone and causing hormone secretion disorders. The potential long-term side effects are irreversible and even fatal.

Growth hormone may affect normal human hormone secretion, acromegaly, and may also be related to the incidence of leukemia and pituitary tumors.
If growth and development is retarded, the bone age is lower than normal for more than 2-3 years, the lysine or arginine challenge test shows a lack or severe lack of growth hormone, and the blood routine, liver function, kidney function and thyroid function are normal, the head After local CT has ruled out pituitary tumors and intracranial tumors, growth hormone can be used. During use, pay attention to testing liver function, kidney function, thyroid function and blood routine.
Reference: Chinese Pharmacopoeia

Growth hormone is extracted from animal (including human) tissue. In addition, growth hormone may also cause diabetes, so you have to weigh the pros and cons.

If you have developmental delay caused by growth hormone deficiency, growth hormone can be used to treat it. If it is not absolutely forbidden to use it, it will cause endocrine disorders.

HGH injection

Generic name: Recombinant human growth hormone for injection
English name: Recombinant Human Growth Hormone for Injection
Main components: Recombinant human growth hormone
Appearance: White freeze-dried powder

According to literature reports, subcutaneous or intramuscular injection has the same effect. Subcutaneous injection usually brings higher serum GH concentration than intramuscular injection, but the concentration of IGF-1 produced is consistent. The absorption of GH is usually slow, and the plasma GH concentration usually reaches its peak 3-5 hours after administration. The elimination half-life is generally 2-3 hours. GH is cleared through the liver and kidneys, and adults are faster than children. It is not directly eliminated from the urine. Very trace amounts of GH are metabolized.

Indications: For the treatment of slow growth and severe burns in children caused by endogenous growth hormone deficiency, chronic renal failure and Turner syndrome.

Usage and dosage: Before use, slowly add 1 ml of water for injection to the freeze-dried rhGH along the bottle wall, and shake slightly to dissolve it completely. Do not shake violently.
The dosage used to promote children's growth varies from person to person. The recommended dosage is 0.1-0.15IU/kg body weight/day, once a day, subcutaneous injection, the course of treatment is 3 months to 3 years, or as directed by the doctor.
The recommended dose for the treatment of severe burns is 0.2-0.4IU/kg body weight/day, once a day, subcutaneous injection, the course of treatment is generally about 2 weeks.

Adverse reactions
Growth hormone can cause transient hyperglycemia, which usually returns to normal as the medication is prolonged or discontinued. About 1% of children with short stature in clinical trials have side effects. Local transient reactions at the injection site (pain, numbness, redness and swelling, etc.) and symptoms of fluid retention (peripheral edema, joint pain or myalgia) are common. These side effects occur. It occurs earlier, but the incidence rate decreases with the time of medication, and it rarely affects daily activities. Long-term injection of recombinant human growth hormone causes the production of antibodies in a small number of patients. The antibody binding capacity is low and has no definite clinical significance. However, if the expected growth effect is not achieved, antibodies may be produced, and the antibody binding capacity exceeds 2 mg/L, which may affect the efficacy.

1. Not suitable for children with closed bones
2. It is contraindicated in patients with symptoms of tumor progression.
3. It is contraindicated for critically ill patients such as severe systemic infection during the acute shock period of the body.

1. Patients used for a clear diagnosis under the guidance of a doctor.
2. Diabetic patients may need to adjust the dosage of antidiabetic drugs.
3. Patients with growth hormone deficiency caused by brain tumors or patients with a history of intracranial trauma must be closely monitored for the progression or recurrence of their underlying disease.
4. The simultaneous use of corticosteroids will inhibit the growth-promoting effect of growth hormone. Therefore, patients with ACTH deficiency should appropriately adjust the dosage of corticosteroids to avoid their inhibitory effect on growth hormone.
5. A small number of patients may develop hypothyroidism during growth hormone treatment, which should be corrected in time to avoid affecting the efficacy of growth hormone. Therefore, patients should have their thyroid function checked regularly, and thyroxine supplements should be given when necessary.
6. Patients suffering from endocrine diseases (including growth hormone deficiency) may be prone to femoral epiphyseal plate slippage. If lameness occurs during growth hormone treatment, attention should be paid to evaluation.
7. Sometimes growth hormone can lead to an excessive insulin state, so attention must be paid to whether the patient has impaired glucose tolerance.
8. Do not overdose. A single injection of excessive growth hormone can lead to hypoglycemia, followed by hyperglycemia. Long-term overdose may lead to symptoms and signs of acromegaly and other reactions related to excessive growth hormone.
9. The injection site should be changed frequently to prevent fat atrophy.

Pregnant and lactating women: Not suitable for use.
Medication for children: There is no significant difference between children and adults in terms of pharmacology, toxicology and pharmacokinetics of growth hormone, and it can be used safely according to body weight.
Medication for elderly patients: The pharmacology, toxicology and pharmacokinetics of growth hormone in the elderly are not significantly different from those in adults and can be used safely.

medicine interactions
Simultaneous use of glucocorticoids may inhibit hormonal responses. Therefore, the dosage of glucocorticoids in growth hormone treatment should usually not exceed the equivalent of 10-15 mg hydrocortisone/square meter of body surface area. The simultaneous use of non-androgenic steroids can further increase the growth rate.

drug overdose
No cases of acute overdose have been reported. However, exceeding recommended doses can cause side effects, with overdose leading to hypoglycemia initially and then hyperglycemia, and chronic overdose leading to signs and symptoms of acromegaly.
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