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Unpleasant liver qi can also cause diarrhea!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Unpleasant liver qi can also cause diarrhea!
A few days ago, a friend of mine consulted me and said that he has been having a stomachache recently and wants to go to the toilet. He will be fine after having a bowel movement. He also has this kind of situation when he is angry, but he usually has nothing else. Symptom: What should I do if I have a stomachache and go to the toilet?

I asked about his recent condition and other symptoms, and found that he had been like this for a while, and he usually had a bad temper and was an impatient person. In addition, he had not slept well in the past half month and could not sleep well. Stable. After checking the tongue and pulse, I told him that it was because your temper was always too impatient and your liver was too strong, which corresponded to spleen deficiency, which is why your current symptoms appeared. Moxibustion at home can be used to treat it. When he heard that moxibustion was effective, he immediately said, "Teach me moxibustion!"

Before learning how to moxibustion, you need to know what causes these symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that emotions such as anger, depression, sadness, etc. will affect the function of the liver. Many people do not want to eat as soon as they are angry. What we often say "is full of energy" is actually a manifestation of liver fire affecting the spleen and stomach. In the relationship between the five elements, the liver belongs to wood, the spleen belongs to earth, and wood restrains earth. The function of the liver will be affected. In addition to corresponding symptoms, it will also affect the function of the spleen, and then symptoms of the spleen and stomach will appear. There is also the fact that the liver governs dispersion, and stagnation of liver qi will lead to unfavorable dispersion. If the liver fails to disperse and the spleen loses transportation, the syndrome of weakened digestive function will appear.
For liver stagnation and spleen deficiency, the treatment should be to strengthen the spleen and soothe the liver, focusing on strengthening the spleen. Some people sometimes feel chest tightness, and they will feel better after taking a long breath. This is because the liver is not drained and the menstrual qi is stagnant, which results in swelling and pain in the chest and hypochondrium. Taixi can draw the qi and stretch it, and the qi stagnation will be dispersed, so the swelling and pain will occur. Can be reduced. Emotional failure, long-term liver stagnation, and liver loss of suppleness will lead to irritability and irritability; liver qi will invade the spleen, qi will be stagnated, and transportation and transformation will be abnormal, so abdominal pain will result in diarrhea; if the qi becomes smooth after defecation, abdominal pain will occur after diarrhea. Temporary relief. The above are the reasons for liver stagnation and spleen deficiency. Common symptoms include pain in the chest and hypochondrium, depression, abdominal distension, and loose stools.

Paying attention to some changes in the body on weekdays can prevent diseases from occurring in time. For example, liver stagnation and spleen deficiency are very common, and the effect of moxibustion is very good. In the first case, I taught my friend the moxibustion method. During the conditioning period, he mainly used moxibustion at home. I helped him find acupuncture points several times. After half a month, his symptoms of stomachache and diarrhea disappeared. alright.

So, what are the acupoints that require moxibustion? Let me introduce it to you in detail:

Ganshu (bilateral)

In the spinal area, below the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra, 1.5 inches lateral to the posterior midline.

Pishu (bilateral)

In the spinal area, below the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra, 1.5 inches lateral to the posterior midline.

Taichong point (bilateral)

It is located on the dorsal side of the foot, in the depression before the junction of the first and second metatarsal bones. Use your fingers to move upward along the gap between the big toe and the second toe until you can feel the artery in your hand, which is the Taichong point.

Taibai point (bilateral)

On the medial edge of the foot, in the depression between the red and white flesh behind and below the section of the big toe (the first metatarsophalangeal joint).

How to operate:

Use moxa sticks for gentle moxibustion. After identifying the acupoints, moxibustion for 20 minutes until the skin becomes flushed and heat penetrates. Once a day, 5 times constitute a course of treatment.

Ganshu and Pishu are the backshu points corresponding to the liver and spleen. They can regulate the qi of the corresponding organs, and there is nourishment in the adjustment. If the qi is smoothed, stagnation will disappear. Taichong is one of the Four Pass points, and is a commonly used point for regulating and soothing the liver. Those who suffer from liver qi discomfort on a daily basis can massage Taichong and Qimen points, which have a good soothing effect on the liver; Taibai is the original point of the Spleen Meridian, which is It is in charge of various issues on the spleen meridian and can promote the stimulation of spleen meridian qi.

☛So, sometimes when you have stomachache and feel "full" and your spleen and stomach are not good, is it also due to liver stagnation and spleen deficiency?

No, liver imbalance will not only affect the spleen, but also the stomach. It depends on the underlying syndrome. Stagnation of liver qi may lead to symptoms such as fullness and pain in the chest and hypochondrium, depression or irritability; syndrome of liver-stomach disharmony combined with gastric disharmony often manifests as epigastric distension and pain, belching, hiccups, etc.; syndrome of liver stagnation and spleen deficiency combined with spleen dysfunction For transportation, symptoms such as less food, abdominal distension, and loose stools are common. Everyone should pay attention to the difference between these.

The liver and spleen influence and cause each other. Liver disease often causes poor spleen function, so in the process of treating liver disease, strengthening the spleen is very important. The old saying goes, "When you see a disease of the liver, you know that the liver transmits to the spleen, and you should strengthen the spleen first." This is also one of the classic theories of "treating the disease before it occurs" in traditional Chinese medicine, and this is what it says. Therefore, for your own health, you should keep your emotions calm. While nourishing the liver, don’t forget to nourish the spleen.
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