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The weather is getting warmer, what should people with yin deficiency do?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

The weather is getting warmer, what should people with yin deficiency do?
In recent days, the cold weather has gradually gone away, the temperature in many places has begun to rise, and the human body has also begun to change. At this time, the people who are most prone to problems are probably those with yin deficiency constitution.

So, what exactly is yin deficiency? How do we judge whether we belong to yin deficiency?

Let's talk about this yin deficiency today, and we will focus on the constitution of liver yin deficiency.

Let me tell you about a case of body care first. A woman was introduced by a friend to come to me for body analysis. She said that she was particularly prone to fatigue, but she couldn’t sleep well at night. Are you sick? When I went to the hospital, nothing was found, but my condition was really bad, so I always wanted to adjust my physical condition.

I said let's look at the tongue, but when she stuck out her tongue, I said it was too typical. The whole tongue was bright red, even a little crimson, and the shape of the tongue was pointed. This is a typical deficiency of liver yin.

Therefore, a conditioning prescription for nourishing yin was prescribed, which is actually very simple, that is, the famous traditional Chinese medicine prescription Yiguanjian, and the liàn (liàn) seeds in the prescription were removed.

As a result, when I saw her again, she said that her body had basically recovered, and she didn't feel the uncomfortable feeling before.

In fact, this is the advantage of traditional Chinese medicine. For some physical disorders, such as these disorders of yin deficiency and yang deficiency, Western medicine does not have inspection indicators, so the hospital cannot find out what the problem is. However, this disorder will definitely cause discomfort to the human body. At this time , if Chinese medicine is adjusted to the patients, it will change their quality of life. Moreover, these disorders will eventually cause diseases. After the adjustments are made, the patients will not develop in the direction of diseases!
So, what exactly is yin deficiency?

Deficiency of yin refers to the lack of material basis for calmness and moistening in the body. This substance is called yin fluid. If the yin fluid in a person’s body is insufficient, unable to moisten and hold yang qi, it will cause a series of problems, such as dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia and dreaminess, forgetfulness, weakness of the waist and knees, hypersexuality, nocturnal emission, and less menstruation in women Or amenorrhea, or metrorrhagia, emaciation, dry throat, dry mouth, hot flashes, five upset fever, night sweats, flushed cheekbones, red tongue with little or no coating, thready and rapid pulse. In this case, we call yin deficiency.

Yin deficiency will cause the human body to produce asthenic heat. The "Huangdi Neijing" says: "Yin deficiency leads to internal heat". Humid heat and so on, this is really "extra" heat. Deficiency heat refers to the relative excess of yang caused by the lack of nourishing yin substances. This heat is relative.

I once gave such an example, a pot was full of water, and a small fire was lit on the stove. At this time, the water in the pot was kept at a warm temperature and would not boil. This is like a balanced state of our human beings. Our body temperature is constant and we keep warm. This water is like the "yin" in our body.

However, if some of the water in the pot is poured out and bottoms out, the fire is still so big at this time, although it is only a small flame, but after a while you will find that the little water left in the pot is boiling! If you compare it to an adult human body, the boiling state at this time is yin deficiency. In fact, the fire is still so big, but there is relatively less water, which leads to an increase in heat in the system!

I also often use the car engine as an example. If there is insufficient lubricating oil in the "yin" substance, then when the engine is running, it will become hotter and hotter. This is very similar to the "yin deficiency" state. !

I don't know if everyone understands the essence of yin deficiency.

So, how is yin deficiency formed?

There are probably many reasons for the deficiency of Yin:

1. After a febrile illness, due to feeling the heat evil, or miscellaneous diseases that consume Yin fluid over time, it will lead to yin deficiency.

2. As the age increases, the yin substances are continuously attenuated and consumed, which will lead to yin deficiency. Therefore, many elderly people have yin-deficiency constitutions, so "Su Wen·Yin-Yang Yingxiang Dalun" also said this: "At forty, the yin and qi are half."

3. The five ambitions are too extreme. For such a person, if the desire is constant, the relative fire will be relatively strong, and there will be excess liver fire. At this time, the liver yin will be burned, resulting in yin deficiency.
4. Irregular intercourse. People who have excessive sexual intercourse consume kidney essence, which will lead to yin deficiency.

