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Unhealthy physical characteristics

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Unhealthy physical characteristics
The main characteristics of sub-health include:
(i) Various symptoms reflected in the feeling of physical and mental maladjustment, such as fatigue, weakness, and emotional changes, the condition of which is difficult to be clarified for a considerable period of time;
② Various manifestations of weakness caused by age-inappropriate organisational structure or physiological function decline;
③ Microecological imbalance state;
(iii) Microecological imbalance; (iv) Pre-morbid physiopathological changes of certain diseases.
Clinical manifestations of a variety of physical aspects can be manifested as fatigue, muscle and joint pain, dizziness, headache, palpitations, chest tightness, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, epigastric discomfort, loose stools and constipation, hypogonadism, fear of cold and fear of heat, easy to catch a cold, dry eyes, etc.; the psychological aspects of the performance of emotional depression, upset, restlessness, impatience and irritability, fear of cowardice, memory loss, inability to focus attention, Social interaction may include inability to assume appropriate social roles, difficulties in work and study, inability to handle interpersonal and family relationships properly, and difficulty in normal social interaction.

According to the clinical manifestations of the subhealth state, it is classified into the following categories:
①Predominantly manifested by physical symptoms such as fatigue, or sleep disorders, or aches and pains;
② to depression, or restlessness, impatience and irritability, or fear and timidity, or short-term memory loss, attention can not focus and other psycho-psychological symptoms are mainly manifested;
(iii) Decreased frequency of interpersonal interactions, or tense interpersonal relationships and other social adaptability. If any one of the above three conditions persists for more than 3 months, and the systematic examination excludes the diseases that may cause the above-mentioned manifestations, the person can be judged to be in the state of physical sub-health, psychological sub-health, and social interaction sub-health, respectively. Clinically, these three types of subhealth manifestations are often seen in combination.
Differential Diagnosis

Some scholars believe that subhealth and chronic fatigue syndrome abroad are the same thing, both are the study of a group of somatic psychological symptoms mainly characterised by chronic fatigue, but some scholars hold different views.
The United States is the first country to carry out research on chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). 1988, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially named "chronic fatigue syndrome" and defined.[1] 1994, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially named the "chronic fatigue syndrome" and defined. [In 1994, the International Study Group on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (led by the United States, with researchers from Australia, the United Kingdom and other countries) revised the diagnostic criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome.
Definition of chronic fatigue syndrome: clinically assessed, unexplained, persistent or recurrent chronic fatigue of 6 months or more duration. The fatigue is new or has a definite onset (not lifelong); is not the result of sustained exertion; is not significantly relieved by rest; and results in a significant reduction in the ability to work, study, socialise, or carry out personal activities as compared to before.
Diagnostic Criteria:
1 Unexplained, persistent or recurrent chronic fatigue assessed by clinical assessment that is new or has a definite onset, is not congenital, is not the result of ongoing exertion, is not appreciably relieved by rest, and results in a substantial decrease in the patient's occupational, educational, social or personal activities from what they were before the disease;
2 At least four of the following symptoms occur simultaneously and do not precede the symptoms of fatigue, and the symptoms present persist or recur for at least six consecutive months:
(1) Significant decline in short-term memory or concentration;
(2) Sore throat;
(3) Swollen lymph nodes in the neck or axilla;
(4) Muscle pain;
(5) Multiple joint pains without redness or swelling;
(6) Headaches, but the type, manner, and severity of the attacks are different than in the past;
(7) Inability to regain energy after sleep;
(8) Discomfort that continues for more than 24 hours after exercise.
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