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To test blood sugar, choose hand washing or 75% alcohol

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

To test blood sugar, choose hand washing or 75% alcohol
Some people say that just washing your hands is enough to measure blood sugar, and there is no need to use alcohol for disinfection. Some people say that before measuring blood sugar, you must disinfect it with alcohol before taking blood. Which one is correct? Today Xiaonuo will help you solve this old problem that has been entangled for many years.

Let’s first take a look at how the “Chinese Guidelines for the Clinical Application of Blood Glucose Monitoring (2015 Edition)” recommends this issue: The guidelines recommend cleaning the blood collection site (such as the side of the fingertip). You can wash your hands (especially the blood collection site) with soap and warm water, and use a clean Just wipe dry with a napkin or cotton ball.

The guidelines say that just wash your hands with warm water and soap. The soap can wash away the dirt that affects blood sugar results, and the warm water can promote blood circulation and make your fingers more congested. It is best not to use hand sanitizer that is difficult to rinse off. If you use it, rinse it several times to ensure that the residue is removed. The purpose of washing your hands before measuring blood sugar is, firstly, to avoid infection, and secondly, to wash away contaminants on the surface of your fingers so as not to interfere with the accuracy of the blood sugar measurement.

Do you need to disinfect your hands after washing them? Generally, it is not necessary. Washing hands with soap and running water is enough. Frequent use of alcohol can easily cause dry and chapped finger skin. What should I do if I don’t have water to wash my hands when I go out? When washing hands when going out, you can use 75% alcohol (that is, medical alcohol) for disinfection. But do not use iodine or iodophor for disinfection. Iodine can easily cause high results. Don’t use wet wipes to wipe your hands. The complex chemical components in wet wipes may also affect blood sugar levels.

How do you turn off the faucet after washing your hands? This is a problem that many people ignore. After washing hands, to prevent secondary contamination of fingers, use the wrist or the back of the hand to close the water hole. After washing your hands, wait until they are dry before taking the test. No matter which method you use to clean, you must wait until the skin is dry before taking the test, because moisture will affect the accuracy of the results. If the alcohol does not evaporate and dry out, it will also dilute the blood, resulting in lower values. It's best to let it dry naturally, or wipe it dry with a dry clean paper towel. During this period, do not touch other objects with your hands, especially the fingers to be tested, to avoid further contamination.
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