5. People who take warm and dry products, such as taking a lot of hot medicine, or people who like all kinds of spicy food in their daily diet, will have a constitution of yin deficiency.

6. Improper daily life, staying up late hurts Yin. Many people stay up all night, which not only hurts blood, but also consumes yin. This is also a more and more way to hurt yin in modern times.

7. Some people's yin deficiency constitution is inherited from their parents. For example, the parents have severe yin deficiency, or the mother has overeating spicy and other yin-damaging things during pregnancy.

We generally talk about yin deficiency, which is basically the whole body, but it can also be more prominent in a certain organ. For example, there will be syndromes of lung yin deficiency, heart yin deficiency, stomach yin deficiency, spleen yin deficiency, liver yin deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, etc. Today we will mainly talk about liver yin deficiency.

Liver yin deficiency is based on yin deficiency. Liver yin deficiency is more prominent. For example, the liver opens to the eyes, so dizziness, dry eyes, vision loss, hot face or flushing of cheekbones may occur ; and according to the location of the liver meridian, there will be distending pain in the two hypochondriacs, and women will be prone to fever in the reproductive system; because the liver governs the tendons, if the liver yin is insufficient, there will be wriggling and shaking of the hands and feet. Indicates catharsis, and people with insufficient liver yin tend to be irritable and irritable. In addition, other symptoms of yin deficiency, such as dry mouth and throat, five upset fever, hot flashes and night sweats, and thready pulse still exist.

This kind of liver-yin-deficiency tongue usually has a very red tongue with no tongue coating or a very thin tongue coating. Among them, the tongue shape of a very typical person is often pointed.

People with insufficient liver yin are the most sad in spring, because spring belongs to wood, and the liver wood grows at this time. However, people with insufficient liver yin are like trees that want to grow but have no water to nourish them. There were various problems, among which the most problems were dizziness (even the blood pressure would rise after Western medicine examination), and bad temper.
An old Chinese doctor once said that he had never seen a person with yin deficiency. I think this is not objective. There are many people with yin deficiency. My mother has a constitution of yin deficiency after she gets old. So every year at this time, I It is necessary to nourish her yin, otherwise, she will feel that her emotions are particularly agitated, difficult to control, and easy to get angry. And the blood pressure is not very stable at this time, so nourishing yin in advance can help her get through it smoothly.

So what to do if the liver yin is deficient?

There is a prescription in traditional Chinese medicine called Yiguanjian, which is a prescription in the medical book "Liuzhou Medical Talk" in the Qing Dynasty. Among them, Toosendan is for purging liver fire, and the rest are medicines for nourishing yin.

This prescription is very classic. For liver yin deficiency, I basically use it as the main prescription. We can improve it. I often use:

Nine grams of raw land, nine grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, nine grams of dendrobium, nine grams of white peony, nine grams of medlar, six grams of angelica, and six grams of roasted licorice.

Generally, it can be improved obviously after taking three to five days, and there is no need to take more. If you can ask a local doctor to add or subtract according to the specific situation, it is the best. Pregnant women should use it under the guidance of a doctor.

When the liver yin is insufficient, it is also possible to take Liuwei Dihuang Wan, because when Qian Yi created the prescription of Liuwei Dihuang Wan in the Song Dynasty, he basically used this prescription to regulate liver and kidney yin deficiency.

In addition, everyone must know that the state of yin deficiency is also related to our bad living habits. For example, a person who eats hot and spicy boiled fish all day long, and a person who has skewered skewers every day, is likely to be prone to yin deficiency. Therefore, the usual adjustment is also very important.

In addition, if a person is not well-cultivated and has a violent personality, it is easy to damage the liver yin. If we can calm the mind, read more books to nourish the heart, and do more things to nourish the heart, such as learning calligraphy and practicing Tai Chi , it is very beneficial for you to cultivate liver yin.

Spring is here, and flowers around the world are beginning to bloom one after another. This is a very pleasant and beautiful thing for normal people. However, in this world, there are also people with yin deficiency who will feel various discomforts at this time. At this time, if It is my responsibility, Dr. Luo, to let everyone understand the truth, adjust it by myself, and enjoy the flowers with everyone calmly.
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