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Weak body often take medicine ineffective? It can be adjusted like this!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Weak body often take medicine ineffective? It can be adjusted like this!
Friends often ask me: Dr. Luo, my body is very weak, but how should I nourish it? When I invigorate yin a little, my body cools down, and when I invigorate yang a little, I get angry. What should I do?

In fact, there are many nourishing methods. Today I will introduce a method to help these "distressed" friends.

In Chinese medicine, there is a theory called "Ziwu Liuzhu", which talks about the qi of the meridians, which runs at different times every day and flows into different meridians.

Let’s take a look at the law of Meridian Flow:

Yinshi (3:00 am to 5:00 am) has the most vigorous lung meridian, transporting the blood stored in the liver to the Baimai to start a new day.

Maoshi (5:00-7:00) the large intestine meridian is the most prosperous, and getting up at this time is good for excretion.

Chenshi (7:00 to 9:00) has the strongest stomach meridian, and people start eating to supplement the essence of water and grain.

Sishi (9:00 to 11:00) has the most vigorous spleen meridian, which is conducive to absorbing the essence of water and grains and producing blood.

At noon (11:00 to 13:00), the heart meridian is the most prosperous, which is beneficial to the blood circulation in the whole body.

Weishi (13:00 to 15:00) the small intestine meridian is the most prosperous, which is the clear and turbid secretion of blood.

Shenshi (15:00 to 17:00) has the most vigorous bladder meridian, which is conducive to purging the water in the small intestine.

Youshi (17:00 to 19:00) has the most vigorous kidney meridian, which is good for storing viscera essence for one day.

Xushi (19:00 to 21:00) has the most prosperous pericardial meridian, clearing away the pathogenic factors around the heart, so that people can fall asleep.

During Haishi (21:00 to 23:00), the triple energizer meridian is the most prosperous, and the triple energizer connects all the meridians. People should go to sleep to cultivate and regenerate all the meridians.

Zishi (23:00 to 1:00) has the most vigorous gallbladder meridian, which can relieve the stagnation of the day.

Chou time (1:00 am to 3:00 pm) the liver meridian is at its peak, and the liver blood excretes the stale and brings forth the new.

This schedule, in fact, is generally used by traditional Chinese medicine to guide the conditioning of acupuncture and moxibustion. At different times, different acupoints are opened and acupuncture is selectively performed.

But when taking prescriptions, many doctors also use this rule to use medicines.

For example, Ye Tianshi in the Qing Dynasty used this idea a lot when he was treating patients, taking different medicines at different times. For example, he asked to take the medicine for purging heart fire at noon, so that it can directly relieve heart fire. Medicines for invigorating the kidney, he sometimes takes them from 5:00 to 7:00 in the morning, which is when the kidney meridian is weakest (because the kidney meridian is strongest from 5:00 to 7:00 in the evening), and sometimes he lets patients take it at night . It's indescribable how wonderful it is. When I was studying for a master's degree, I studied these methods of Ye Tianshi. I was very obsessed and benefited a lot.

Among the friends who sent emails or left messages on Weibo and WeChat, many friends sought medical treatment everywhere, but the effect was not good. They took many prescriptions and visited many Chinese medicine doctors, but the effect was not obvious. I may receive hundreds of messages like this every day, and every time I see messages of despair from everyone, my heart aches.

I think at this time, if you are really in a loss situation, it is better to go back to the simplest path, which is to adjust stupidly and not take shortcuts.

Let me introduce a way of thinking to you, that is, how to take Chinese patent medicines at different times. If the color of the tongue is slightly red, you can use this way of thinking:

In the morning, take Buzhong Yiqi Pills around nine o'clock after meals.

At noon, take Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills between eleven o'clock and one o'clock.

In the evening, take Liuwei Dihuang Wan between 5:00 and 7:00.

The dosage should be in accordance with the dosage in the instruction manual. For example, it allows you to take eight capsules each time, three times a day, and you only need to eat once, and you can take eight capsules this time.

If the color of the tongue is very white, not red, then the evening session should be changed to Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan.

For people with blood stasis, take one gram of notoginseng powder and one gram of American ginseng powder, twice a day, after meals, which can dredge qi and blood, open the meridians, and facilitate the absorption of Chinese patent medicines.

Under normal circumstances, these people are not in a good mood, so come to vent their anger at noon.

Taking spleen-tonifying medicine in the morning can generate yang qi, and nourishing yin at night can follow the natural rhythm and adjust yin and yang.

People with normal health should not take medicine at will. The method I am talking about is for those who are physically weak but often take medicine without any effect.

When using this method, don't worry, take it slowly, and persistence is more important. Generally, after a month, see how the effect is. But my experience is that most people respond well.

Don't underestimate this Chinese patent medicine, its effect cannot be underestimated.

There are many other methods of taking medicine according to time, and I will tell you more when I have time. (Yun Shao has something to say: Hey~ Another pit picture)

When I talk about such a method, it is estimated that colleagues in Chinese medicine will question it. Are you not dialectical? Wouldn't it be wrong to think about it like this?

I think that if all the dialectics are correct, there will be no hundreds of messages for me every day. I think I will write a collection of misdiagnosed cases of traditional Chinese medicine in the future, and there will be a lot of material.

I think, since it is not so easy for everyone to be precise in dialectics, it is better to let everyone go back to the simplest path, use the simplest Chinese patent medicine, adjust yin and yang in the simplest way, and clear up liver qi. This may be the best way. method.

The simple method, the truth of it, is not necessarily so simple.
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